Just finished and now passing along to @DawnnicoleK to enjoy. :)
Just finished and now passing along to @DawnnicoleK to enjoy. :)
Really feeling all the feels about aging, money, and geography. Theresa Rebeck nails it.
My daughter's on chapter four. I'm almost there, and I'm already in love with this book. #middlegrade #readingwithmylittle
So much of this novel speaks directly to my heart: Every few minutes, she glanced up at him and swore she heard a hitch in his breathing. A snag in his throat or the swish of fluids filling his chest. She heard imaginary ailments. She felt herself falling apart. One night, when the pain was too bad for her father to sleep, she sat up with him, her hand clenched in his. She wanted to take him back to the hospital but he refused.
As a native Floridian, I love books set in #Florida. I love the author's voice, and his author's note alone had me hooked -- he and a couple of buddies explored an island off the coast that was covered in mangled branches full of snakes. That sparked the idea for this book. Here's a picture of a mangled tree from the last time I was back in Florida -- hopefully, it will still be standing next time I return.
I love this. Really enjoying this book so far. "There was the surface Hick: blasé and shock-proof, a tough-minded reporter who knew how to drink and smoke with the boys, and who fought for her rights. Then there was the tender-hearted and sometimes shy Hick underneath, who bore witness to the suffering of ordinary people in those terrible times." #eleanor
I'm loving this book. It talks about #joy as our birthright; joy as a gift we can choose each day. #sharethejoy
Review from the little: "It was a little bit sad because it was the land of the spirits. It was great with the hypnotizing and everything. Yeah, it was so good." She started the next one immediately. #readintwodays #middlegrade #kidpick
Find your place, your home, and accept what's happening. I love Chloe Neill. #smart #paranormal #truth
Find your place, your home, and accept what's happening. I love Chloe Neill. #smart #paranormal #truth
Find your place, your home, and accept what's happening. I love Chloe Neill. #smart #paranormal #truth
Keep going back to read passages again. This book has the feeling of a wise, old friend, one I will return to again and again. #bigmagic #inspiration #bookmeme
"It isn't always comfortable or easy--carrying your fear around with you on your great and ambitious road trip, I mean--but it's always worth it, because if you can't learn to travel comfortably alongside your fear, then you'll never be able to go anywhere interesting or do anything interesting. And that would be a pity, because life is short and rare and miraculous, and you want to do and make really interesting things while you're still here."
This passage from the Author's Note rings so true to me. The book is fantastic. Intense, earnest, passionate. We feel Nora's fear and her shame alongside the terror and chaos of NYC during the summer of '77. Loved it. #ireadya
Scared little who woke with nightmares about people being mean to her (and #zombies). We had read Spy in Training before bed and noticed how horribly the characters act to each other. I think we need to table this book for now -- it's above our emotional development. #itsdaytimesomewhere #nightmare #spystories #middlegradereader #parentfail
The best Saturdays are spent at the #library. She read me the title poem on the way home. #weekendreading #middlegradereader #parentingwin #happy
These words sing to my soul. Two pages in and I love this already. #timingiseverything #bathtimeread #necessaryrelaxation #happy
This is the story of mothers and daughters; told in a way that makes me ache with the loneliness of missing my late mother and that makes me hope with my whole heart that I can learn the lessons of understanding for my daughter. That our stories are intertwined, ethereal, and timeless. How, sometimes, it's the unsolved, unsaid that changes the course of our lives. How I'd love to see my mom and my daughter embrace again.
Just finished the first chapter. This book is so good.
So much of #parenting is this. Living, too, when I think about it. Being the conduit of love and kindness for others, once we've found it in ourselves.
Just started this book, and I'm already moved by it. To live, to influence others after you are gone, by your words, what a gift. A gift. #writing #inspiration
Great middle grade read that my precocious six-year-old and I both enjoyed. The drawings are great, there are a lot of jokes just for grown-ups, and there's a great twist on traditional princess stories. Harriet is a bad-ass, a princess who fights ogres and evil fairies and cliff dives for fun.
Sad to hear of the passing of romance author Jo Beverley. I loved the way she wrote and just re-read The Viscount Needs A Wife again last week. #historicalromance #rip
I think I'm the last one in the world to start reading Outlander, which is great even though I'm not far into it. I love this exchange between the couple and how Frank pranks the nosy landlady. I love that we see this in Chapter 1.
Morning dove on my balcony reminds me of this paragraph in Silver Thaw: "Circling the bird, he knew it had frozen to death. Mourning doves are monogamous, and he knew this bird's mate would die of grief." Find your mate, little bird. #ireadromance #hea
Having fun reading a book on my phone while the characters explore the virtues of physical books vs. blanks, this world's version of e-books. (Physical books, known as originals, are controlled by a police-state library.) #amreading #ya #fantasy #booksaboutbooks
The words every woman wants to hear: "you smell like industrial-strength solvents." #swoon #amreading #romance #bookquote #firstpost