Epoch 2, part 1, ch 4-6: so stressful #laurawontsignthepapers #soproud #countporkchopstepsin #percyleaves #marianwritestothelawyer #countporkchopreadit 😳 #countesscoldeyeshelpshim 🙄 #lauraandmariantakeastroll #followed 😳 #bywho #butnowweknowwhatanasspercyis #notsurprised #dick #marianinterceptstheletter #countporkchopshowsupimmediately #porkchopcluesinpercy #nosignaturenow #whew #but #anneisback #sheknowspercyssecret #theplotthickens #staytuned
BarkingMadRead #hashtagbrigade 18h
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk @bklover @mcctrish @librarybelle @sace @clare-dragonfly @ruthiella @roary47 @catlass007 @elizamarie @quietjenn @dabbe @kwmg40 @rubyslippersreads 18h
BarkingMadRead @kao @barbarajean @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @samanne @kathywheeler @leftcoastzen @kspenmoll @graciouswarriorprincess @morr_books 18h
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Leftcoastzen 😂👏 18h
Bookwormjillk Super stressful 17h
Leftcoastzen I was hoping they might be able to get a letter out & get a response. #Countporkchop keeps a close eye on things , I know novels of this era draws things out , but I‘m yelling at the book if there is a secret , tell Laura & Marian NOW!😄 16h
mcctrish #countporkchop is the mastermind! How much money does #percypig owe him? I loathe the countess, Ann is the hero 16h
Clare-Dragonfly How exciting! I wanted to cheer when Laura wouldn‘t sign the paper without reading it. She learned something from Emily! 😂 I‘m glad #countporkchop only read Marian‘s letter—I was afraid he would have tampered with it. 16h
ElizaMarie #WhatIsTheSecret !? I need to know! The suspense keeps building up! 1h