I am enjoying this book so much, so far! Tonight my wife took a picture of me reading by the fire with a nice spot of tea and biscuits! It was a great and relaxing way to wind the day down.
I am enjoying this book so much, so far! Tonight my wife took a picture of me reading by the fire with a nice spot of tea and biscuits! It was a great and relaxing way to wind the day down.
About 9 chapters in and this book is amazing! It‘s such a gripping story, highlighting the indomitable spirit of these bad ass women! Cannot put it down…send help lol.
Nothing like easing into a Saturday with a wonderful book in my new cozy reading spot.
I have followed Tori Dunlop on Social Media and was always impressed with her ability to shake the social norms that exist in our society around money. I was so excited to pre-order this! When it arrived today I could not wait to dive in! Through chapter 1, and I am loving it! I recommend this to EVERYONE! This is more than a financial book. This book is a kick in the nuts to the oppressive patriarchal society and I am hear for it!
So excited to cook some Middle Earth dishes!
As I do every year around this time I read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Today my little reading buddy, Colby decided to curl up on the blanket over my legs. He makes a great heater when cozying up for a nice read. #dogsofLitsy
Hey Litsy Community! I don't usually ask the community for help but this is to important for me to not share. It is of paramount importance to me that organizations like Innocent Lives Foundation be funded so that they may continue their critical mission of tracking down sexual predators that would prey on children. Please consider donating if you can! Thanks.
This book was amazing, and my first exposure to Sarah J. Maas as an author. The world building was fantastic and the style of writing really sucked you into the story. Emotion was written extremely well and really created a very visceral experience as the reader. I love the different layers of the characters and look forward to continuing through this world and story! This is definitely a page turner in my opinion.
This book is so amazing!!! I have come to fall in love with this authors style of writing. Her world building and ability to make you feel the emotion of each situation is outstanding. I need to go to bed, but only about 60 pages to go, and I am struggling to put it down.
Oh the possibilities!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful 2020 and reaches all their dreams and goals this year. Created my 2020 reading challenge today.
My awesome wife @GypsyKat was once again spot on with her recommendation of this book. I am only partway through the first book, but I am absolutely loving the way Sarah J Maas writes! Can‘t wait to see what happens next...
Starting this one tonight! I loved Michael Punke's writing and storytelling style in The Revenant, so I thought I would gice this book a shot.
It was a beautiful morning yesterday to sit in the yard with a fantastic book.
This is a great paragraph that speaks to such a foundational truth of war. It is why I think war is one of the most complex yet simplest human experiences I have ever had.
My studying view this morning! An absolutely beautiful morning on the enclosed porch with my little reading pup.
I was thrilled to read this book again. I have such fond memories of this being one of the first books I actually sat down and read for fun when I was a young boy. Like visiting an old long lost friend. I especially loved seeing all the small illustrations again.
Great book! This book is filled with some of the most influential minds in cybersecurity, but also presented in a very real and engaging way.
Home office upgrade complete! Ready to start my new job as a Senior Cybersecurity Consultant on 4/15! Will be working from home, get to hack for a living, and help engineer enterprise security startegies! Life is good right now!
Last Sunday was my birthday, and I was completely spoiled by my family and especially my amazing wife @GypsyKat with giftcards and books. This birthday bookhaul was great because all the books here will be used for my new job as a Senior Cybersecurity Consultant! Absolutely thrilled to be doing what I love! Best of all I will be working from home, so get to see more of my beautiful wife! Life is good!🤗
Not book related but I know what a supportive community Litsy is, so asking fpr positive vibes to be sent my way because I am in the final interview for a job I really want. Thanks in advance!
What a magical story! I was very familiar with the movie as a child, but found this so much more enjoyable. Half of the book is a story of Bastian rebuilding Fantastica which was a great adventure to go on. Well written, and very atmospheric I felt as if I were sucked into the world of Fantastica. Highly reccomend this book.
Forgot to post my Christmas book haul photo! I got two beautiful copies of one of my favorite books The Hobbit! The larger is a cloth bound edition, and the smaller is a pocket book edition.
The others are books are related to my field of work which is Cybersecurity. I am studying for my CISSP certification this year and test in March so the study guide will be very helpful with that. The other 2 are related to cyber forensics and pen testing
Did some #audiblecooking today listening to Angelas Ashes while making crispy home fries and Gordon Ramsey style scrambled eggs with shallots. Great way to start my Monday!
Love the poetic conversation that Atreyu has with Uyulala after going through the No-Key Gate! So beautifully written. Loving reading this!
