#amreading #currentlyreading
I love the voice in this book so far! I can't wait to spend more time diving in this weekend. ❤📚
#amreading #currentlyreading
I love the voice in this book so far! I can't wait to spend more time diving in this weekend. ❤📚
I was disappointed by this book. It was pretty problematic - awkward handling of potential bisexuality, fat and skinny shaming, and lack of an actual plot. I liked Janey, our narrator, but it wasn't enough to make me like the book as a whole. I was reading an ARC, so I'm hoping they fixed some of the language before the release date. In any case, very meh. So meh I didn't take an additional picture of my kindle. 💁
Yesterday was #ARCstravaganza, and I forgot to poat this picture here. This cover is so beautiful, and I can't wait to read it. Coming out this fall!
Happy #signedbookssunday! I love participating in this every week, and #owlcrate is a great reason to do it! I can't wait to read this summer release from Kayla Olson. ❤📚
Starting this one today, and I hope it's as funny as it sounds. I need some funny in my life. Happy #fridayreads!
#amreading #currentlyreading
I was so on board with this book until the last 30 pages or so. I really hated the ending. A lot. Nothing felt resolved, and my favorite character in the whole book basically got kicked when he was down. Lady was terrible and still got rewarded in the end. And we don't even really see what happens to S. I just. Ugh. I was so disappointed in the end.
And I still want a whole book about Seth because he deserves much much better. I ❤ Seth.
#amreading #currentlyreading
Has anyone else read this one? I have around 60 pages left, and I am so morbidly fascinated with this book. S E T H I S T H E M O S T I N T R I G U I N G. I just want to spend a day with him and learn all about him and be his silent friend.
What are some other thoughts about this book?
Happy #toptentuesday! These are 10 covers I'm loving right now. Keep in mind, this changes constantly, because I love all the covers. 😍😍
It's Monday, which means it's #ARCstravaganza day! I finally found time to write my review for my lovely friend's debut - check it out on my blog! ❤📚
#diverseladybookproject #arcreview #bookreview
I get to be part of a reading with these three lovely authors at #outwrite2017! I'm so excited, and their books are high on my TBR, so I've read them before the festival. 😍
What books are y'all excited for this weekend?
This book was so fun. I picked it because I wanted something light and different, something to redeem the only other erotica I've ever read (that was 50 Shades, ugh), and it did not disappoint. I loved, loved, LOVED it. Would recommend. Especially if you like smut and fat-positivity and New Orleans. ❤
My #fridayreads for this week! I'm almost done with The King of Bourbon Street and have been really enjoying it - it's written so well! Review will be coming soon! Happy weekend reading!
Happy #toptentuesday! This week (since we're on hiatus), I decided to flash way back to the topic Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read Yet. Most of these are pretty new, but I still can't believe i haven't read them yet. Soon soon soon!
#diverseladybookproject #top10tuesday
This book was so cute! Ivy was awkward and relatable, and I loved her friendship with Matt - it felt real to high school. And Sean! I want Ivy and Sean together REAL BAD. The whole search for the band was fun and everything felt like it was true to life. I loved it. And it's out TODAY! Go get it!
Happy #arcstravaganza! I can't wait to get into these two. ❤
Did I know that I needed a YA contemporary about a camp for social justice warriors? No, BUT I DID. This was so funny, and so real, and I flew through it. Plus Gregor is half Mexican but looks white (like me!) and I had never truly seen myself in a book before. I read an ARC that I got at BookCon, but I'm definitely going to go buy a copy of this beauty. ❤
Crappy picture, but GREAT ending to a YA fantasy trilogy. I'm still a little wrecked. But also, I agree with the ending wholeheartedly. Really, I just have no coherent words other than SO GOOD. 😍😍😍
For the middle book in a trilogy, this did not disappoint. I ship Mal and Alina so hard, but I also love Nikolai and OMG this book. 😍😍😍 Leigh Bardugo is a new favorite, without a doubt.
Less than a week until this darling releases, and I'm loving it so far! What a cute story about a daughter trying to find her mom a couple years after she left. If the weekend goes my way, I'll be curled up with this book for most of the time. 😍
I reread this book this week, and man, I still love it. There was a time in my life where I needed Charlie, and now I'm seeing his influences in my own writing. This book helped shape me. ❤
Happy #toptentuesday! Even though we're on a break until August, I'm going to get back to my regular posts - get ready for a bunch of reviews, coming up! For now, here are my 10 favorite books that I've read so far in 2017. What do you think of my picks?
#top10tuesday #booksonbooks #diverseladybookproject
"We all have to fight for what we believe."
Are you ready to #letfatedecide? Because I have my first author event tomorrow, and I'm starting to get nervous! And excited! Mostly excited.
Happy weekend!
#indieauthor #somethingbeautiful
#fridayreads and a hella #tbr. Happy weekend everyone!
It's #throwbackthursday, and I'm thinking back on #somethingborrowed and #somethingblue, which I read for the first time in a binge the year after college. I remember both fondness and frustration, as with most books.
What books are you throwing back to this week?
This #top5wednesday is about side ships, and I freaked out with excitement!! Check it out on browneyedtwentysomething.com - here's a little preview!
#topfivewednesday #bookblogger
It's #toptentuesday! This week is all about dads. Every book in this picture has at least one notable dad/child relationship in it. Some are good, some aren't great, all are fascinating.
What are your favorite dad/child relationships in fiction?
