Secrets. Lies. Super-Bad Choices. Witchcraft #melissaalbert
Secrets. Lies. Super-Bad Choices. Witchcraft #melissaalbert
#cityofvillains #estellelaure The world ended because of me
You‘ll never think of good girls the same way again…
#hollyjackson #asgoodasdead
Pip is not a detective anymore. #hollyjackson #goodgirlbadblood
#hollyjackson #agoodgirlsguidetomurder He did it, they say. Sal killed Andie. But I‘m just not so sure.
Movies don‘t create psychos, movies make psychos move creative- billy #thelastfinalgirl #stephengrahamjones
#melissaalbert #talesfromthehinterland Journey into the Hinderland, a brutal and beautiful world where a girl spends a night with Death, brides are wed to a mysterious house in the trees, and an enchantress is killed twice, and lives
The rarest form of murder is serial. #maureencallahan#americanpredator
...if one is dead #twocankeepasecret #karenmmcmanus
Parker will do anything to keep her secret from surfacing... but this time the cost might be more than she can afford. #crackeduptobe #courtneysummers
It‘s a new school year at Bayview, and no secret is safe. #oneofusisnext #karenmmcmanus
If she dies, she takes the truth with her. #sadie #courtneysummers
With the scope of dune and the rousing action of Independence Day. #thethreebodyproblem #cixinliu
The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games. #armada #ernestcline
Pay close attention and you might solve this. #oneofusislying #karenmmcmanus
Andrew Kevin Walker‘s scripts profess a dark vision of humanity in which the forces of good are pitted against voracious evil. #andrewkevinwalker #seven #8mm
“ A bold, dark, complex universe of fear and art and obsession. “
#nightfilm #marishapessl
America needs a hero. We‘ve got two of them. #andrewshaffer
My heart will always be filled with gratitude to Bruce for one simple reason: without Scooter, there is no Big Man- #clarenceclemons #bigman
“ Writing about yourself is a funny business... But in a project like this, the writer has made one promise, to show the reader his mind. In these pages, I‘ve tried to do this.”- #brucespringsteen #borntorun
Lies, spies, and a conspiracy to protect predators #ronanfarrow
So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer with his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her.
And deeper than oblivion we do bury the incensing relics of it #relic #gretchenmcneil
In a mega-stakes, high-suspense race against time, three unlikely and winning heroes try to stop a crazy killer from blowing up thousands. #stephenking
Readers, too, can travel to the wondrous, unforgettable world of Fantastica if they will just turn the page... #michaelende
Overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. #edcatmull
A masterful true-crime account of the Golden State Killer. #michellemcnamara
The inside story of #georgelucas , his intensely private company, and their work to revolutionize filmmaking. In the process, they made computer history. #droidmaker #michaelrubin
According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States. Most are found. Thousands are not.
#stepenking #theinstitute
#theshining #stephenking #foliosociety It‘ll shine when it shines.
Folk saying
This is a short book because most books about writing are filled with bullshit. #stephenking