Been away for a LONG time. It's been quite the last year and a bit. Anyways, started reading this last night. So far I'm enjoying it.
Been away for a LONG time. It's been quite the last year and a bit. Anyways, started reading this last night. So far I'm enjoying it.
I am in love with this book! It has little paintings of the bookstore, a little blurb about it, and then a quote or tidbit about the bookstore. It brings me so much joy.
@TheKidUpstairs the book is on its way! Sorry about sending it late.
How do I mark up this book? Someone said just to highlight parts that stand out to me. Is that right? Sorry, I've never done this.
I can't wait for Volume 5 next year. The relationships are just so dang adorable.
These books are so cute. The more I read the more I love them.
I honestly can't wait to read Volumes 3 & 4! My husband found them yesterday and got them for me. My 9 yr old is in love with them as well. Can't wait for some good mommy/daughter bonding.
When I say I love these books.... the pure innocence and beauty of Nick and Charlie's relationship. It brings me such joy.
Anybody else find themselves feeling nostalgic, longing to read books from their childhood? I have been missing the Sweet Valley High books a lot lately. I read every single one of them in grade 8 with a friend. They really helped ignite my love of books.
I really enjoyed these books. I'm so sad I don't have another one to read.
Does the villain know they're the villian?
My doctor has extended my medical leave until Sept 8th. I haven't been to work since Dec 19th 2021. I miss my friends and colleagues. I miss time away from my house. I miss not constantly having headaches. Head tumors are not fun, would not recommend.
I absolutely adored this book. To all the girls that deserved a better story, this book is for you.
I really enjoyed Daughter of the Siren Queen. It had a bit less finesse than Daughter of the Pirate King, but was still good.
Today's books from my husband! I've got several other Alix E. Harrow books and was quite excited to get these.
I'm going to choose Unnatural Magic for my #LMPBC! Does that work for everyone else?
Also, I will mark in purple 💜
@melissajayne @zenwldflwr @TheKidUpstairs
"The sound of my knife slitting across a throat feels much too loud in the darkness."
#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
Another day, two more books acquired.
Book haul! Husband took me to get more books since I finished Daughter of the Pirate King in a day... oops!
I really enjoyed this book, so happy I picked up Daughter of the Siren Queen at the same time. Alosa is so strong and powerful. Riden is so caring and not your typical Pirate. I honestly couldn't wait to finish this book.
Finished So This Is Ever After last night. My husband took me to the bookstore yesterday and treated me to Daughter of the Pirate King and Daughter of the Siren Queen. Starting this one today.
Picture my cats paw with my book, after he tried to eat it. Haha!
I really enjoyed this book. The characters are so young and quirky, it made me giggle at how oblivious they were. Arek is a great King, but is complete unaware of it. It's a cute read if you're looking for something LGTBQ+.
Ok, so I didn't bail on Lore, it's just that I'm so much more excited for this one. My hubby came home from work last night and asked if I wanted to go to the bookstore, as if I would ever say no. I went thinking I'd grab The Daughter Of The Pirate King, but they didn't have it. I think it was @hannah-leeloo that had posted about getting this one a few weeks back. I've been wanting it since. Started it last night and very happy so far!
Holy cow! Did I enjoy this book? YES! Alessandra was the perfect mix of independent, conniving, and vulnerable. The Shadow King is broody, withdrawn, and equally as vulnerable. I will definitely need to get Daughter Of The Pirate King and Daughter Of The Siren Queen by the same author.
Everyone. Everyone. EVERYONE! Look what my husband got me!!!!
I cannot express how excited I am to start this book tomorrow. I made a reading journal for the first time and have a whole list sorted for June reading.
I spent the majority of this book not sure what I thought of it. It took me a lot longer to read than I'm used to, I just never really felt like I was fully immersed in the world. At the end of the book I found I did actually quite enjoy the story.
This morning I received your dear, dear letter of the 21st. How happy do you make me with your love! Oh! my Angel Albert, I am quite enchanted with it! I do not deserve such love! Never, never did I think I could be loved so much. Queen Victoria to Prince Albert (28 November 1839)
Guys! My husband just bought me the coolest present! I can't wait to read all of these...
Physical and e-book (when I'm suppose to be sleeping and need the lights out for my husband to sleep I read on my phone)
I'd give it 2-3 stars so far, I'm thinking I'll like it
I do not mark my books in anyway (I stress if I crease the spine)
I dont know anyones tags yet but ill work on it for next Thursday! Play along if you want.
On to the next... can't wait to sink my teeth into this one.
It's been a long time since I've read a book in a day. I loved this book, and as predicted it hit me right in the feels.
The book follows Julie as she prepares for high school graduation after the death of her boyfriend of 3 years. Through the struggles of not wanting to let go and moving on with her life.
I 100% recommend this book to anyone who liked the movies Your Name, If I Stay, and PS I Love You.
This book had me all over the place. The stories within stories, the truth about new parenting feelings... all of it. It was a good book written by a local, in a city not far from me.
This book had me shook. The way it made you hope for one outcome just to throw in a different... it was crazy. Definitely recommend.
Just started reading this book. I have an inclination it might just get me in the feels.