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V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
For use in schools and libraries only. In a futuristic Britain where a totalitarian regime rules, a young woman is rescued from death by a masked vigilante calling himself "V," who launches a one-man crusade against government tyranny and oppression.
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Eggs Perfect 🧡🎭💚 8mo
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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SRWCF Y E S ! 3y
Bookworm04 Nice 👍 followed on@good reads I try find you on Instagram 3y
Bookworm04 Followed on all 3 :) 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Today is my recovery day from my COVID booster shot. A little #VforVendetta to remind me of a time when we only feared a dystopian future ruled by malevolent governments rather than the decline of the world by a global pandemic.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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This was in 1988. Nineteen. Eighty. Eight. “Make Britain Great Again”.

#books #WritingCommunity #author #authors #amwriting #amediting #writers #BookTwitter #BookWorm #bookstagram #AlanMoore #VforVendetta

Awk_Word_Smith Just realized that Reagan used the slogan “Let‘s make America great again” in his 1980 campaign. But still haunting. 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I can think of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

It's that time of year again! ?️‍♀️❤

Nutmegnc Best story ever! And the movie—I‘ve seen it 20 times if I‘ve seen it once. (edited) 3y
rubyslippersreads I haven‘t read the book, but I love the movie. 3y
Branwen @Nutmegnc I agree! It's so powerful! I just watched the movie again earlier this evening! @rubyslippersreads They're both fantastic, but the movie makes me sob everytime! 3y
Nutmegnc @rubyslippersreads 💯 sobs every time and 12/10 will do again 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Just finished my #BookSpin for April: V for Vendetta and it was really really good. It was a recommendation in the foreword of one of the Sandman volumes and it didn't disappoint. A great story from start to end. To my shame I didn't know that Alan Moore also wrote The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Watchmen so this will not be my last encounter with his writing. A definite pick!


claudiuo Also finished a steampunk novel, Free-Wrench by Joseph Lallo and the latest Murderbot novel, Network Effect which was simply awesome, my favorite in the series until now so I'm taking this opportunity to post my #BookSpinBingo progress. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Over all I think I prefer the movie to this one but it‘s still a fantastic story and I will always love the message it tells.


#Booked2021 - mustache on cover

BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice choice! 3y
Cinfhen Awesome 🥸 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Oof. I‘ve been in a huge slump the last couple of weeks. Dealing with more personal drama issues from someone I‘ve given too many second chances to. I am trying desperately to get back into my reading and I still have more #LitsyLove letters to send out. Plus I still need to mail that package to @Jadams1776 which I promise I will do Monday!

I thought a graphic novel would help unslump me but it hasn‘t yet...here‘s hoping!

kezzlou85 Hope things settle down and your slump eases soon. 3y
Crazeedi Sometimes life interferes with our reading, its frustrating! Hang in there💕 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m in the same boat 🚣‍♀️😩 3y
UwannaPublishme Wishing you less drama and happier days ahead! Take good care! 🤗💕 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#Watchmen was not bad either but I loved this one more. 🖤🎭

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Popcorn, cherry ale, cute book lamp and a graphic novel — a perfect evening. 💕

LibrarianRyan Ive seen that book lamp online. It looks so much fun! 3y
starlight97 @LibrarianRyan I love it 😁 3y
UwannaPublishme Love that lamp! 😍 3y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore

Let me start by saying I LOVE the movie and saw it long before I read this. So I very much like the concepts behind this story. I was disappointed in the artwork of the graphic novel; it was kind of ugly and the colors were newspapery-muted. I was also disturbed that Evey is 16 years old...weird. There are a lot more auxiliary characters in the novel, and it felt winding and confusing.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"Remember remember the 5th of November."

Chrissyreadit One of my sons favorite movies! 4y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#tarottakeover @Meaw_catlady @ErinSueMreads

The tarot prompt for today is the Death card, which deals with rebirth! I decided to go with the graphic novel V for Vendetta, since V experiences a complete and total rebirth as he sheds his old identity. He is no longer Prisoner 5, he is the vigilante V! Evie experiences a rebirth in the story as well!

emz711 Such a fun one! Did you like the novel or the movie better? They're so different 4y
Meaw_catlady Ooo!! I‘ve never read this! Is this a graphic novel version? 4y
Branwen @emz711 It's really hard to pick because I love them both! I think I probably like the movie a bit more because it impacted me in such an emotional way! But I do like the ending better for the graphic novel! 😁 How about you? @Meaw_catlady YES! It's really really good! 4y
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emz711 @Branwen same answer! Hugo Weaving is incredible 4y
Branwen @emz711 YES! OMG RIGHT?! His voice is so perfect! 4y
Huda_Q I haven't read it yet how is that .....? ( I love the movie though ❤❤) 4y
Branwen @quddusi It's really fantastic! Very different from the movie though! 4y
Huda_Q @Branwen let's see ....It will be my next read of this year ❤ 4y
Branwen @quddusi Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! 4y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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This was probably obvious.
Author - Van Allsburg, Chris (as in Jumanji)
Singer/Band - Velvet Revolver
Song - Venus in furs.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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📖 V For Vendetta
✏ Jack Vance
📺 V (love those space lizards!!)
📽 V For Vendetta (solid adaptation)
🎤 Vanilla Ice (Ice Ice Baby!!)
🎶 Veteran of the Psychic Wars - Blue Oyster Cult

#manicmonday #LetterV @JoScho

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason that the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."