One thing I look forward to on the one vacation I take a year is the book I choose to read over that vacation. This year I chose one of my all time favorite childhood stories The Never Ending Story. This will be my first time reading the book. My amazing wife @GypsyKat got me this beautiful edition for my birthday last year. Enjoying it so much already!
As always Laini Taylor does not dissapoint! This was just a beautiful and whimsical return to the beautiful world and one of my favorite characters from the series. Highly reccomend this book!
Starting this Sunday off right with some great coffee and cookies, and the wonderful Laini Taylor! #lovelainitaylor #Zuzanaisthebest
A vendor of mine surprised me with some free books today! I already had the BTFM, but not the RTFM. Love book surprises!
Just finished this enthralling and amazing series. Rarely have I ever been this invested and captivated by such brilliant characters and worlds. I have to thank my awesome wife @GypsyKat for introducing me to this great new world, that the amazing Laini Taylor has created! There was love, lost and laughter and I experienced it will all these magical creatures. Highly recommend this series, and I look forward to revisiting this world in the future
Got a surprise free book in the mail from one of my vendors, happy day! Two of my favorite things, free books and cybersecurity
So these are just a few of my birthday presents, my favorite being The Never Ending Story given to me by my amazing wife @GypsyKat ! Had a great birthday not because of the gifts, but because I was surrounded by family and had so many friends take time from their day to wish me a happy birthday. Feel truly blessed!
Was so excited to get the notebook that my Litsy Pen Pal @Quasifesto sent! Looking foward to getting to make a new friend. Will be sending my response back Monday! #LitsyPenPals
So I am a huge Johnny Cash fan, and was so excited to pick this book up. Everything I have read said this is one if the top biographies on Jonny Cash. Thought a pic with the book and my acoustic guitar seemed fititng😉
Thanks for the tag @GypsyKat
1. The Chronicles of Narnia
2. The Revenant
3. Dolores Umbridge
4. Old Man in the Sea
5. @Quasifesto
Taking a mental health day from work today, and what better way to start than with a peaceful house, a cup of coffee, and of course a good book. Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!
This book was amazing! It was a different pace from the first, but not any less of a page turner. I did have trouble at first with how often she jumped between storylines, but that is a weakness on my part not the authors. This book is written beautifully and really sucks you into the struggle of two worlds. There were definetly tears and some laughs (thanks Zuze), but so happy with this book. I highly reccomend this series to anyone.
@GypsyKat inspired me to take a relaxing bath as she did earlier. Its been a long, tiring week, and some chocolates, plum wine, and jetted bath will be a perfect start to the weekend! During the bath I will be enjoying listening to Kenneth Branagh narrate Murder on the Orient Express😁.
I am so enjoying this book, especially since you can feel the anticipation of a major collision of characters coming with every page turn.
Here is a question for the Litsy community. I love to read, I really do. That being said I am the IT Director for a company which means 50+ hour weeks most of the time, and stress is no stranger either. I also have the annoying condition of falling asleep if I try to read after 7pm. How do you other busy Littens fit reading into you busy lives?
So here's my second attempt at trying to learn to cook, whih is my new years resolution. Tonight's dinner is Garlic Steak and Potatoes with a side of buttered Asparagus. The Huffelpuff journal is slowly filling up with recipies and notes of dishes I want to try, or have tried. Very excited to learn new things and this is definetly out of my comfort zone.
Working in my security lab today, but first trying to dtermine why my sound all of sudden decided not to work today😠 #MondayProblems #KaliLinux #MySOC
Excited! Just signed up for Litsy Pen Pals 2018! I have not had a pen pal sincr elementary school. I prefer hand written letters than email so I am very excited😁 #LitsyPenPals #NewFriends
Right out out of the box this book is getting the ole ticker!😭😭
So ready to start this book and continue on this amazing adventure filled with such amazing, and relateable characters!
This book was amazing!!! I was immediately enthralled with the world and characters in this book. It is very well written and the author does such a great job developing a real sense knowing of all the characters involved. I was dying at the end, with all the feels. I cannot wait to continue the series! Thanks @GypsyKat for "tricking" me into reading this amazing story!?
I am absolutely addicted to this book, and am having to literally force myself to stop reading! It is so good, cannot wait to start reading tomorrow!
I really enjoyed this book a lot! It was very thought provoking and gives sheds some harsh truths on societies views on solitude and the importance of society approved goals. I was not a huge fan of the author's writing style overall, but the the subject matter makes it of little consequence. Happy to have finished my first book of 2018 wrapped an electric blanket under constant care from my awesome wife @GypsyKat while I recover from pneumonia.