I finally got my copy! Which book are you up to? #Earthsea2018 @BkClubCare @Avidreader25
I finally got my copy! Which book are you up to? #Earthsea2018 @BkClubCare @Avidreader25
Finished it and I am definitely a fan. I‘ve been looking everywhere for book 2. It reminded me of a lot of other fantasy books, though it came first and is clearly the inspiration. I loved the main character‘s journey to humility & dedication. His best friend Vetch & his loyal pet were 2 of my favorites. My one complaint is that I wish I could get to know the characters better, so I‘m glad the series isn‘t over! #Earthsea2018 @BkClubCare
So far this reminds me so much of The Name of the Wind. It‘s also got a little bit of Harry Potter and Game of Thrones (Arya‘s story) mixed in. Ged is so impulsive and has no patience for learning.
“Yet a greater, and learned skill he possessed, which was the art of kindness.” #Earthsea2018 @BkClubCare @bookandcat @abandonallhope @CareBear
“... the talk of dragons drew him with a great curiosity.”
And so it begins, our #readalong for June! Yea, I‘m starting early. #Earthsea2018 #imonaboat
A vacation and a busted car derailed my reading plans, so I bumped this readalong forward a month and we are starting in June! I‘ve been wanting to read Le Guin‘s famous series for years. Anyone who wants to join in the fun is welcome! Post your thoughts on Litsy, Twitter, or Instagram to join in. #Earthsea2018 @BkClubCare @bookandcat @abandonallhope
#readingresolutions @jess7
May 1: May TBR
Am working on a number of #buddyread books this month: #thornbirds #middlemarchinapril #senseandsensibilityreadalong #losersclub (including catch-up) as well as readalongs for The Gunslinger #epickatetread #epicbuddyread and Earthsea #earthsea2018 . WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?
Hope to finish Shantaram and Three Kingdoms Volume II. And We Need to Talk About Kevin for irl #bookclub