Yes, I bought more books. No, I didn‘t finish the ones I already have.
Yes, I bought more books. No, I didn‘t finish the ones I already have.
Went to the bookstore with my dad, and he bought me these books because I got so emotional looking at the beautiful cover art #coverart #barnesandnoble #crimeandpunishment #frankenstein
Rereading this for a #crimefiction class. I love the style of the writing and the tone and atmosphere that Jedediah Berry sets up. This book is so cute and clever.
I just read this to prepare to read The Strange Case of the Alchemist‘s Daughter. I‘ve never read anything by H.G. Wells, so I was really excited to read this. And it was awesome! This was a really fun story! I loved the characters, I loved the ending, I loved the style. Everything was great.
Found this on reddit. Reminder to everyone out there that you are not your thoughts. #anxiety #mentalhealth #depression
1. Not really. I‘ve read a couple when I was much younger, but I never really got into it 2. I‘m still waiting eagerly for Doors of Stone. I hope it gets done in my lifetime. 3. Not really, but I‘m considering starting the New Yorker 4. Hellz yeah 5. I‘m sad to say I don‘t know what that is. Thank you @IamIamIam for tagging me! @SharonAlger @NotLiketheRoad @OnlyYoo
I love Frankenstein so much and would LOVE to see an accurate film adaptation. Anyone else know the feeling?
Massive book haul! I love these books so much and have decided to try to read the Korean editions to study Korean. Wish me luck! #manga #anime #notashamed
I nabbed this cool mug from Disneyland. I love having it to commemorate one of my favorite children‘s books #Disneyland #mugsoflitsy
This was a nice read. It‘s not really my style (I like whodunnits), but it was a very well-written police procedural. I think fans of that subgenre will really enjoy this. It just wasn‘t my cup of tea.
I love this quote I found
Who else is getting ready for this show? Can‘t wait to see it!
My favorite book ❤️
I watched Blade Runner, guys! And let me tell you, it‘s nothing like the book!
This was such a crazy Alice-in-Wonderland acid trip of a read. To sum, Cyrano goes to the moon and discusses philosophy with moon atheists who think he‘s a monkey
It‘s my super incredible and awesome bookstack!
“Right at that point along the plot, in other offices in other novels, ... Police inspectors smoked, P.I.s drank and smoked. House, MD, balanced a ball on the end of his cane. In 1890s London, Sherlock Holmes lay interred on his own sofa under a toxic cloud of pipe tobacco and tried to pluck some music out of a twenty-ounce bottle of morphine after having shot his own violin up his cubital vein.”
I‘m not gonna lie; I bought this book because I liked the cover. I‘m super excited about reading it, though. The prose is descriptive and lovely while still reading like a fairy tale
I was really hooked in the beginning by the author‘s commitment to staying true to the source material. However, this book made me realize why Robert Louis Stevenson didn‘t make his novella focus much on Hyde to begin with; Hyde‘s entire life is dictated by someone else, so he has little to no volition. This lack of a proactive protagonist is ultimately what bored me into ditching the book.
The characters, dialogue, and events all felt extremely hollow. The synopsis advertises a romance as if that romance will be the main focus of the story, but it isn‘t really. Buyer beware: most of this book is told in flashbacks that have little to no relevance to the plot and serve only to showcase the main character. The snippets of present-day romance amount mostly to “hi. How are you?” “I‘m fine, but I have a headache”
I'm not usually a fan of modern poetry, but this book is really beautiful and sweet. Lang Leav is great at putting unexpected elements into her poems and sounding just gorgeous. The bulk of it is unrhymed free-verse, but I thought I would share this pretty one with you all. :)
Finally got my very nice copy of Moby Dick. Turns out the print is Baskerville (my favorite font)!
My wish came true! I used to only know Cyrano from the Edmond Rostand play and thought he wasn't real. It's magical now to see his name on a book in the real world. :D
Been painting some bookmarks and figuring out how these watercolor pencils work. Having such a blast!
Teenage girl hormones really suck sometimes. I just saw this #Penguinclassics display at the bookstore, and all the covers were so beautiful that I sat on the floor and almost started crying.
...and, having responded, the young man looked intently and inquisitively at Mr. Know-it-all.
Starting on this one now. I'm about three or four pages into it, and I already love it and the immediate contests between Prince Myshkin and Rogozhin. Unfortunately, between War and Peace and The Idiot, that means I'm now reading two books in which someone is named Nikolai Andreevich. Funny to have two Nikolai's with fathers named Andre.
