I do love being pulled into a world full of magic now and again. It had a distinctly Caraval-esqe vibe which I loved. Combining both an air of dangerous mystery and enchanting intrigue definitely made this a pick for me 📚🎪
I do love being pulled into a world full of magic now and again. It had a distinctly Caraval-esqe vibe which I loved. Combining both an air of dangerous mystery and enchanting intrigue definitely made this a pick for me 📚🎪
I find it really frustrating when I can‘t quite remember if I‘ve read a book before or just the blurb! The case was true with this one, I have definitely read it before 😂 but I hate stopping a book once I‘ve started so I persevered. At least I can‘t possibly forget reading a book twice, can I??
I guess it helps that I actually enjoy Paris‘ style!
I‘ve been meaning to read this since watching the film as it had such good reviews. I think it missed the mark for me a little, maybe just a little too much in depth scientific information. If it wasn‘t for the little breaks of humour throughout I definitely would have given up on it.
Another good YA book.
“While I was in therapy, I thought that I was doing all that shit because I wanted to damage myself, but now I think it was chasing bliss. All those mock-highs I chased. It turns out the bliss I was looking for existed in books, coffee shops and pecan pie.” 📚
BRILLIANT!!!! I have rarely read a book that should be read by EVERYONE!!!! It‘s heartbreaking but so so true for millions of young people out there! It touched me in a way that only a few other books have touched parts of me deep inside. If I could give it a million picks I would!
So my partner has challenged me to read 96 books by the end of this year which is still another 56 😱 but if I do it my reward is a shopping spree at Waterstones!! Well, I better crack onto my next book ASAP 📚
Not quite sure how I felt about this book. I don‘t think it lived up to all the hype for me, just felt it was flat for me. 😑 hate it when I don‘t love a book!!
Straight into the next one! Been hearing lots of good things about this so looking forward to getting into it. Alongside a warming cup of tea of course ❤️☕️
Absolutely loved this book. I often feel like I shouldn‘t be reading YA fiction, but I‘m glad I did. I haven‘t enjoyed a book like this for a while now. An upside down look at how no matter which race is deemed ‘superior‘, equality is always miles from their minds.
It‘s so lovely to finally be back! Lots of drama has kept me away but hopefully I‘m turning a corner into a very exciting time of my life accompanied by lots of beloved books of course. ❤️🌈
I have read lots of great books in my life but I never once felt the desire to write to an author and tell them how much their book moved me. Tara Westover is a remarkable young woman who, against everything she knew, went out into the world to finally discover who she could be. Everyone should read this book. It is truly wonderful ❤️
I really feel for Tara. She deals with so much that no-one should ever have to deal with.
It should never be acceptable to behave like this ever! To accept this and feel like you deserved it is something a lot of people can empathise with and that in itself is despicable.
A realistic look at the impact of the Nazi regime on Jewish people living in Europe. It‘s appalling to find out that there were some countries who refused entry to the people who needed a safe haven more than anything. The story is told beautifully through the eyes of Hannah and Anna. One young girl who has tried to forget her past and one who yearns to find out where she comes from.
@LazyDays Congratulations on your milestone 🎉🎉 What a lovely giveaway to do!!
It‘s so hard to narrow it down to just two books but if I have to choose it‘ll have to be A Man Called Ove and The Amber Spyglass
#litsyloveday ❤️
An early birthday treat for myself with my confetti balloons 🎈🎉
“I watched him die little by little. I realised this and was prepared.”
1. I like any mode of transport but I guess it‘ll have to be plane as that means I‘m going somewhere amazing!!
2. Has to be Rome every time ❤️
3. Off to Cuba in September which I‘m so excited for!! 😬
Hannah boards a boat to Cuba in the hope to escape the impending Nazi regime but will it be her salvation?
I‘m looking forward to starting this after it‘s been on my TBR shelf for ages!
A Bridget Jones-esque story about being parents. Olivia constantly balances the stress of work with trying for a baby. It doesn‘t help when all of their friends are rubbing their beautiful children in their faces and Olivia ends up doing things she‘ll regret to escape the pressure of not conforming to society‘s stereotype. I like the character of Olivia is enjoyed the writing style being interspersed with texts, letters and calendar invites.
Absolutely wonderful 🧡
How long will I have to wait for the next one??!?
Pullman is the best author ever! I cannot put this down! I‘ve been reading it non stop today and the thought of finishing it brings me a childish happiness but also a sadness!!!!
