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Untilted | Autechre
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Untilted | Autechre
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1. All parts of my name. Nothing too exciting!
2. Y‘all I just can‘t do it. I wish I could and have tried so many times…I either get distracted and think about something else or get annoyed with their voices. I SO wish this were not the case. 🤦🏻‍♀️
3. People You Meet on Vacation…so-so🧡💚
Fun one @Eggs

Eggs #2 Aww that‘s a shame! Hope you find a narrator you like 2d
KadaGul @JessieKB I'm particular about the narrators 🗣️ . If they have a high-pitched voice, speak 🗣️ too softly, or sound like my grade school 🏫 teacher 🧑‍🏫 , I prefer to switch to the physical copy. 2d
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Untilted | Autechre
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Untilted | Autechre
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Bookmory has a Wishlist now!? Great!!!

@BarbaraBB - still happy you introduced me to the app

BookWrym Love this app haven‘t seen that feature yet will have to check it out 3w
BarbaraBB That‘s cool. I have to check it out too! 3w
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Untilted | Autechre
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My #naturalitsymidsummer swap arrived!

@Graciouswarriorprincess so excited!!! 💜

Graciouswarriorprincess Hurray!! I hope that you like it! 😀 1mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Meshell1313 Hooray! Now the waiting begins! 🎉🥰 1mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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#TLT @dabbe #ThreeListThursday

86 out of 100💥
1. Shakespeare in Love
2. Shawshank‘s redemption
3. Three Weddings and a Funeral or My Best Friends Wedding or The Pelican Brief or The Full Monty😜. or Silence of the lambs.

dabbe 💚 all of these choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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My #MayReads!
Here are my stats:
24 Books read
4 Books DNF‘d - not shown

4 Physical or Ebooks
5 Manga
14 Audiobooks
16 books off my physical owned tbr!
Favorites of the month:
5⭐️ Vinland Saga 13, Fragile Sanctuary &
Spy Family 4
4.5⭐️ A Memory Called Empire, Home is Where the Bodies Are & Empire of the Damned

KadaGul Awesome🤩! You crushed it in May! 2mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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📖 I have pleasant memories of my visits to school libraries in each stage
:elementary, junior high and HS. I participated in a book clubs. During my elementary school period I visited a beautiful library located in San Juan and I was just in love, impressed🤩

📚Local bookstores, charity store near home, B&N, eBay, BOM, Amazon, subscriptions swaps😂even from Blackwell‘s but I‘m having problems to access the web🤷🏽‍♀️

Gissy 📖 (Cont.) This month is almost a challenge to find time to read but currently I‘m reading 3: Dragon Spring Road; one in Spanish, En Plena Noche, 2nd book of Illumbe trilogy; and The Hidden Staircase book 2 in the series

Thank you @Eggs ♥️♥️♥️
Eggs Beautiful, like you❤️ 2mo
Gissy @Eggs 🤗❤️❤️❤️ 2mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Well my initial thoughts run along the lines of “eww”, “whyyyyyyy?” and “who asked for this?”

Was Amazon giving Elrond the haircut of a business man not enough? THIS IS WHY WE CAN‘T HAVE NICE THINGS - either reboot the original movie or better yet move on to literally any other fantasy book series - there are so many to choose from.

Ruthiella Hollywood has no originality. They are always looking only for the “sure thing”. What other fantasy series would you suggest? 3mo
kelli7990 I‘m tired of Hollywood remaking old movies. I wish they would come up with some new movies. 3mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Ruthiella, there‘s a MG fantasy series that would be super fun to see adapted - Tales from the Five Kingdoms. But honestly so many! It‘s a shame that there is such an emphasis on franchise potential. Especially since most seem to crash and burn due to over saturation. 3mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @kelli7990, absolutely! The Hobbit movies really suffered from Peter Jackson‘s efforts to “link” the two trilogies for the people who didn‘t have a passing familiarity with the original books. I don‘t really want to see them remade - I‘d love to see some new adaptions, made with the same care that he took with The Lord of the Rings. I‘ve been to the Shire film set and the level of detail is awe inspiring. 3mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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1. 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒🏡🐾

Family, shelter, and my fur babies!!🖤
Bring me peace, love, and rest!!🖤
Fun one @Eggs

Eggs Rest! I love that one! Thanks for playing 🤗 3mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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From a Google search inspired by a post from @Purpleness

Purpleness 🤣 3mo
monkeygirlsmama 😆😆😆😆 3mo
Susanita I don‘t know if I want to see chickens overthrow the government… 3mo
Sace @Susanita 😂 Same. 3mo
julesG 🤣🤣 3mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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This is probably more of a post for January, but I wanted to share some photos of my reading journal. I moved to more physical ways of tracking my reading in 2023 and I think it has enhanced my reading life. I still log books on The StoryGraph for end of the year stats report, but my thoughts on a book go into the journal.

