“Call me Ishmael” Moby-Dick or, The Whale was published on this day, Oct. 18 1851
“Call me Ishmael” Moby-Dick or, The Whale was published on this day, Oct. 18 1851
I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled.
Happy #worldbookday! Rereading one of my favorite books, #persuasion by #janeausten
Rereading one of my favorite books! #prideandprejudice #janeausten #everymanslibrary #frostbeardstudios
Happy 208th birthday to #edgarallanpoe "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" #poe #theraven #nevermore #lenore #anneabellee #theovalportrait #dream #darkheartofpoe
#otd December 19th, 1843 #achristmascarol by #charlesdickens was published. I have read this wonderful story every year in December since I was in middle school and can still remember the first time I read it. I also clearly don't have enough copies of this book... #bahumbug #ebenezerscrooge #iwillhonorchristmasinmyheart #godblessuseveryone
A few of my favorite #books for #allhallowsread! #thecompletetalesandpoemsofedgarallanpoe #theunknownpoe #edgarallanpoe #theghostandmrsmuir #radick #thenightcircus #erinmorgenstern #20thcenturyghosts #joehill #thebookofillusions #paulauster #thehauntingofmaddyclare #silenceforthedead #simonestjames #thegraveyardbook #neilgaiman #thehalloweentree #somethingwickedthiswaycomes #theoctobercountry #raybradbury
#bannedbooks on display for #bannedbooksweek! #mostchallengedbook
Excited for my #blinddatewithabook from The Open Book at The Oaks! #prodigalson #smalliowatown #familysecrets
Excited for my #blinddatewithabook from The Open Book at The Oaks! #17thcenturyindia #romance #intrigue
Happy #nationalreadabookday! I just started reading #tinkertailorsoldierspy by #johnlecarre. What are you #reading?
Happy #nationalreadabookday! I just started reading #tinkertailorsoldierspy by #johnlecarré. What are you #reading?
More Middlemarch in the gardens. Wonderful book and wonderful view!
Enjoying Middlemarch in the garden!
Celebrated #WorldBookDay and #Shakespeare's 400th anniversary with my favorite vintage copy of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
A beautiful day to start reading Middlemarch by George Eliot