I just watched this movie for the first time the other night and it totally blew me away! I had to immediately get the graphic novel after that and I'm really excited to start it today. Even though it was written in the 80's it is SUPER relevant in today's world. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #roxas

Mitch Super cute kitty! 4y
Branwen @Mitch Thank you! And he knows it, too! 😁💕 4y
vivastory I love the movie & really like Moore's gn but haven't read this one yet. Need to remedy this! 4y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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This is the last book I tried to read on May for #BookSpinBonanza but I didn't finish it. I hope I can complete it this month. I'm enjoying it so far. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I'm still working on my list, too!!! 4y
Gissy @TheAromaofBooks So many books📚📚📚📚so little time! Did I tell you that I decided not to die because I need to read all these books? Or I can be one of the ghosts like the one at Hogwarts so I can continue reading afterlife😂🤣 4y
TheAromaofBooks hahaha you haven't told me that before but I am totally here for it!!! I was born three weeks late, and Mom says it was probably because I was in there finishing a book! 😂 4y
Gissy @TheAromaofBooks That's so funny😂🤣😂🤣 4y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Part 2 of my 20 favorite movies of the aughts. With my favorite beverages in the middle. Makers Mark & Coke. Really any Boulevard is great.
The 2000s were a time of major life changes for me. It was the decade I was in my 20s & early 30s:
I traveled frequently, fell in love & eventually married (& eventually out of love & divorced 😂), became politically aware due to GW, moved to another state for several years, attended great cultural events.

readordierachel Damn, I've never seen The Host. I will have to rectify that immediately! 4y
Leftcoastzen Love sideways! 4y
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Leftcoastzen Zodiac and Darko are faves Dream was amazing. 4y
vivastory @readordierachel I need to rewatch it. Bong Joon-Ho is one of my favorite directors. Didn't you say you watched Parasite? 4y
Suet624 Darko! 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I remember seeing Sideways in the theater twice. I almost never rewatch movies, especially in the theater 4y
vivastory @Suet624 Now I feel like rewatching it 😄 4y
readordierachel Yep! It was so good. Have you seen it? 4y
vivastory @readordierachel Not yet. I think I might rent it this weekend, I'm going to be snowed in. 4y
readordierachel That's no fun. Hope it's not too much of a hassle. Good excuse to watch movies and read. (Not that you need an excuse for that 🙂) 4y
Suet624 And now I feel like watching Sideways again! 😀 4y
vlwelser 😍 Amelie. Saw it in the theater any time someone wanted to go. 4y
Leftcoastzen Never saw There will be Blood or V for vendetta or Host .I have a no Cruise policy 😎Like Amelie! (edited) 4y
batsy Fab collage. Some of these are my favourites... Amelie, 21 Grams, Donnie Darko, Requiem, Vendetta.... 😍 4y
inthegreensandblues Good taste in bev 🍻 4y
Cinfhen 🍺🍺🍺and to falling back in love ❣️It‘s the mom in me 4y
BarbaraBB I don‘t know much about movies (hardly ever watch any ☺️) but I do like to read about your life story 😍 4y
Tanisha_A Amelie, love that movie ❤️ 4y
vivastory @Cinfhen 🙂🍻 Maybe one day. Although right now I'm in a comitted relationship with my books. 4y
vivastory @BarbaraBB Thanks! I enjoyed learning more about your life too 😊 4y
Cinfhen Fair enough 💓💓💓books really are wonderful companions ☺️ 4y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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DAY 29 #IllRemember | “Remember, Remember the Fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”

This has been in my TBR for ages. Loved the film!


Cinfhen Natalie Portman was in Israel promoting this film and we were staying at the same hotel as she was. At the time she was super young & she liked my daughter‘s jacket. We ended up having a nice chat (edited) 5y
Laura317 The movie was fun. 5y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen That‘s so cool!!! 5y
Cinfhen She was really down to earth and lovely 😊 I don‘t even remember her having any security with her. 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"He may be an anarchist who has voted only once in his life, but the comics legend Alan Moore is calling on his fans to oppose the “rapacious, smirking rightwing parasites” currently in government and join him in voting Labour." ✊?