From left to right:
“Title” page
Book reviews and entries format
My star rating system
2024 reading goals
Yearly overview

TheSpineView I also find writing by hand in a journal enhances my experience. ❤️🖋 3mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Just because ❤️

Untilted | Autechre
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My #bookspin picks for April. Some of these have been on my tbr since January. 🙄
I read 10 books last month, and still no bingo. Maybe because I keep picking up books that aren't on the bookspin list.🙃

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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The Trans Rights Readathon starts today, celebrating trans authors and representation, and to raise funds for and awareness about organizations that support the trans community. I picked out 3 reads to enjoy this week, and look forward to discovering new authors! #TransRightsReadathon #LGBTQIA

BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 🎉 🏳️‍⚧️ 4mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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I love meeting new authors and @kerryevelynbooks is a real sweetheart. @barkingmadaboutreading introduced me to her and the Coffee Loft series. I just love these sweet romance books however I especially adored Kerry‘s book, “That Thing You Brew”.

I received #bookmail from her today and it is the cutest little package! Thanks @kerryevelynbooks for making this rainy, grey day bright!

monkeygirlsmama Will have to look for this series. Coffee and books, two of my favorite things! 😁📚☕ 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @monkeygirlsmama If you have Kindle Unlimited, there are all on there. If not, you can order the ebooks or the actual books. They are so fun! 4mo
monkeygirlsmama I had KU, but have paused for the time being. I will definitely keep this in mind when I reactivate. Thanks! 4mo
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intothehallofbooks These books look like something I‘d enjoy reading. Thanks so much for sharing! I hadn‘t seen them yet but I added them to my KU list. 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @monkeygirlsmama You‘re welcome. ☺️. @intothehallofbooks A new one in the series comes out every Wednesday. 4mo
BethM Sounds good! 4mo
BethM Ugh why are these not in Litsy? That‘s how I live my book life lol 4mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @BethM I agree! They need to be in Litsy! 😊 4mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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I need some book recs! Specifically audios! I got a promotion where I really don't have to interact with people very much at all. I will be able to have my headphones in all day! 😍

Sapphire The Adventures of Amina el Shirafi, great on audio! 5mo
kricheal @Sapphire thank you! 5mo
Ruthiella The Flavia de Luce mysteries narrated by Jane Entwistle. The Lunar Chronicles narrated by Rebecca Solar. The Discworld books are awesome on audio. The Amelia Peabody series narrated by Barbara Rosenblatt. (edited) 5mo
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KathyWheeler Is there a specific genre you like or don‘t like? Dave Grohl‘s The Storyteller is fabulous on audio, as is Brandi Carlile‘s Broken Horses. Loved Ben Aaronovitch‘s Rivers of London series and Jim Butcher‘s The Dresden Files series on audio. Project Hail Mary was great. 5mo
Deblovestoread Mary Jane by Jessica Anya Blau was fantastic on audio! 5mo
swatreads The Teacher by Freida McFadden 5mo
azulaco Lincoln in the Bardo on audio is terrific. I also loved Daisy Jones and the Six on audio. 4mo
monkeygirlsmama Following! 4mo
monkeygirlsmama Also last week I listened to I'm Glad My Mom Died and Crying HMart. Both were really good audiobooks. 4mo
Enchanted_Bibliophile If you like Epic High Fantasy, I highly recommend the Cosmere Series - Graphic Audios - Brandon Sanderson 4mo
rretzler Echo both the Flavia de Luce series and the Cosmere series. If you like soft science fiction, John Scalzi is great, especially when his books are read by Wil Wheaton. They‘re one of my favorite combos for audiobooks. His latest, Starter Villain, is really funny and Lock In is a very original SciFi/Mystery. 4mo
kricheal @Ruthiella Thank you! I never thought of a series. 4mo
kricheal @KathyWheeler l will read anything! Thanks for the suggestions! 4mo
kricheal @Deblovestoread Mary Jane looks really good! Thank you 😊 4mo
kricheal @swatreads Thanks for the rec! Added to my list! 4mo
kricheal @azulaco I've already done both of those on audio- they are both fantastic! Thank you for the recommendations! 4mo
kricheal @monkeygirlsmama i didn't have Crying in H Mart in the queue yet. Thanks! 4mo
kricheal @Enchanted_Bibliophile I'm late to the game with him. I've only read the first two books of the Stormlight archives. I'm listening to Edgedancer right now. I had no idea he had previous series. 🤦‍♀️ 4mo
kricheal @rretzler I was only able to find Starter Villian in my library app. Thanks for the recs! 4mo
KathyWheeler @kricheal A lot of Scalzi‘s books are exclusive to Audible, which I find annoying, even though I have it. I loved Starter Villain. Wil Wheaton is a fabulous narrator and is great with Ready Player One. 4mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Bear‘s Den 🎶🎵🎶 kinda day here #TuesdayTunes

