Today‘s #letskeeplitsyactive prompt by @ljuliel is what writer do you buy instantly?
These are a few of mine - also Kate Morton too -
Today‘s #letskeeplitsyactive prompt by @ljuliel is what writer do you buy instantly?
These are a few of mine - also Kate Morton too -
This is a book that touched me. I found it unexpectedly funny at times and I loved the message of small connections making a great impact in people‘s lives. I have enjoyed all of Mr Backman‘s books that I have read, they are ‘keepers‘ on my bookshelves!
Perhaps it is time for a re-read? 🤔
I‘m posting this in response to @ljuliel ‘s Challenge to #LetsKeepLitsyActive by posting a book that moved us emotionally.
Could post many but The Light Between Oceans challenged my moral compass and made me cry long ugly tears! 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢 Such a great book and stayed with me. ❣️😍
What book moved you emotionally? Amy emotions. #BooksMoveUsEmotionally