This book felt very authentic, and I flew through it in about two days. I loved how complex both Bianca and Wesley were, and I really loved the take on sexuality in high school. However, I found some of the language to be problematic - it's clearly a product of its time. All in all, I enjoyed it! Would recommend to an older YA reader.
#diverseladybookproject #theduff #kodykeplinger
I'm doing a #giveaway over on my Twitter! I loved ONCE AND FOR ALL, even though it gave me all the feels and made me cry. I want to share the love!
Head over to my Twitter to enter: https://twitter.com/amandamariegh/status/873674045388201985
Happy reading!
#diverseladybookproject #readadessen #onceandfordessen
Happy #fridayreads, everyone! After the epicness of SHADOW AND BONE, I'm taking a little break to read some YA contemporary before going back to Grisha-land. But let's me honest... I'll probably end up reading both simultaneously. 🙈
What are you reading this weekend?
#litstagram #bookstagram #theduff #siegeandstorm #diverseladybookproject
This book impressed me a lot! I've been saying how tired I am of the "special girl" trope and plotline, but Leigh Bardugo made it fresh. There was a love triangle, but it wasn't the focus. There were powers, but the world was so flushed out that everything made sense. I'm taking a short break by throwing in a bit of contemporary fiction, but then I'm definitely diving into the rest of this trilogy!
#itsnotyouitsme I'm interested in Ready Player One, Since We Fell, and The Sisters Chase. Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway, @britt_brooke !
Book of the Month KILLED IT this month, and I had to pick two books. I'm so pumped to read both of these!
#diverseladybookproject #bookofthemonthclub #amillionjunes #evelynhugo
Friends! Readers! I'm doing a preorder giveaway for #SomethingBeautiful! If you preorder my book in any format, forward the receipt to aghanson.preorders@gmail.com along with your mailing address, and I'll send you all this stuff! Except the King Lear quote. Unless you want it. 🤓
You know you want to! Go, go, go! ❤
#diverseladybookproject #letfatedecide #indieauthor
"He would never do anything to hurt me. It never occurred to me that, in fact, it might be someone else."
As someone who likes to explore grief and loss in my own writing, I felt I understood this book. But it hurt. My heart aches after reading this. School shooting books do something to me.
The wedding stuff and Ambrose balanced out the heavy with some light. But still. PUDDLE. Read it!
I loved this. I know there are some problems, and I will go into them in my full review. But on the whole, I loved Jordan, and I LOVED Isaac, and I wanted to be friends with everyone in the Sharpshooters. This felt real. It felt like it mattered, which is all Jordan would have wanted.
#diverseladybookproject #readwomen #arcmay
Holding my book for the first time was an almost indescribable experience. I can't believe launch day is almost here!
I'll have more fun, sneak peeks, swag, prizes, and all kinds of goodies coming in the next month! I can't wait for #SomethingBeautiful to be out in the world!
#letfatedecide #indieauthor
I loved the concept of this book, but I didn't feel like it was executed well. I wanted a girl who finds herself and who follows her dreams. That's... not what I found in this one, unfortunately. Plus, the characters were younger than I was expecting, which threw me off. How have others felt about this book?
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
Starting this one! I'm super excited! Anyone read this already?
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
I've heard some mixed feelings about this one, but I'm intrigued. It's been sitting on my kindle for a while now, after I got it from NetGalley. We shall see!
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
"Here's the thing about wishes: they're always changing on you."
I can hardly put into words how much I loved this book. There are so many reasons. It's a real look at grief. The love interest is biracial and discusses it in the book. The main character is bi and discusses it in the book. There is a conversation about consent. There is a male best friend who loves the MC unconditionally. I fell so in love with this book.
I have been WAITING SO VERY IMPATIENTLY to get into this book! I don't know why I waited so long??? Now I'm set for the weekend. 😍😍
#diverseladybookproject #readwomen #arcmay
I wanted to like this book so badly, but I was pulled out of the story in the very first chapter. Delilah's dad just left her alone to run his diner??? Her best friend Charlie is a stalker and everyone is cool with that??? Then be punched a stranger and I was out. Sorry, y'all.
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
"You never look back at a town burning to the ground - it'll turn you to ashes with it."
I loved this book. It was outside of what I normally read, but I liked that about it. Sydra was fascinating, and I was so sympathetic to Jimmi-Lyn and Vanse, and the way the stories were all wrapped up together was so good. Highly recommend, especially if you like southern fiction.
#diverseladybookproject #readwomen #arcmay
This one is coming up next, and I'm so excited about it! I have an ARC of this from NetGalley, but ran out of time before the release. So! Here I am, ready to read it finally! I'm sure you'll hear more later. ❤
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
I've been slowly reading this one over the last week and a half. Southern fiction totally isn't my genre, but I've found the characters captivating and the story fascinating. Full review to come!
#diverseladybookproject #arcmay
Look what finally arrived today!! I can't wait to reread the first two books in the trilogy and then dive into the final installment.
I'm not sure I'm ready for the feels!
While this book was cute and fluffy and I liked the story, there were some BIG problems with it. The biggest is the ableism, and it made me super uncomfortable. Slight spoiler ahead.
There is a side character (Drew's former fiance) who committed suicide. However, the way that this is handled in the text is awful. People are actively blamed for depression (???) and suicide (?!?!). It's not good. Consider this your trigger warning.
This book was so long and so meh. I will say that the ending was completely bonkers, but I'm glad I'll have some time before the next books come out. I need a break from this world.
Also, why was everything so gendered? I've never seen the word "male" so many times in a book. And the sex scenes! There were so many for a YA book.
I just want a book about Manon. Can I just have a book about Manon?