First book of my staycation. I don‘t know why I waited so long to read this. #FebruaryReading
First book of my staycation. I don‘t know why I waited so long to read this. #FebruaryReading
I just started this last night. I've waited all summer to read it.
I went to get something to drink and Tonks took my reading spot. She is sleeping next to my copy of Cruel Beautiful World, it seems fitting.
Today's reading. I'm finding it painful and excessive, but the descriptions of the lush nature of Northern California are beautifully rendered. I can't seem to put it down despite the tension and horrific sections.
Taking advantage of my favorite reading spot before it's too cold.
My porch read for today. I love books that involve people with freaky talents, carnival life, sideshows, circuses, etc. This book fit the bill with freaky talents. I wish I had a talent, so I could quit my day job.
Sitting on the porch, swinging and reading this beautiful memoir. I wish I had an ounce of the free spirit that her parents had.
I found this in a used bookstore yesterday afternoon. I started rereading it as soon as I got home. Sometimes you need to revisit old friends and first loves.
I've always wanted to read this book, I saw it on my bookshelf today and it called for me to read it.
Day off reading this wonderfully funny and thoughtful book of essays. Tonks my cat is melty.
A little late to the party, but I started reading this today and will be up late finishing it. Delightful read.
Rainy summer night, starting this. I love big books in the summer.
Summer reading by the lake. #lakelife #summerreading
Finished this book last night. It's been awhile since I was sad that a book was finished. I hugged it tight.
Forty-eight trips around the sun and I have never read an Agatha Christie book. This is going to be my summer of Agatha. I'm going to read as many of her books as possible this summer. #summerofAgatha
I'm starting this one tonight. I'm glad I have tomorrow off, planning on doing some much needed reading.
Summer is made for reading. This is the beginning of my summer reading list. I'm headed to a bookstore tonight for an author event so I'll be adding more to the pile.
It's my birthday and I'll chew on books if I want to. #catbirthday #sevenyears
@bookriot Bookstgram Challenge Day Two yellow covers #riotgrams #yellowcovers
Summer means big books and this is my first for the summer. Annie Proulx is one of my favorite writers. I'll be on my porch reading.
I picked this up at The Strand when I was in NYC for BRL last fall with @Liberty I'm starting it tonight. Working my way through the TBR pile.
My first Colson Whitehead book. Day two of my vacation. Book number two.
Starting this tonight. Her book The Small Backs of Children gutted me. I cannot wait to read this one.
This has been on my TBR pile for some time now. Started last night and haven't been able to put it down.
Went to my local public library and found out that poet and writer May Sarton called York, Maine home in her later years. They had a huge collection of her work on display. I checked out her biography because she lived a very full and wonderful life.
Started this today, a rainy weekend off. As usual @ChrisBohjalian writes suspenseful page turning books, this one tackles sex trafficking and how a lapse of judgement can turn a seemingly normal life into a nightmare.
Starting American War today. A customer at the bookstore practically thrust it into my hands and said I had to read it. He said that he didn't usually read this genre but absolutely loved this book. I couldn't argue with him. Let's hope he is right.
Once upon a time, many Ages ago, he traveled around the world more times than he could count. And in the world. And above and below. A poem. A Bog. A deep longing. He could barely remember it now, of course-one of the hazards of so very long a life.
~ The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
I've wanted to read this book, it's a rainy day off in Maine, so today I will read this book.
Another rainy day on the east coast, so I'm curled up with a book and cat. I love this book, I'm depressed by this book. The characters are complicated in a way that I can't fall in love with them. I'm almost half way in, so I'm hoping this changes.
I keep picking this book up and reading a little at a time. Powerful, ugly, beautiful, breathtaking...I don't want it to end.
Starting this book after Tonks marks it as her's.
Not sure where my husband is going to sleep. Some books from my most recent trip to Portland, Maine. #sweetreads 😂📖😂📖😂
Growing up in Maine you couldn't help but know about the famous painting Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth. Their lives and story always fascinated me. Starting this novel so I can slip into their world for a moment.
I'll probably finish this book tonight. I've been swept up in this generational story.
A friend at work lent me this. He knew I wanted to read it. Friends who read books are good friends to have.
Last day of vacation. The house is clean, no place to be, I'm staying home to read. This book was highly recommended by a bookseller at Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, NH. I always trust the booksellers. 📖❤📖❤
Started this and I have the feeling I'll be up all night reading this one. I love a good page turner.
That feeling you get when you finish a book that changes the way you look at the world.
One of today's book hauls. Bring on the snow, I have no place to go.
Homework. I'm not going to feel helpless, or uninformed, or scared. #resist
Book before bedtime. Day off tomorrow, hope to get some reading done.