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Librarybelle That was odd, but perhaps the Inspector was unwilling to arrest such important people in the community. It still does not seem right that it took the Inspector seeing their guilty expressions to realize they were the culprits. Leave it to Holmes to solve a crime while he is convalescing! 7d
IndoorDame I thought it was funny that the inspector was convinced by the looks on their faces not the fact that they were strangling Sherlock 😂. The familial relationship in handwriting confused me. I know handwriting analysis got a lot more weight then, and handwriting itself was more important/strictly taught/distinctive… but I couldn‘t figure out how it would be tied to families since it‘s not like parents were teaching their kids to write 7d
CogsOfEncouragement @IndoorDame Though I have not seen this consistently among families, I used to have a hard time telling the difference between my SIL‘s and MIL‘s handwriting. It is so very similar. After being familiar with their writing after a few years I was able to see the difference at a glance but not in early days. 7d
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dabbe @IndoorDame Exactly! Is handwriting a skill pre-wired in our DNA or is it a learned skill? And even though handwriting analysis was pretty new then, it seems to be not very reliable today. (edited) 6d
IndoorDame @dabbe I always took it as a learned skill. Everyone I know who learned handwriting from nuns at Catholic schools in the 1940s-70s has a certain likeness about their writing… 6d
dabbe @IndoorDame Me, too. Everyone in my family has WAY different handwriting! Some of us can barely chicken scratch! 😂 6d
Cuilin @IndoorDame remembering from my early childhood development classes, reading and writing are both learned and not innate, different from language acquisition, and talking. (edited) 5d
Cuilin @dabbe I do love a mystery that includes notes and handwriting, even though I don‘t think there‘s much science to back it up. 5d
dabbe @Cuilin I do, too! And I especially love ciphers! 5d
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Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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Well that‘s a little bit humbling 🤣

I can‘t say that I had an awareness of quite a lot of these… which surprises me a little since my world is pretty bookish! Some of it can be attributed to not being American but not all of it.


julesG Wow, you beat my score of five!! 🤣🤣🤣 2w
Lunakay I read 3 and have never heard of at least half of these.😂😂😂 2w
dabbe #ditto! I'd say I haven't heard of 80% of these. Wowza-yowza! 😂😂😂 2w
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tpixie I have only read 7. And only have heard of a few others that I have not read. Most I‘ve never heard of. I have never liked the New York Times.-it will never let me see articles since I don‘t pay for them!!! 2w
tpixie @julesG @dabbe @Lunakay i‘m glad to see we are all in good company. 2w
CarolynM Unsurprisingly there was a very American bias to the list. 2w
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Do I have some complaints & concerns? Yes , I do! Happy 4th of July to all who celebrate!


Suet624 Same 3w
dabbe #ditto 💙 3w
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The 4th of July | Don Ortman
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I only saw 14/80

But I've probably seen my favorites more than 80 times combined 😂

1. Jaws
2. Top Gun
3. Coming to America

#ThreeListThursday #TLT

dabbe #ditto to your answer. Between just INDEPENDENCE DAY and APOLLO 13, I know I've watched at least 80 times! 😂 Thanks for sharing and playing! 💙🇺🇸❤️ 3w
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe ❤️🤍💙 3w
bthegood Jaws is my number 1 also and I watch it at the beginning and ending of each summer🦈 3w
TheBookgeekFrau @bthegood 🩶🩶 (wish there was a fin emoji) 3w
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Eggs Love Ronstadt🔴🎶⚪️ 3w
dabbe @Eggs #dotto ... I mean #ditto! 🔴⚪️🔴 3w
Eggs @dabbe 🤣😅 3w
kspenmoll A documentary called Linda Ronstast: The Sound of My Voice (2019) was incredible. Well worth watching. 3w
dabbe @kspenmoll I'll have to check it out! We Arizonans consider her a state treasure! 🤩 3w
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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This copy is so so cool- the extras!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks again @Graciouswarriorprincess

IndoorDame 🤩🤩🤩 3w
dabbe #ditto @IndoorDame! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Roary47 🤩😍 3w
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staci.reads Gorgeous! I have the Pride and Prejudice version, and I love it! The Jane Eyre is on my wish list! 3w
kspenmoll Looks amazing! 3w
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Much needed!!!!

Now to decide what to read ….

It‘s 61 F and breezy with the sun shining 💚
High of 63 F today aka perfection 💚

mcctrish We‘ve got a high of 16° C today brrrr tomorrow looks good at 24° C and full sun ☀️ ???? 4w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So jealous of your weather! It‘s so humid and hot 🥵 here! 4w
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TheBookHippie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe YaAll Are jealous.. until you realize I drive on pure ice and zero visibility power outages and -22 weather 😵‍💫😅🤣😘👀😂 summer is SHORT winter on the other hand 😵‍💫😵‍💫 4w
dabbe @TheBookHippie And I wear oven mittens to be able to put my hands on the steering wheel of my car--and I can cook an egg on the sidewalk. Plus monsoons where the haboobs deposit dust in every nook and cranny of my house and take away the electricity--meaning no AC.

