So today‘s #bloominglitsy is my lovely domestic and international floral stamps that came in the mail. 😁🌸💜 I‘ve got my #litsylove box all organized and ready to write!
So today‘s #bloominglitsy is my lovely domestic and international floral stamps that came in the mail. 😁🌸💜 I‘ve got my #litsylove box all organized and ready to write!
An Atlas of Vanished Countries
1840 - 1975
#30Junebooks "N" books @howjessreads
These are not the books I was planning to get at the library. (And yes, I plan what books I'm going to get. I miss the fun of browsing, but this is a lot faster when going with little kids.) Despite checking the catalog the night before to make sure the ones I wanted were available, they were both checked out when I got there in the morning! So I grabbed these instead. I'm sure I'll enjoy these just as much (still sightly disappointing, though).
#WalkOnTheWildSide makes me think of this movie lol maybe I just really like Emma Roberts
#MarchIntoThe70s @Cinfhen @Lizpixie
I think I started collecting stamps a few years before I got my collecting badge with the Girl Scouts.Just unboxed my first stamp album while sorting things.I give my collection a lot of credit for interest in people, places and things.I looked up stuff I didn‘t know about from curiosity about the image on the stamp.The hobby is dying, at shows , seems most are older than I am.Hey kids wanna put little pieces of paper in an album?
I didn't know the first thing about stamp collecting when I dug into this book. It didn't matter. It was incredibly interesting, and there's very little "fat." It's very well written, and you're given only what you really want to know. It's a fast read, and I definitely recommend. You'll surely lose yourself among the interesting characters who've made it their ultimate goal to own the most valuable stamp in the world.
New book at the library! Looks fascinating! I love learning about places in history.
A fascinating look at not only this, the "rarest stamp in the world", but at its history, & of the lives of everyone who has owned it. It's a fairly quick read, & it's gotten me interested in stamps again, something I haven't gotten into since I was a little girl. Going through my family's big box of stamps from all over the world, my Dad and I were happily absorbed for hours.
If you like micro histories, non-fiction, & philately this is for you!
Hoping to finish this one up today in between clients. It's good!
Absolutely riveting! You do not need to be a stamp collector to be sucked into the history of this one-of-a-kind stamp. You'll travel around the world meeting collectors & experts from around the world as a timeline of ownership takes place.
This book will appeal to fans of The Billionaire's Vinegar as well as anyone who has dreamt buying something at a flea market or garage sale and discovering it is a priceless gem.