TieDyeDude New to me. Thanks for the recommendation! They've got a good sound. 5mo
TheBookHippie @TieDyeDude I love them! Hope you enjoy 🎶🎵🎶. 5mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Here is my #MarchTBR for #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo #MangaMarch - my new Readathon! And #Roll100 🍀😁

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Here in Perth we have just broken records for the highest temperatures ever in February. Today was a tiny bit cooler so we ventured out to a shopping centre. The books were calling me. Top 2 for grandkids. Next one I‘ve heard about on the radio. The bottom one was going cheap cheap and sounded like a good read. Watching US abc news. Hope the weather not near any of US people.

Untilted | Autechre
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Went to the neighbouring town today. Bought a rucksack full of chocolate at a factory outlet (they make posh chocolate for export) and came across this little free library in the middle of a town square.

DocBrown I want one of those! 5mo
Tamra Oh, that is fabulous! 5mo
Cupcake12 I love this x 5mo
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SpellboundReader So cute! 📚👍 5mo
Ruthiella Neat! I take it that it didn‘t have any books you were interested in? 🤔 5mo
TieDyeDude Fun! 5mo
LeahBergen Very cool! 5mo
kwmg40 This is great! 5mo
AnnCrystal 🤩📚💝. How whimsical! (edited) 5mo
Hooked_on_books Looks like a lovely LFL, but quite frankly I want to see the chocolate! 🍫 😬 5mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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🔎 Hercule Poirot
🔎🔎Veronica Speedwell
🔎🔎🔎Sherlock Holmes

#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

dabbe We share 2/3! I've never heard of Veronica Speedwell--now on my TBR. Thanks for playing! ❤️💜🩷 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Apologies for being missing in action, & not having responded to posts. Had to take a few weeks away whilst I had a big flare up of my Crohn‘s Disease & the associated pains that made it difficult to focus on sitting & responding to things. Also been dealing with one or two other things. Hopefully back now. Thanks for your understanding and going missing in the middle of a Readathon.
Thanks to those that have sent messages 😍 Litsy is the best

IndoorDame I hope you continue to feel better ❤️‍🩹 6mo
Velvetfur Oh noooo, I hope you recover soon from your flare up - we'll all be thinking of you and wishing you well xxx 6mo
dabbe Glad to see you back, and I hope you continue to heal. 🩷💜❤️ 6mo
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JenReadsAlot Sending good vibes your way! 6mo
SamAnne Hoping you are on the mend! 6mo
CBee Sending you lots of healing thoughts and love! ♥️♥️♥️ 6mo
Gissy Glad that you are feeling better!❤️Heath is a priority and we are here to support you🙌❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
Aims42 Hope you‘re feeling better!! Those flare-ups are the worst when they strike ❤️ 6mo
Bookwormjillk ❤️ 6mo
Deblovestoread Sorry to hear about your flare-up, but glad you are on the mend. Take care. 💜 6mo
TheSpineView Sorry you have been under the weather. So glad you are filling better!💞 6mo
AnnR Glad to see you posting again and I'm hopeful your flare passes soon. 🙏 Take care. 6mo
AnnCrystal How terrible 🙏 Feel better ☕🎶💤🙏. 6mo
Librarybelle I hope you feel better soon! 6mo
Ruthiella Glad to hear you‘re back! Hope you are 100% soon. ❤️ 6mo
Itchyfeetreader Sorry to hear that Andrew - hope you are on the mend. Look after yourself and take things easy ! 6mo
willaful I'm glad you're doing better. 6mo
JessClark78 ❤️ 6mo
ChasingOm Oh no - those flares are rough! Hope you‘re getting some rest. 6mo
Cupcake12 Hope you start feeling better soon 📚 (edited) 6mo
Bluebird Sorry to hear you‘ve been having a rough time. Glad you are feeling better! ❤️ 6mo
Crazeedi Andrew, I just looked at your feed yesterday and was wondering if you were OK! I totally understand, you never need to apologize, (I went MIA for most of a year), we are here for you 6mo
CarolynM Glad to see you back. Hope you‘re feeling a lot better.💕 6mo
youneverarrived That sounds tough - glad to see you back 🤍 6mo
Yuki_Onna Oh no, how 😢😬😰... I missed you. Hope you'll heal and feel better now 🙏❣️ 6mo
LeahBergen Oh, dear! I hope you‘re feeling better now. ❤️❤️ 6mo
batsy Hope you're feeling much better! 6mo
kwmg40 Glad to hear from you, and I'm sending good wishes your way! 6mo
MaureenMc 💗💗💗 6mo
Caryl Thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way! 6mo
kezzlou85 Hope you're feeling better now. 6mo
Andrew65 @kezzlou85 Thanks better than I was but still getting bouts of pain that make it difficult to concentrate on my reading. 6mo
julieclair Just checked your feed because I was worried why you had gone dark. So sorry to hear your Crohn‘s was flaring up. Ugh. Hope you are back on an even keel soon. Sending healing thoughts your way. 💙 5mo
Andrew65 @julieclair Thanks, improved from what it was but still giving me issues. Hope you are well. 5mo
julieclair I‘m doing well, thank you. Hoping you can say the same soon. 5mo
Andrew65 @julieclair Good to hear, thanks 😊 5mo
PaperbackPirate Glad you‘re back! I hope you feel better soon! 💙 5mo
Andrew65 @PaperbackPirate Thanks 🥰 5mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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I made these bookmarks for my daughter in law and my grandbaby, while listening to THE NURSE

