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It‘s a wrap!


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Not quite lion-and-the-lamb but close! Our pup has fallen hard for the orphaned kid. Has spent the weekend cuddling it.

Tamra Sweet! 5y
MicheleinPhilly OMG! 😍 5y
Eyelit Omg I‘m dying from the absolute cuteness overload 😍 5y
Christine Awww!! 5y
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March is a wrap!

🌱6 more in my continuing #SeriesRead with @TheSpineView
🌱2 #ReadTheCandidates with @MelissaSue81
🌱3 Nonfictions for #Nonfiction2019
🌱3 #MountTBR

Sadly I haven‘t quiet finished my #NFBuddyRead with @BarbaraTheBibliophage , so I‘m carrying that one over to April.


Daisey I always enjoy how you put your stats together in a graphic! Also, such an interesting mix of books. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey It almost always depends on how creative I‘m feeling that particular day when I make the graphic. 😂. And thank you! 5y
TheSpineView Excellent work!😊 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Great job! 📖💖 5y
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I‘ve got 2 early bloomers here, and after a long dark winter I thought I‘d share. Lots of tulip, daffodil, and iris leaves popping up along the house and one stray daffodil and scilla that decided to open on this last day of March. ☀️

Crazeedi We drove home through light snow! And snow on ground at home🤨 5y
LaraReads 💛💛💛 5y
Crinoline_Laphroaig My poor daffies have taken a beating this spring. Lots of rain/storms in Oklahoma this spring. One last freeze tonight and we are good to go.🤞 5y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Crinoline_Laphroaig So many of mine have buds on and they are so early, I‘m afraid of a good freeze yet.🤞 5y
Tamra Oh, so welcome a sight! (edited) 5y
shanaqui It's nearly the end of our daffs here! I know they're usually among the earliest, and always by Dydd Gwyl Dewi, but they were peeking out back at the beginning of February for us! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @shanaqui So jealous, I wish we‘d been that warm the beginning of Feb! 5y
shanaqui It didn't feel warm to me! But it's all relative to what you're used to, really. Daffs are always so friendly looking, too! 5y
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I have over expectations again....
... we‘ll see how far I get. 😉


BookmarkTavern I LOVED From a Certain Point of View! ❤️ 5y
suvata You can do it! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @blamethestardust I am loving it, but I‘ve been spreading it out, a short story or two in between each book. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @suvata We‘ll see, in January I had “planned” 12 books, but only read 5 of what I had planned. I usually always plan big, and am also easily led astray by other things that look good. 5y
SW-T You‘ve got some fun stuff in there! Happy March reading 😊 5y
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A super cute story about a Toy Helping other toys on Christmas Eve! #dec1 #christmasstories

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March Stats: 8 books, 2185 pages, 6 fiction, 2 non-fiction. 1 each classic, historical fiction and memoir. 3 set outside of the U.S. (my home country) 2 of those=works in translation. Two 5 ⭐️ (Lincoln in the Bardo-audio AND print, and All Grown Up), five 4 ⭐️ and one 3 ⭐️ Onward!

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Great month for reading for me. Made a concerted effort to hack away at Mount TBR. Good progress with 12. Soooooo easy to get distracted by new releases!!!!

Lindy Congrats on 12 from your TBR! 7y
rachelm Nice!!! 7y
Andrew65 A great achievement. Well done! 🍾 7y
Suet624 Great job! 7y
moranadatter Wow! A book a day! 7y
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A meditative yet lively look at shepherding communities in N. England.Rebanks mixes passages on the seemingly timeless traditions and practices of his inherited and chosen vocation w/ scenes of immediate toil & reward amongst his family & flock.His life as a UN adviser on sustainable landscapes & farming is linked to these but without preachy finger-wagging. Highly recommended if you are curious about lambs,the Lake District,or living in 2 worlds.

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