My Audible Backlog of books got culled a little this month. Also I ended up DNF'ing the Kindle one :)
My Audible Backlog of books got culled a little this month. Also I ended up DNF'ing the Kindle one :)
Sadly this book started out strong with the creepy cop and creepy house in the middle of nowhere but then it just went downhill. Another couple along with some other characters gets introduced and the flow of the writing gets confusing. I didn‘t know what or who was going on in parts. I took this book with me on a two week vacation and only picked it up twice. A sign to #hailtothebail
I know this is an #UnpopularOpinion but, I really just can't get this one done. I have been working on it for a while now, I am about 65-70% done, but I just never want to pick it up to finish. It's probably just me.
Oh well.
#DNF #HailToTheBail
#unpopularopinion A lot of people seemed to enjoy this book, but I'm bailing after 75 pages, past my usual 50 page make or break point. I don't like any of the characters and it's just not keeping my attention.
I rarely bail on a book but this one - I can‘t even.
#unpopularopinion I've seen a lot of good reviews for this, but I'm finding it boring and I can't get into it. I'll definitely hold on to it, maybe give it a try again at a later date.
I only got 4 chapters into this before I knew it wasn't for me. I don't like casual infidelity, so the lead mc was a turnoff for me from the start. Maybe he got better later, but I didn't find the story interesting enough to carry on.
This book. Well. I usually never DNF anything but this book really was not for me at all. I read 70ish pages and it felt soooo long already. There is no real story, just random weird snippets. Don‘t get me wrong- I LOVE weird random snippets. But this felt so pointless, boring and pretentious. So, I‘ve decided to give up. I have another Robbins book at home and hope that that one will be better.