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#PoetryMatters #Slack

February 3rd

I like this one, it's kind of funny.


TheSpineView It is funny!😍🐱 2y
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TheSpineView Love how this poem presents work. 2y
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TheSpineView Love this one! 2y
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julieclair Love this! 😀 2y
Becker Me too! Love it. 2y
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TheSpineView Great poem! 2y
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Football at Slack, by Ted Hughes

#Slack #PoetryMatters @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Love this one!😍 2y
Eggs @TheSpineView I do enjoy Hughes. 2y
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The Expo Book | Gordon Linden
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I just registered!!! Who else is going this year?!? #BEA19 (I know I only tagged a few people but my memory is shot and I instantly forgot everyone who was there last years screen names 😝 but you all should come!)

ReadingRover @Captivatedbybooks you need to come this year!!! 6y
Reecaspieces I will be there and so will @SilversReviews! Can not Wait! 6y
TheSpineView Yes! I already booked my hotel! Hope to see some of my fellow Littens there. 6y
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SilversReviews I‘ll register this week. 😍😍😍😍 Thanks, @Reecaspieces. @irre is going too. 6y
LibrarianRyan No go for me. House and $$ problems. So only a miracle will let me go. 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf I‘ll be there. Can‘t wait!! Thanks @SilversReviews (edited) 6y
tpixie I want to come! Almost convinced my book club, but they backed out. Any hotel suggestions? Do you bring an empty suitcase for #bookhauls ? 6y
ReadingRover @Reecaspieces That‘s who I forgot! Sorry @SilversReviews I kept thinking silverreads for some reason. I can‘t wait to see you guys again!!! 6y
ReadingRover @LibrarianRyan That means I‘ll just have to go visit you sometime soon in the next year!!! 6y
ReadingRover @TheSpineView @SilversReviews @irre can‘t wait to see you all!!! 6y
LibrarianRyan @ReadingRover things could change but I doubt it. Roofs second house to sell etc. it‘s going to be a tight year. But if things change I will Aletheia everyone. 6y
ReadingRover @tpixie Yes definitely bring a rolling suitcase to keep in baggage to stash your books when you come off the floor then you can keep going back to collect some more. Lol I sound like Dr Seuss! For hotels I guess it depends on your price point. I live outside the city so I usually drive in. Email me msa3179@aol.com I can look into what‘s in a good area if you need some help. What‘s nice is that the subway goes right there now. 6y
SilversReviews If anyone gets a heads up on book drops and author signings, can you share please. 6y
mrozzz I‘ll be there again 🤗 6y
ReadingRover @SilversReviews Yes we should start early on our coordination this year!!! I always wait till the last second to plan out my schedule- granted in the end I end up tossing it and going rogue but it‘s nice to know I tried! At least knowing the drops when I‘m in the building helps with that 😝 (I‘m also just really bad at keeping up with the whole #slack app thing 😬) 6y
BookBabe I don‘t think I can make it for the week, but I might be able to do the weekend 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf @bookbabe I don‘t usually go to BookCon. I feel like it‘s mostly YA authors and I don‘t read much YA. Also, too many people. What‘s your experience? Are you going? 6y
TheSpineView @BookBabe Yes, I an going to both BookExpo and BookCon. I already am registered for BookCon and will next week for BookExpo. 6y
tpixie @ReadingRover thanks! If I get to go I‘ll contact you! You‘re sweet! And You‘re a poet and didn‘t know it!!! ♥️🥰🎉 6y
tpixie @BookBabe if I come, I‘ll do the weekend too. I promised myself I‘d go this year, but a coworker is leaving so I may not be able to take off work!! 6y
mrozzz Yes! Oops, I‘m just going on Saturday for BookCon @BookBabe 6y
MrBook 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I'll be there! Looking forward to see so many #LitsyFamily members again! 🤗🤗🤗 Email me at jasonvigorito@gmail and I'll set up another Slack group. @ReadingRover @Reecaspieces @TheSpineView @SilversReviews @irre @tpixie @mrozzz 6y
SilversReviews @MrBook It will be fun...I enjoyed meeting Littens last year. I met Jason, @Reecaspieces, and @irre Looking forward to meeting everyone else. Darn that I missed the early bird price. BTW....is the application that LONG one again? I wish I would have saved my answers from last year. @Reecaspieces and I discussed that. 😊 6y
SilversReviews @ReadingRover I did my best on Slack.....I would LOVE to have my list ready. Someone on Goodreads did a good job sharing...I‘ll share if she puts up info again this year. I forget who it was, though. 😊 Old age gets you every time. LOL!!! 6y
ReadingRover @SilversReviews Is early bird registration over already. I got the email and signed up that second but I posted here right after. That means it was only for like what 2 days? Not even? But on the bright side the app was much shorter this time! 6y
ReadingRover @BookBabe No BookCon for me. My old ass can‘t make it through that many days. 😝 oh Bookbabe will we never meet! 🥺 6y
tpixie @MrBook thx! I‘ll get my info out to you if I can go!! 6y
SilversReviews @ReadingRover I am not sure about the Early Bird - I thought it was just that one day. Good on the application not being so long. THANKS. 6y
Mommamanzi I want to do freaking bad! 6y
MidnightBookGirl I'll be there this year. Already book my train tickets and hotel (trying the Row this year). I'll be there from the 27th thru the 1st. 5y
ReadingRover @MidnightBookGirl great! See you there! We can arrange to meet up. We‘ll exchange emails beforehand. 5y
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This was the calm before the storm 😆. Taught my fifth Intro to Facebook class at the library today. Numbers keep going up, had a dozen show today. 👍🏻👍🏻 A bunch signed up for one-on-one sessions too. I'll be busy, busy, and busy over the next few weeks, lol. #LitsyLovesLibraries

Graciouswarriorprincess I taught my team #slack yesterday. 7y
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