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Bunnicula | Deborah Howe, James Howe, Alan Daniel
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Bunnicula is a character I #lovedatage10. He sucked the life out of... vegetables!

Books have a real impact on readers' lives!

Gezemice Bunny! Is that your bunny? 🐰🐰🐰❤👍 8y
monalyisha @Gezemice It is! Her name's Moxie. She's the coolest. 🥕 8y
Gezemice Love your bunny! Moxie is a great name. We have two bunnies - Emmet and Wild Style. They are adorable. #bunniesoflitsy 🐰🐰🐰😀 8y
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monalyisha @Gezemice She's named after Penn Teller's daughter, actually (he's a famous magician, so it's got the magic + bunny connection). Her full name is Moxie Crimefighter. It's possible that I may have started following you when I joined Litsy because I saw that you have bunnies. 😉🐰 (edited) 8y
Gezemice Oh really? That's great! Moxie Crimefighter, so cool. Emmet is actually Emmet Schrödinger, lol. They are named after the Lego movie. 8y
monalyisha @Gezemice OooOoo, so fancy! (edited) 8y
Gezemice @monalyisha Thx :) Btw I forgot to say that picture of your bunny is genius. I don't think I could get mine to pose like that. 👍👍😻 8y
monalyisha @Gezemice It's an old picture that I repurposed. My husband (who's a photographer) took it so I can't really take credit. 😉 8y
Gezemice @monalyisha Ah, a photographer! That explains it. It needs skill for sure! 8y
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Anastasia Krupnik | Lois Lowry
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There are so many characters I #lovedatage10. I could have gone with Anne of Green Gables, the girls from the Babysitters Club, Ramona Quimby, anyone from a Judy Blume book. But Anastasia Krupnik doesn't get enough love. So I picked her. #17booklove @jess.how

Born.A.Reader I still have my copy of this and reread it on occasion. Absolutely loved it -and you're right, she doesn't get the credit she deserves! 😊😊 8y
rachellayown I forgot about this book! 8y
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I loved this book as a kid and I love it as an adult too.

lynneamch This was my son's favorite as a kid. He only told me that as an adult. One of his teachers read it to the class. I hope teachers still have time to do that. 8y
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Artemis Fowl | Eoin Colfer
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I'm not sure if this was a book I #LovedAtAge10, but it was published when I was 10, so it's pretty likely that I read it that year. I think I stopped this series after the third book, though, so I should probably go back at some point and read all of them. #17BookLove

398.2 I loved this series! 😀 8y
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A Wizard of Earthsea | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Apropos of my last post, what I looked like when I first read "Earthsea." This photo also makes clear why the book spoke to me. Yes, that's the part of the world that inspired the topography of Earthsea. #lovedatage10 #17booklove @jess.how

LeahBergen Aww! Look at you! 💗 8y
hlgreenfield I recently bought those books to finally read them! I wish I'd read them as a kid to be honest - it sounds like the sort of books I love and I wish I'd grown up with them. 8y
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I think I was around 10 when I read these. I've read and enjoyed the Nancy Drew series, Trixie Belden Series (though I secretly prefer Trixie Belden) and a few Hardy Boys but I was more of a tomboy and much prefer The Three Investigators! I was really into mystery then and devoured these books.
#17booklove #lovedatage10 @jess.how

ReadingSusan I never read these. I love Trixie, Nancy and the Hardy Boys! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Is this the series in which one of the boys wins the use of a limo for a day and he figures out how to spread that day out over multiple uses? (edited) 8y
Sue I loved the three investigators! 8y
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erzascarletbookgasm @jpmcwisemorgan I'm not aware of the series you mentioned. The Three Investigators is a detective series involving investigation of baffling phenomena by three average resourceful boys whose mentor was Alfred Hitchcock. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Ah, ok. I read some of those and some from the other series but I don't recall what it was called! 8y
batsy Love the Three Investigators! And I prefer Trixie, too ☺️ 8y
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Jurassic Park | Michael Crichton
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People tend not to believe me when I say I read Jurassic Park in 4th grade, but I think this proves that I was still young enough to think that putting stickers on my books was cool. Maybe I didn't grasp all the Chaos Theory stuff, but I learned a lot about DNA, and I definitely understood dinosaurs. #lovedatage10 @jess.how #17booklove

Crystalblu I think this was the first book over 200 pages I ever read! And I still love it! 8y
TheBookAddict Wow, that's impressive, to have read it in 4th grade! I just listened to it at the end of last year. It was definitely a good read. 😊 8y
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A Wizard of Earthsea | Ursula K. Le Guin
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Say Cheese and Die! | R.L. Stine
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Going through all the bookcases at the house and consolidating everything. The kiddo doesn't want any of the Goosebumps books 😔 but I loved those suckers.

#lovedatage10 #17booklove @jess.how

asiriusreader LOVED these when I was a kid!! 8y
hyacinth 😍😍😍 8y
Josie Awwww man!!! I loved those! 8y
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Born.A.Reader I love these! I eventually traded most of mine for more BSC books, but still have roughly this many of the original ones. 8y
night_shift @asiriusreader yes! Me too! @Born.A.Reader nah, I never got into BSC.. I guess that's telling of my future book tastes 😂 8y
Sass84 Haha! I also never read BSC. But I remember Goosebumps. My first one was The Haunted Mask. I remember it being so scary!!! 8y
night_shift @sass84 mine was the one I tagged :) I had SO many of them, but I got rid of them.. then got all these for my kid and we read some together, but she's more of a BSC kinda girl :) 8y
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A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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Texreader Me too!! 8y
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