Hello, fellow Littens! These beauties just came in the mail today and I'm already in love! In case any of you wonder these are the pocket versions of "Sea Swept" and "The Art of War"
I loved the first one a lot more, this sequel was more turned to the paranormal making it interesting. However the writing was at times very confusing especially in what I call “The Dream World”, but if you like this kind of genre give it a shot
Usually I love books like this one ( it‘s a thriller) but this one had some parts that dragged way too long and it took me some time to figure out where it all fit in but in the end it all made sense 😊 still a good read though
I know only the first book in the trilogy is represented here but I‘ve completed the whole series and I loved it!!! The writing is light and compelling and the plot is great if you love the fantasy genre or are into mythologies more specifically Norse Mythology since it‘s what this series focuses on.
Now I know why this book is a bestseller, I read it in a few days and couldn‘t put it down. Without revealing too much it certainly makes us question how things went down on the Titanic even though it‘s an entirely fictional work
Loved these! I‘ve been wanting to read these for years and now I read all of the books (7 of them) in just two weeks. They are clearly written for children, meaning the writing is simple but just as enjoyable as any other books.
It‘s pretty obvious why this book is a bestseller. It‘s full of mystery and very well written. The descriptions of the death of the victims made me cringe a few times but I loved nonetheless. Fans of conspiracy theories and crimes: do not pass this one up
I really liked this one. Wanted to read it for years but only now had the chance. It‘s a story about life, death, revenge and most importantly redemption 😍
Decided to start this one today while cleaning the house 😊
Today I downloaded the “Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge” and I have to say it looks great!! Of all the 339 books on the list I already managed to read 8! Crossed fingers I will get to “check” a few more of these in the next few weeks 🤞
Hello Littens! I would like to start using audio books, what app/website do you guys recommend? 🤔
When you see your e-mail extract and realize that you just bought over 20 new books on amazon 😂 #DontJudgeMe
? São Miguel,Azores (Portuguese Islands) ?Yrsa Siggurdardóttir ? 50+ and counting ?My bed ?King Arthur and her Knights #littenintro @tessavi
Wish me luck, Littens!
📚📚 and more 📚
After a hard days work ( I work in a hospital), lots of Christmas shopping and cookie baking, my Christmas cheer is on high so there is no book more appropriate than this one ( It‘s also almost three a.m in Portugal, but who cares?) Merry Christmas everyone!! 🎄😌
If you haven‘t read any of Sherlock‘s Adventures please do. Sherlock and Watson are so well written. The entire book pulled me in and kept me guessing the entire time.
Just bought an extra special edition of “The Three Musketeers”. I‘m in love with this one 😊 really excited to start reading this
And on to the next one we go!!! 😊
I find this quite similar in plot to Pride and Prejudice, which is natural since they are both by the same author. Regardless of any similarities it was still very well written and enjoyable.
Sick in bed but Chamomile and Egyptian mint tea and Jane Austen make everything better.
This book was very informative but not at all what I was expecting it to be though I‘m not sure what exactly I was expecting...
Well, I usually love the classics but this one was definitely NOT my cup of tea. However it‘s still very well written and if you like classic literature then please give this one a try. That being said do you have any book recommendations fellow Littens?
How do you stop a book hoarder from buying more books? Asking for a friend 😂😂
#tuesdaytidbits @JenlovesJT47 1 - Any space in my room 2 - Tea, Hot Cocoa and plenty of chocolate. 3 - Neil Gaiman, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, J.R.R Tolkien and C.S.Lewis 😊. 4 - @haileypotter
“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.”
What a bittersweet moment for me...I could keep reading about Britt Arthurs, Merlin and Her Knights forever! If you love the Arthurian Legends then I highly recommend these!