#GiftedToYou by my son-in-law.
Lots of good recipes.
#GiftedToYou by my son-in-law.
Lots of good recipes.
Gifted to me by Lisa 💛 planning to read in September 🍁
So many lovely gifts over the years from my Litsy family!! I am so blessed to have made so many friends here 💛🧡
The last book #GiftedToYou (or gifted to me) was this one from my boss. We were discussing good business/leadership books & this is a favorite of his. It‘s a chunkster so I‘m trying to read a couple of the “micro chapters” each morning.
My mom gifted me her Christmas newsletters before she died. She loved spreading the news of her four daughters during her favorite season. I bound them in a spiral book for each of my sisters. It's my most precious possession.
I snapshotted her 1982 newsletter when I was a senior in high school--before cool stationery and computers! And I still miss her every day. 🩶🖤🩶
At the bottom left is the book I've had the longest, but it's not inscribed and also only special to me because I've had it since I was 5. But Charlotte's Web was given by my favorite great-aunt and uncle -- maybe when I was 8? -- and is much loved. I
#aboutabook #giftedtoyou
I couldn't decide which one to share, so I'm sharing 2. My mom gifted me this copy of Don Quixote, which was gifted to her by my grandfather. I love his inscription: It is quintessentially him. 💙
#aboutabook #giftedtoyou