I really hated Moby Dick the first time I had to read it for school because I had never read a book that paused the action before. But even then, there were times when I could have sworn I smelled the sea and felt the coastal winds on my face. Those were the memories that stuck with me a year later and (Thank God!) I decided to give it another go. The writing's superb and the characters are some of the most vivid I've ever seen.
I gave two copies of these away as Christmas presents this year. I love this book so much. It was a nice surprise to learn via Dear Theo that Van Gogh loved it too. It's always really cool when someone you admire reads the same books you do.
Finally getting around to reading this one. Feels like I'm the only one out of the know with it.
Looks like I'm in for a morbid January. Hope you're all having a good day :)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a really good read. It's super short, and (without spoiling anything), knowing the famous twist, I think, actually made the book scarier and that much more intense. I remember reading with my blankets pulled half-way up my face which had gone completely pale. It was during the climax that my mom burst into my room, and I was *this* close to yelping and throwing a pillow at her.
The first and only audiobook I have successfully completed, and that was after reading it years ago in book-form. I love this book, I love this book, I LOVE this book. It's a really useful read for Christians looking to strengthen their faith and for non-Christians looking to read a different world-view. C.S. Lewis goes through the basic beliefs of Christianity in a simple and easy-to-follow way. I'd say it's worth anyone's time. #recommendsday
Audiobooks have been such a struggle for me. I'm not a very good listener so my attention strays and when I turn it off, by the time I turn it back on again I've forgotten what happened earlier. I've been working hard on improving there though. I really want to be that person who can listen to audiobooks all day while working/studying or running errands.
Another book bought just for the cover. I'm about 2:1 against these kinds of buys working out for me. But what the heck! Let's shoot for 50%! The one success btw was Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death. The Grantchester Mysteries series has such beautiful covers and the content is no less charming.
Mr. Winters isn't the most eloquent writer in the world, but I'm really enjoying this book. As someone who's thought about mortality since as early as I can remember, this feels kind of light and fun to me. It's also funny how squeamish the author is about swear words. I could use some more adults who say "bull crap" and "holy moley" in my life.
I think I'm finally done crying. We'll see tomorrow, I guess. Anyway, a little while back, I saw nearly everyone in my feed was reading this. I'm anxious to see what all the hype was about. If you've read The Last Policeman what did you think?
After finishing this book I unexpectedly found myself with my face in my hands, sobbing as if for a loved one. It felt as though I were reading about a close friend's suicide and not someone from centuries ago whom I've never met. Though I do think he and I could have been friends in another history. I feel that he understood me on a level no one else could. It's a very slow read but well worth it for any lover of art or life in any of its forms
A Christmas present from my dad. It's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Salvador Dali (one of my favorite painters). Originally it would really only be at expensive auctions or museums, but it was recently released to the public. Now you can get it at amazon for a little over $20.
Just finished painting some shoes for my sister. Time to relax with a #hotdrinkandabook
I just watched this movie adaptation, and it was as beautiful as I had hoped it would be. It's tragically romantic and packed full of lines that can be quoted like Shakespeare. -- I do plan to learn a few of them to hopefully use in my lifetime. -- So the script is now on my horrifyingly long reading list, and I think I'll watch this movie again a couple hundred times before Christmas.
Surprisingly heavy material for such a little thing. Loving this book so far. It is exceptionally profound and valuable in insight.
These books just came as a Christmas present. I'm so excited to start reading :D
This isn't the kind of book I would normally read, but it has this captivating je ne sais quoi that I've fallen in love with. It isn't the easiest book I've read (hence notes) but now that I got used to following so many characters, the story flows wonderfully. It really is a gorgeous piece of art for all time. I can't wait to see how it ends.
Look what came in the mail today! My very first Byron. Im so excited!
A name and a book that will never be forgotten. Sherlock Holmes is among a very small selection of books that have a permanent and earnest place in my heart. A must-read for absolutely everyone.
"What of Art?"
"It is a malady"
"An Illusion."
"The fashionable substitute for Belief."
"You are a sceptic."
"Never! Scepticism is the beginning of Faith."
"What are you?"
"To define is to limit."
This book had me raving for weeks to any poor soul who would listen. Who would have thought that geometry and adventure would make such a perfect couple? Insightful, intelligent, and powerfully creative. Easy to understand with no prior knowledge. A Pilgrim's Progress for mathematics.