IuliaC Beautiful! 6mo
Gissy Pretty😍👌 6mo
marleed I love them! 6mo
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bthegood 💕 💕 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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@CBee is starting a new challenge to #ReadYourBooks #ReadYourNook #ReadYourKindle so here is my first list from my huge kindle backlog. All of these either start or continue a series so I can double up on my challenges with #SeriesLove24. Checkout her feed to join us.

CBee Oh awesome! I‘m glad it fits well with #serieslove24 😊 (edited) 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Thanks for the tag @Eggs
1. Leave my house at least twice, hopefully including some sort of walk, and finish my January reads.
2. Scarlet by Stephen Lawson
3. Accepting and inquiring.



@TieDyeDude @peaKnit @Bluebird @Amiable

Cupcake12 Love your two words for no.3 Have a good week x 6mo
ElizaMarie Ooo I love your goal for this week! 6mo
Eggs 🩵🩵🩵 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Ruthiella 👍👍👍 6mo
Leftcoastzen Sign me up! 6mo
Gissy 👌 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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My #MidWinterSolace scavenger hunt. It was more of a wet week than a cold one so I had to get creative.

Chrissyreadit 🤍🤍🤍 6mo
AllDebooks Love these x 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Finally posting my #bookspin bingo list for January 2024. Still have a few spaces that I‘m undecided on but I‘ll see if I get through some of the books I‘ve already listed & started

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Most months I put in all the books I definitely need/want to read, but then end up with about 10-12 blank spaces. I leave them all as “free“ spaces but make myself fill them in in numeric order instead of strategically so it's still somewhat challenging to get a bingo 😂 7mo
ElizaMarie Suggestion - (what I did this past month); was categories like: Thriller, Hardcover, on my Litsy TBR, given to me. Stuff like that helped me round out my list. 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Thought today was Monday so I‘m a day behind in the #hyggechallenge

Soup and sandwiches tasted so good after two weeks of cookies and cheese! #MidWinterSolace

TheBookHippie 🤣♥️ 7mo
Chrissyreadit ❄️💙❄️ 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre

January 2024 #Bookspin
1. We Measure the Earth
2. Doppelgänger
3. The Book of Goose
4. Run Towards
5. Thank You Mr Nixon
6. When We Were Sisters
7. An Immense World
8. A Better Man
9. The Art of Gathering
10. A Small Place
11. Saving Time
12. Love and Drowning
13. H is for Hawk
14. Pure Colour
15. Fruit of the Drunken Tree
16. Crip up the Kitchen
17. Love Enough
18. We Should Not Be Afraid of the Sky
19. Either/Or
20. The Glass Universe

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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This was a cute Christmas Romance for the Victorian Era. I actually got a full bingo card this month. #ISpyBingoDecember @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks Two Readathons #RushAthon #HolidayRomanceReadathon @peanutnine @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #TeamReindeerGamers #WinterGames

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
peanutnine Amazing! 💖🎄☺️ 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Arrived today!!! It‘s not marked, but I am guessing #jolabokaflodswap. 🤍🎉

Daisey Yes! Sorry, I forgot the specific swap tag and then realized after I‘d sent it off that it only had my last name as well. Glad it arrived safely and quickly! 7mo
JessieKB ❤️🎉💚 thank you!!!!! 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Untilted | Autechre
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I have some days off at the end of the year. What should I read? Hit me with suggestions, please. 🫵🏻

Aimeesue I have no suggestions, but a friend recently pointed out to me that this person seems to have two right hands, and now I can‘t unsee that. 😄 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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#JolabokaflodSwap23 shipped!!! 💚🎄❤️ ETA Monday!

