A re-telling of the Christmas carol based around Valentine‘s Day. I just really couldn‘t get into this book, but was a very easy read. I do love the other books by David Levithan that I‘ve read but this was my least favourite.
A re-telling of the Christmas carol based around Valentine‘s Day. I just really couldn‘t get into this book, but was a very easy read. I do love the other books by David Levithan that I‘ve read but this was my least favourite.
I actually really enjoyed this even though it reminds me of a CBBC drama.
Very interesting and different read. Found the story really gripping and wanted to know all the back stories of Tom Hazard.
This is the fastest I‘ve ever read a book, can‘t believe it only took me 24 hours. It was just such a good cute book and I really can‘t wait to see the film.
One of my New Years resolutions was to read Narnia; as it‘s only taken me till I‘m 22 to finally read it.
I found this to be a long read as I just couldn‘t be bothered to pick it back up as I didn‘t really get into it. Going to force myself to read the last 2 books as I‘m determined to finish the series.
3.5 stars, not going to lie I actually prefer the film to this book. Now to find out what happens after Caspian becomes king of Narnia.
Not sure about this one! The story picked up about half way through.
Can‘t believe it‘s taken till my 22nd year to finally read this
Can‘t believe it‘s taken me this long to get round to reading The Chronicles of Narnia... I finally know how the wardrobe became the entrance to Narnia.
Think this might be my favourite out of the acotar series.
Read this in just a couple of days, was such a good read.
I would give this 3.5 stars (if we had half star emojis). It was an enjoyable read but mainly from the fact I love Anna Kendrick! I did get bored a couple of times hence why it‘s only 3.5 stars. But I did find it interesting learning about the struggles she was going through with money even whilst she was in some of her major roles (I always had the impression actors get loads of money.)
Great little book with lots of inspiration if your wanting to create your own business.
First book of 2018. Great quick read with lots of twists which kept me guessing but it is a very twisted story!
Not gonna lie I've loved this series! I have to say this is probably not as good as the first 2 but loved it all the same.
Couldn't decide whether to give it 2 or 3 stars, I just really wasn't sure how I felt about this whole book. I felt like it could have been so much better and I didn't like drake or floras parents.
I seemed to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this book. I did get a bit bored and lost interest a couple of times (more towards the beginning and middle) but there was more bits that I loved and couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. I did grow to love Rhys and his friends by the end of the book. #sarahjmaas #acotar #acourtofthornsandroses
It took me ages to get into this book but I'd heard so many good things about it I kept on reading. It must have been about half way through it that I got hooked and had to order the next books as I was intrigued to find out what's going to happen next.
Another great book from John Green. I wasn't disappointed but I do think all of his other books are much better than this one as I feel like there wasn't much of a storyline. But I do just love his beautiful writing.
I have loved all Rainbow Rowell books and I did enjoy this but probably my least favourite of her books. I didn't really connect with Simon Snows character but I loved Baz and Penelope. The ending feels like it could still have a sequel as there is still some unanswered questions; like what happened to Nicodemus and Lucy?
Because I loved the Jane Green books I've read before I picked this one up without even reading the blurb; I have to say i wasn't disappointed! It is such a gripping book and I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. I really loved the characters and the story was really gripping.
So many books on #tbr list
#bookshelf #bookshelves #zoellabookclub #zoella #bookclub #bookcase #bookcollection
I had high expectations for this as it was in Zoella and friends book club but I was a bit disappointed. I didn't really like Griffin as a character and I wasn't too keen on parts of the storyline.
I decided to reread this after talking about this book with my friend & it was as good as the first time!
The book is about the perfect Sinclair family who aren't as perfect as they first seem. Cadence tells us the story about the summers she spends in Beechwood. Then summer fifteen she has an accident and she can't remember what actually happened. So 2 summers later she goes back to find out what actually happened.
This is has been on my #tbr list for a while now and I have to say it is a very eye opening book. I can't imagine what it would have been like to live in Garden Heights and to go through what Starr did. I can't believe there is still places in the world where things like this happen. It's a must read for everyone.
One of my favourite books I've read so far this year; couldn't put it down! I love the way McManus writes and how she keeps us guessing right until the end.
I really enjoyed this book! I loved the whole storyline about how the girls wanted to fight back and I love the main characters.
#zoellabookclub #zoella #bookclub #cactus #plant
Moxie girls fight back
#currentread #zoella #bookclub #whsmith
After being addicted to the Netflix show of this I thought I'd give this a read. It was a good book but Jay Asher's writing style was a little confusing with it flipping between Clay and Hannah. I never say this but I did prefer the show to the book so I'm glad I'd watched it first. But still a story I think everyone should read and shows that your actions however little you think they maybe can affect someone.
The only good thing about this book was that it was very quick and easy read; but other than that I was very disappointed. I felt that the ending of the story was very rushed and thought the story was very unrealistic and couldn't connect with any of the characters.
Very good read about Nasty Gal's creator Sophia Amoruso and all about her life growing up and how she created her business. Would definitely recommend if your wanting to become your own girlboss!
#girlboss #nastygal #photography #interior
Zoella bookclub just arrived, can't wait to read these! #zoellabookclub #zoella #bookclub
Gripped from the very first chapter! Loved the little detective bits at the end of each chapter; which made me not want to put it down as I needed to find out what will happen next.
First thing I do when getting home off holiday is buy new books #bookworm #amazonprime #girlboss #janegreen #missyou #lianemoriarty #trulymadlyguilty #haul #summer
Id seen so many photos of this book pop up on my instagram feed and decided to get it as a holiday read without actually knowing nothing about it. From the cover I thought it was going to be completely different from what I thought! Even though I was unsure to start off with I really got into this book and didn't take me long to finish. The more I read the more I wanted to find out about with a few shocks along the way.
I picked this up as it was in Zoellas book club with WHSmith a while back but finally got to read it in the sun on holiday. Was a very easy and quick read with a really good storyline.
#summer #holiday #vacation #pool #zoellabookclub