This week in books: 3 #BOTM, 9 #BookOutlet (buy 2, get one free!) #TBR #BookHaul #WhatHaveIDone?
This week in books: 3 #BOTM, 9 #BookOutlet (buy 2, get one free!) #TBR #BookHaul #WhatHaveIDone?
So this happened...I forgot I‘d stashed away a little extra book money for later in the month... but I caved. All the posts have gotten to me. I couldn‘t help myself. I may have a problem.
#ChristopherReeve #NothingIsImpossible #StephanieMeyer #MidnightSun #BookHaul #BookSplurge #AppleBooks #whathaveidone #couldnthelpmyself
I have books and separated the keepers in to genres. Now to reorganize shelves... @24in48 #whathaveidone #stayhome24in48 #socialdistancing
When I read a few books at a time, I don‘t usually finish them all on the same day. But when I do, I get to pick three more! The left is my current audiobook—interested in her fiction after reading Forensics. The other two are ARCs I‘m trying to get caught up on. The Exile gets terrible ratings ... oh boy ...
#arcapril #whathaveidone #booktriple
I *might* have committed to too many buddy reads this month. 😕
#JulyTBR #ReadingResolutions #PhotoChallenge #WhatHaveIDone?
I forgot to let my Litsy peeps know my exciting news! I officially got accepted to grad school for library science! I start in the fall - I have to finish up that pesky bachelor‘s first. #whathaveidone #fivekidsschoolandworkforanothertwoyears
Leave it me to start a page turner 30 minutes before bed 😱 #whathaveidone #justonemorechapter