I just realised that I forgot to review this one. Overall I did enjoy it but I think watching the film first spoilt it for me as they‘re so different. I just wanted a little bit more from the book. It is a really sweet story with some really well drawn characters though. It just needed a little bit more of this (see picture)
Starting this today! Since moving I forgot all about it so I‘m so glad I found it 🧡
Might also do a little bit of reviewing in the sun ☀️
What is John Green trying to do to me?!?! Break my heart again 💔
“True terror isn‘t being scared; it‘s not having a choice in the matter.”
Looking forward to this one. I hope it‘s as good as I‘ve heard 🧡
So emotional. I wasn‘t too sure about the whole story being told through personal letters but it really added to both the period and the intimate nature of the character development. I spent the whole book smiling or crying 🧡
“I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers. How delightful if that were true.”
Lunde combines non-fiction and fiction really well in this book. The book charts the impact of beekeeping and CCD over 300 years. William, George and Tao all have a relationship with beekeeping that cannot be forgotten but what if it threatens their whole livelihood and even the life of their family. There‘s a touch of Margaret Atwood to this story. A great debut adult novel in my opinion 🐝
Not book related but I spent last night at a live orchestral performance of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at The Royal Albert Hall. It was the best thing I‘ve ever seen!! For any HP fans in the UK, they are showing each film every few months. Finished my trip with a cheeky cupcake from the beautiful Peggy Porschen in Belgravia. Such a lovely day 🧡
This is such an eclectic mixture of themes in one collection of poetry.
• World War 1
• The war in Iraq
• Love
• Death
• The environment
• Politics
• Mythology
And of course, 🐝
There is something for everyone in this collection.
Some really heavy subjects in this volume of poetry but the way Duffy portrays them are brilliant.
I did enjoy this one but not as much as I‘ve enjoyed other books this year. I liked the retelling element to it and found the horror theme quite interesting. The Scarecrow and Lion are definitely characters you‘d never want to meet in Oz. There are definitely some great moments but it did take me a long time to get into it.
Erik Killmonger from Black Panther
Love both DC and Marvel 🧡
#trivialthursday @GarthRanzz
“Wickedness is part of Oz. It‘s part of the order of things. It‘s always been the Good versus the Wicked. Magic can‘t exist without Goodness. Goodness can‘t exist without Wickedness. And Oz can‘t exist without magic.” 🔮
1. The Harry Potter series now I have the illustrated copies. I have just finished His Dark Materials re-read and loved it!!
2. Crispy M&Ms and Pringles
3. Gotham and Sherlock 🧡 #wishiwasmrscumberbatch 😂
#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47
This is the first retelling I‘ve read of a Greek myth and it was great! I really loved the character development of Circe. All I knew of her was that she turned men into pugs and this book delves into her motives and her poor treatment at pretty much everyone‘s hands including her own family. She is definitely a #strongindependentwoman
🌸 The view from my kitchen. It‘s lovely to finally have some sun
🌷Biographies - I like a good story that I can lose myself in
🌹Read by the pool! But as I grown up I do like to experience the culture of places as well so a mix between the two now
🌺 Cream
🌻 I don‘t think I can pick just one 😱
#humpdaypost @MinDea
☀️ A Man Called Ove! Definitely thanks to Litsy, would never have picked it up otherwise 👍
☀️ I don‘t tend to even pick up books I‘m not into so I don‘t have one!
☀️ Keep it coming, I‘m stronger than you think
☀️ @KirstieE @TrishB @miralunasbooknook
#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47
I‘m so glad the sun is out and my new book can keep me company. I lost my job yesterday, something that I have loved since day 1 but I‘m determined to see the bright things in life 🧡
I forgot how heartbreaking this book is! I don‘t think I could ever quite appreciate this as a child. There are so many dark and complex ideas in this story that even as a adult I‘m a little drained (in a good way). The decisions that Will and Lyra have to make throughout are devastatingly difficult and their final choice leaves me streaming with tears. I could read this a million times and never get bored.
Book haul to make up for not being able to go to the Litsy meet up in London yesterday 🧡
Book haul to make up for not being able to go to the Litsy meet up in London yesterday 🧡
So this is a very late post as I‘ve been really busy with work but I am overwhelmed by the generosity of @TrishB I love everything 🧡 especially my McGonagall pop vinyl and all my Hufflepuff goodies #hufflepuffsforever
Loving this trilogy 🧡
I can‘t get over Pullman‘s use of language. It‘s so beautiful and realistic that I could be there with Lyra and Pan.
Next up The Amber Spyglass
It‘s so lovely re-reading a childhood favourite. I love it just as much now ❤️
Pullman is an absolute genius!