Untilted | Autechre
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My #Yuleswap package arrived thank you @Born.A.Reader I can‘t wait to see what you got me. And thank you @BookwormAHN and @wanderinglynn for hosting.

wanderinglynn Yay! ❄️ 8mo
BookwormAHN Fantastic 🤍 🩶 🤍 8mo
BookwormAHN Have you had a chance to send yours yet? 7mo
MrsGagnonreads2024 @BookwormAHN Mine will be out by Saturday all depends if I can get out early today or tomorrow to get to the post office. But definitely Saturday. 7mo
BookwormAHN Great 🤍 7mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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@MaleficentBookDragon my #Jolabokaflodswap is being sent via amazon and will arrive in two packages. Thanks for putting this swap together every year!

Untilted | Autechre
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dabbe OMG! I love your Abominable Snowman! 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Untilted | Autechre
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Enjoying a hot cup of peppermint vanilla tea 🫖 ☕️ while I choose the books for the Popsugar 2024 Reading Challenge.

PosiTEA message of the night:
“Trust creates peace.”

Have a great night, everyone! 😃

BethM Yummm 8mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Spread the love. Help each other crawl out of their hole.
Have a great day! 😃
#thinkpositivebepositive #love #loveeachother #crawlout

Robinsonbrandon129 Hello there, Thanks for following back, I hope you are fine? please do you mind sending me an email, I just want to have a friendly conversation with you, I must say your profile is appealing. That's my email address, I expect to hear from you sooner or later, Thank you. robsonbrandon66@gmail.com 8mo
jdiehr Red flag ☝🏻 8mo
WJCintron @jdiehr 🙏🙏👍 Yes! I noticed that! Thanks for confirming my thoughts. This has never happened before. Is there a process now when this happens? Do I need to notify it to someone or do some about it or just let it slide? 8mo
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jdiehr @WJCintron When I've seen this in the past, someone has posted about it with the person's Litsy handle to warn everyone. I don't know what happens after that. I'm happy to make a post. Ooh, wait, I think we can flag his comment. I'll do that and you do it, too 8mo
jdiehr @WJCintron I flagged the comment and created a post 8mo
WJCintron @jdiehr 😃🙌🙏🙏 I‘ll do it rn! Thanks soooo much for the help. 8mo
WJCintron @jdiehr I just flagged and sent a comment too. Thanks 🙏 🙂 8mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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#humbleharvest #family #day27
Row 1:Frank,Robert,me,Poe,Em-our family
Row2:Robert,Frank,nephew Anthony,me,us,Frank‘s sisters, Frank & Robert
Row3:Robert,Frank,me,R‘s cousins,my sister,brother-in-law
Row4:sibs & 1 in-law,3 sisters& me,mom, me,7 sibs(dad cooking)as teens/kids

dabbe Lovely. 🩵🩶🩵 8mo
tpixie Fun! 8mo
Eggs Great family photos 🩷💙🩵 8mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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Sorry if I‘ve been MIA. October was a busy month: Prepping for vacation, working, 3 birthday parties, 2 nephews soccer seasons, knitting group, the Actual vacation (loved DC), the downside of unpacking/shopping/laundry post vacation, and hockey season started. (Season tickets. Yes hockey. In south Louisiana. . 😍. Finally have a team after 21 years). Here‘s my books read this month. All 15 of them 😱. Here‘s to a quieter November

MissyD Noticed the last week was cut off in the photo. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Just one book that week. 9mo
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Last photo prompt!!! I hope everyone had a great one!!!🧡🖤 #scarathlon #hhc

Chrissyreadit 🎉🧡🖤 9mo
dabbe 🧡🖤💜 9mo
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annahenke I just signed up - thanks for posting the link! 9mo
Clwojick Thanks for sharing! 9mo
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Forgot to post this earlier, but @DeeLew your pkg. is on the way! #HHS @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🧡 9mo
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My #hhs23 package is on its way 🍃 I had lots of fun shopping and I hope everything is great! The post office says it‘s due to arrive Monday. Thanks for organizing, @wanderinglynn #hauntedhallowswap 🤗

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🧡 Just ignore my update post. You are now marked as mailed! 9mo
Larkken @wanderinglynn reminders are always appreciated!🥰 9mo
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