TrishB Hubby loved this today too! 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot"

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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scripturient Hey love, do you already have an address for me? By now I have two books to send you. 😁 Hope the move is going smoothly. 😊 5y
GatheringBooks Yes! Will send you details via email soonest. :) 5y
GatheringBooks @scripturient thanks for being so patient, steff! hopefully i receive the books despite the absence of a postcode. :) we now live in the desert! :) or at least very close to it. :) 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Oh my gosh. Grab a copy of this and get reading. This is one of those graphic novels that justifies the genre. This book is so quotable and so poignant.

vivastory Love Alan Moore, but somehow haven't read this one yet 5y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory I also had somehow gone without reading this even though Watchmen is one of my favorite graphic novels. I was missing out! This is good stuff! Give it a go! 5y
vivastory I definitely will! Have you read League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? 5y
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AshleyHoss820 @vivastory Not yet, but I really want to!! 5y
vivastory It's fantastic. I have a weakness for Victorian era genre lit, so it's right up my alley. 5y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory I mean, who doesn‘t!? What‘s not to love! It sounds like it would be my jam as well! I‘ve been in a graphic novel kick for a couple of weeks, so I may see if my library has it! 5y
vivastory I look forward to your thoughts on it! Have you read his take on Batman? It's one of my favorites 5y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory The Killing Joke is a masterpiece! LOVE that one! 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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I loved Watchmen. I thought V for Vendetta would be my favorite, but I‘m not sure. Let‘s see....☺️

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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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gradcat Yes! 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#masquerade #musicalnewyear
I may use this one for #graphicnovel for #booked2019 challenge. I‘m not good with graphic novels and just don‘t get anything from them. It‘s a tie between this one and To Kill a Mockingbird at the moment.

batsy I thought this was very good. Hope you find it a worthwhile read! 5y
Cathythoughts Great cover ! 5y
Cinfhen I have a few prospects but I think I‘m leaning towards a freebie I got from NetGalley😂😂😂 5y
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Patchshank I really enjoyed it. It's a million times better than the movie in my opinion. I read it after seeing the movie and I don't blame Alan Moore for not wanting his name on it. The movie completely butchered it. Worse than usual adaptations. 5y
TrishB @Patchshank I quite liked the film 😱 but will see how it compares!! 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen hubby has a whole book case of them so I have a lot of choice!! 5y
TrishB @batsy @Cathythoughts it‘s looks good 👍🏻 5y
Patchshank @TrishB I liked the film too. Still do for the most part. But it just could have been a lot better if they worked closer to the comic book. It's just my opinion though. I'm sure plenty of people disagree. 5y
TrishB @Patchshank I will have a think when I finally get to it. 5y
vivastory I love Alan Moore, haven't read this one yet 5y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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This one is great, of course. Very different from the movie, but considering how different the times were when it was published vs when the movie came out & all the knowledge about nuclear weapons & their after effects that had been gained in that time, it‘s no wonder. I also loved that they kept chapters that were merely meant to serve as interludes in the book for completeness.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Trying to get out of this reading slump that not having time to read has put me in by reading some Alan Moore. I‘ve always wanted to read this graphic novel as I love the movie and I loved Watchmen, & I found it the other day on the Libby app. #graphicnovel #libbyapp #libbybyoverdrive #ipadreading #readingslump

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#RRSciFiMonth Day 5 - Gunpowder, treason and plot. Oh no, now I'm rereading it....

#vforvendetta #alanmoore #favs

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Happy Guy Fawkes Nights 🎆🎇✨

KarouBlue Yaaaaassss! 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Repost for @Billypar :
So excited to be co-hosting November's music photo challenge w @Cinfhen !
#NoFemmeber is about celebrating female musicians & female-fronted bands who're actively making music & awesome (imho). The playlist is on Spotify with the same name, so I hope you check it out & it stokes some feminist energy affronted by recent events in the news (if you're in the U.S. anyway!).
Looking forward to my first bookish DJ gig! 😎📚▶️🎶

LitsyHappenings And from @Cinfhen : So very excited to be co-hosting November's music photo challenge with @Billypar
#NoFemmeber is about celebrating female musicians and female-fronted bands who are actively making music The playlist is on Spotify with the same name 💕🎉🎶 Hope you‘ll join us 💪🏼💄🎸🎧
Cinfhen Thank you for the reposts!!!! 😘😘 6y
Mdargusch Looks like a fun challenge! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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So very excited to be co-hosting November's music photo challenge with @Cinfhen !
#NoFemmeber is about celebrating female musicians and female-fronted bands who are actively making music and awesome (imho). The playlist is on Spotify with the same name, so I hope you check it out and it stokes some feminist energy that was affronted by recent events in the news (if you're in the U.S. anyway!).
Looking forward to my first bookish DJ gig! 😎📚▶️🎶