#oppositesattract 🤩😂😀 Let's switch: you come here in August, and I'll go there in January! 😘
TheBookHippie @dabbe haha the oven mit thing we do too!!!!! How weird!!! I think we should all move to a commune in better weather! I‘ll cook! 4w
TheBookHippie @dabbe at least when our power goes out in winter the food is safe! 4w
kspenmoll @dabbe My weather experience in CT pales compared to yours. Even the winter months cannot make up for your blazing heat!!! 4w
kspenmoll Today lots of thunder storms- only in the 70s but humidity is high. 4w
TheBookHippie @dabbe I want to know why they don‘t have the power thing down yet 😂😅😵‍💫👀 4w
dabbe @TheBookHippie I'll clean up the dishes! 🤩🤩🤩 4w
dabbe @kspenmoll 70 + 70% humidity = our 90-100's any day. We're a bit humid now, too, since the monsoons have started. 4w
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Untitled | Untitled
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#5JoysFriday @debinhawaii
For me this week, it's all about surviving hell. Our LOW temperature last night was 95º F (35º C). 😱🔥😓 I'm grateful for
1. Our new spa ... to help us to cool down.
2. Our booked trip to Pinetop in August ... to help us cool down.
3. Our extra air conditioner in the back room ... to help us cool down.
4. This pic of Kate in the fall ... to remind me of cooler temps.
5. Our lap dog Pip and Matt (his foot's in the pic).

kspenmoll I would live in your spa!!!! 1mo
AnnCrystal 🙏💝💝💝💝💝. 1mo
dabbe @kspenmoll I'm trying to! 🤩🤗😀 1mo
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dabbe @AnnCrystal 💚💙💚 1mo
TheSpineView Loving the hell out of our AC this week! 1mo
dabbe @TheSpineView #ditto! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
DebinHawaii Wow! Great job in finding joys in a too hot 🔥week! 💛💛💛 Your spa looks like a great spot to hang out in! Thanks for joining in & helping spread the joy! 🤗 4w
dabbe @DebinHawaii 💚💙💚 4w
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I recommend this book so much at my library that I had to buy extra copies to keep it on the shelf! It's an epic story set in medieval like times. The book starts the series with 15 year old Will just learning what being a ranger is all about.

#middlegrademonday #spies

Daisey I‘ve heard good things about this book but never read it. May have to move it up the TBR. 2mo
dabbe #ditto what @Daisey said! 🤩 2mo
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#LitSolace #Midsummersolace

It's Friday! 🙂 How's your week going?
Are you ready to play #Fridaynightshare by naming a favourite read for the beach or summer holidays?

Just for fun and to extend our tbr summer lists. 🌞😅🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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Bookwormjillk Happy Friday! I love reading Stephen King on the beach. 2mo
Librarybelle Happy Friday! I just finished a book that would be a good beach read: 2mo
mcctrish I have three summer read favourites - something huge that I can finally read cuz I have the time ( A Suitable Boy, A Little Life have been past reads) something light ( Elin Hildebrand, Jenny Colgan) and something themed to wherever we might be traveling to ( this summer we are going to Scotland for the first time and I‘ve got Julie Shackman and Jane Bettany loaded on my kindle) and I‘m looking for suggestions beyond those light reads 2mo
TheBookHippie I always reread 🤣🫣🤪 2mo
ElizaMarie I don't have a summer read. I am looking forward to other's comments because of course I want to add to my TBR (ha! I love Litsy for this reason - among others). 2mo
dabbe A book I like to revisit every summer because it leads me to try yet another classic is BEOWULF ON THE BEACH by Jack Murnighan. It gives a what-to-read/what-to-skip for 50 classics. I find it helpful and humorous. 🤩 2mo
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk lol, certainly a fast paced read guaranteed 🤣 2mo
AllDebooks @mcctrish Ooh Scotland is beautiful 😍 I love a good chunkster on hols x 2mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I have never read Judy Blume 🫣 2mo
AllDebooks @dabbe lol, that looks great 🤣 2mo
AllDebooks I really enjoyed Taylor Jenkins Reid last year. I usually choose fast-paced thrillers as a holiday read. 📚 I always take my Kindle too, for backup. 😅 2mo
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks 😳😳😳😳 2mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie Sorry, don't hate me. Just never gotten around to her books 🫣😅 2mo
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks 🙂🙃 her books saved my life I‘m a bit partial to her. 2mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie ❤️glad you could find comfort. X I will definitely read 2mo
Catsandbooks Any romance or something light and joyful. Anything by Tessa Bailey 🩷 2mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I don‘t have a specific book. Mass market paperbacks are something I associate with going outside to read. I used to take horror anthologies with me to read to my cousins around summer bonfires when we went to visit. 2mo
tdrosebud I don't have anything specific that I read, but for me, a good summer read is one that is easy to carry with me wherever and is an easy read. 2mo
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