All the different feels this month. What's that hashtag we use when people are struggling at Christmas time?
All the different feels this month. What's that hashtag we use when people are struggling at Christmas time?
HAPPY NATIONAL AUTHORS DAY to all my friends in this crazy journey! 🙌🎉🎊💃Don‘t give up and hit that word count!
#happynationalauthorsday #congrats #congratulations #author #writer #publishedauthor #happy #celebrate #journey #writingjourney #crazy #uphillbattle #unapologetic #creative #authors #authorsday #write #create #challenge #friends #youarenotalone #youareawesome
Kurt Vonnegut will forever be my favorite. **
#youarenotalone #kurtvonnegut #readmorevonnegut
#JoinIn with us this holiday. Holidays are happy times, but can also be isolating & lonely—especially during the pandemic. We are here together, Littens. Share this so others know they‘re not alone. #youarenotalone #pandemicholiday
Yesterday, I was so happy and warm in the sunshine and 75-degree weather. Today, I‘m in a blanket nest. Weather is so frickin‘ weird. (And this book is nuts, just as I‘ve come to expect from these two.) #quarantinereads #lockdownliterature #youarenotalone #greerhendricks #sarahpekkanen
Less sunshine in which to bask now, but still so nice to be outside. (And oh, God, I can‘t wait for the next Beartown book, “Us Against You” broke my goddamned heart and I loved every moment.) On to the next from my pile, with a super-easy dessert. #youarenotalone #greerhendricks #sarahpekkanen
Just a little Wednesday #shelfie 😊. Why yes, these are all #botm selections that I still need to get through 😂 please excuse my messy shelves.
#agoodgirlsguidetomurder #thistenderland #thingsinjars #longbrightriver #youarenotalone #theholdout #houroftheassassin #savingzoe
#YouAreNotAlone #HendricksPekkanen
Shay Miller witnesses Amanda‘s suicide by subway train. Shay loves and keeps data. Could I end up like Amanda? Joins forces with Cassandra and Jane Moore, Amanda‘s controlling friends. But at what price? Shay‘s data saves her in the end. Read authors other 2 books. Best book of 2019 for me. Page turner. Surprise ending. Interesting characters. Twisty plot. Recommended. Thanks to St Martin Press/NetGalley.
Depression can be a lonely struggle, believe me I know. There is always someone who understands though and you aren‘t alone. #depresssion #mentalillness #youarenotalone