ch 11.10: have I mentioned Ivan is nuts? #nowalyoshaknows #candmitrybesaved #willivanconfess #willsmerdygetblamed #tomorrowwegotocourt #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
ch 11.10: have I mentioned Ivan is nuts? #nowalyoshaknows #candmitrybesaved #willivanconfess #willsmerdygetblamed #tomorrowwegotocourt #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Needed a short audiobook to listen to with the parents as we did a round-trip drive to Bellingham, Washington, today, so we plugged in this inspirational number. So far so good--lots of food for thought, so to speak, based around the important questions we should be asking of the world and ourselves. A good choice for any soon-to-be graduates!
Thanks to Libro.fm. For the listen! #audiobook #WaitWhat @HarperCollins #inspirational #questions