This is an odd book, but a very imaginative tale. It‘s a pretty slow unfolding of events, but not necessarily boring. It‘s hard to pin it to a genre, it‘s mystery, romance fantasy and adventure.
I liked the feminist stance towards the end.
This is an odd book, but a very imaginative tale. It‘s a pretty slow unfolding of events, but not necessarily boring. It‘s hard to pin it to a genre, it‘s mystery, romance fantasy and adventure.
I liked the feminist stance towards the end.
Another Natasha Preston book staying on the bookshelves 😝 This wasn‘t my top favorite of hers but I did like it. She always knows how to throw in those twists at the end. I had a feeling that it was Megan for a while but once Aaron was arrested I thought I had been wrong. I wish I knew if Blake made it out innocent in the end. What a cruel group of friends… another pick in the YA category!
My mobile stops ringing, and Chace‘s starts.
I take the envelope and pull out the note inside.
#YouWillBeMine #NatashaPreston #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #bookphotographer #bookphotography #bookart #bookattitude #bookartist #bookaholic #Mystery #Thriller #YoungAdult #MysteryThriller #Horror #Suspense #Fiction #Romance #Audiobook 🌹🖤
Combine Vimes, Woody, Dresden, all living in the land of misfit Toys & you might get a distilled version of this Friends-verse.
Tippy the x-imaginary friend. A stuffed triceratops detective.
Someone or something is killing these x-imaginary friends.
We get to meet a bunch of interesting friends and ride along as Tippy catches his man, the tea time man, a terrible kidnapping father.
Sad, lush, a certain depth, a story with a moral!
Another great read from Natasha Preston. Full of mystery, intrigue, and twists up to the final pages. Natasha Preston never disappoints when it comes to her thriller novels. I can‘t wait to read her other books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#TheCabin #NatashaPreston #book #books #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #Thriller #Mystery #YoungAdult #MysteryThriller #Suspense #Fiction #Romance #Horror 💙💙💙💙
This is brilliant bad cover work here - originally published/set in 1932, the main character of this story would probably literally rather die than show her bare midriff/legs in public😂 Love these 80s covers that try to make GLH look spicier.
This is typical GHL work - sweet, hardworking, poor girl receives help from a kind, goodhearted fellow and everyone ends up rich and happy in the end, with a dose of Jesus throughout. Not for everyone, ⬇
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