Cinfhen Woohoo!!! This is gonna be fun 👊🏼💕🎉 6y
Cinfhen Can u please repost @LitsyHappenings 6y
BarbaraBB This sounds good, @Billypar and @Cinfhen 🎶👍. What‘s with the 23th?! ❤️ 6y
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Cinfhen Ha @BarbaraBB I just noticed that too! Is is your birthday????? I know you have a November bday 💋 (edited) 6y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen No, mine is ten days before 😀. Maybe it‘s @Billypar ‘s? 6y
Cathythoughts How exciting! I‘ll do my best ... 👍🏻🎉🎉 6y
LeahBergen Yay! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
batsy Very cool 🤘🏽 I'm going to do my best to participate though I've fallen off the photo challenge wagon from sheer laziness 6y
Billypar @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Lol- I was wondering if my random error of leaving the Excel cursor in the screenshot would lead to speculation. I noticed it after I left for work, then knew I wouldn't get home until after 11 pm to correct, posted after much internal debate 😋 6y
Cinfhen It makes for fun convo & speculation @Billypar @BarbaraBB 😂😂 6y
Billypar @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen @batsy Excited to see what you all come up with 😃 And yes, @batsy I also share your struggle with laziness, so totally understand! 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#QuotsySept18 Day 26: V is also for #Vigilante, not just Vendetta.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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They changed a lot of characters development in the movie, specially V and Evey (I prefer movie V). But most of the changes make sense.
I always think that the book is better, but in this case, it's a tie.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Damn. Alan Moore is one hell of a writer. This was written in the 80s yet the parallels to today...it‘s chilling. I watched the movie years ago and liked it but I always hesitated on reading the graphic novel. I‘m glad I finally did. The political and social commentary is still very relevant.

The illustrations- I found it difficult to decipher who was who in the panels so if their names weren‘t said, I wasn‘t always sure who was present.

Leniverse This was my gateway into graphic novels. I just saw them as “comics” before this, and preferred “real books”. 🙄 So amazing, and much better than the movie. (Although I didn‘t hate the movie like it seems most people did who had read the graphic novel first. I think it worked, just wasn‘t as good as the source material. But, you know, the book is almost always better than the movie!) 6y
Kristy_K @Leniverse Agreed. I enjoyed the movie but this was better! 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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1. Evidently Keith Urban never carries enough cash to buy coffee. 😂
2. V for Vendetta
3. The two succulents that are inside the house during the winter are now outside for the summer.
4. Social studies
5. All kinds of critters. Raccoons, Opossums, skunks, squirrels, groundhogs, coyotes, deer, snakes, a bunch of different birds, even the occasional bald eagle.
@MinDea @Robothugs

Robothugs Get it together, Keith Urban! 😆 I have only seen the movie but I LOVE V for Vendetta. 6y
BookishTrish Where are you? We have similar wildlife! 6y
TK421 @BookishTrish middle of nowhere Ohio. 6y
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TK421 @BookishTrish we have started getting bobcats, timber rattlesnakes, and black bears in the area again. I hope I can see one! 6y
Cathythoughts For heavens sake! Wouldn‘t you think Keith Urban could afford a coffee 🙄😁 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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I enjoy a good graphic novel! They‘re fast paced. They‘re visually stunning. And they really allow authors and artists to collaborate in a unique manner of storytelling. Decided to download this guy after watching the movie the other night. Hopefully V‘s dialogue is just as alluding and alliterative as Hugo Weaving‘s portrayal.
#bookstomovies #graphicnovels

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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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GypsyKat Well done! 👍 6y
GripLitGrl Thanks @GypsyKat 😆 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Find it kind of disturbing how relevant this book--published in the 80s-- is to 2018

MJSanty That was my take on it as well. I especially liked the Anarchism political ideas. 6y
Trismegistus Agree 100 percent. Incidentally, Warren Ellis' Transmetropolitan is another fabulous title that's equally relevant now, if you're ever looking for another graphic novel to check out. 6y
Swe_Eva I reread that one every year, every year hoping that it doesn‘t apply anymore. 😔 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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I think this is classified as a classic so I'm reading a classic!

rubyslippersreads ❤️ the movie but haven't read the book. 6y
Verity Alan Moore lives in my town. I keep hoping I‘ll bump into him at some point! 6y
CaroPi @Verity Hope you do! 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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#QuotsyApril18 | April 30: honesty

Thanks @TK-421 for hosting this! I love quotes and I love designing pics for each quote. I had a blast finding ones that for April & I look forward to May‘s challenge. I may have to do an April quote recap on my blog! 😀

TK-421 Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in May 😊 6y
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V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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Now readingggg