I love a good ghost story mixed with a mystery and this was one. A quick read for me and I loved that there was artwork dispersed throughout. It really brought it to life.
I love a good ghost story mixed with a mystery and this was one. A quick read for me and I loved that there was artwork dispersed throughout. It really brought it to life.
I love this series and now I want to go to a Ren Faire. Who wants to go with?
I got the high points but I spent a good 3/4 just fucking confused. 2nd person perspective is officially my least favorite. The plot was good…the details bogged me down and I feel like I need to reread it to fully get it. Gideon the Ninth was better IMO.
I read this book in the day. Kill all the dudes please. I hate them all. This book will bring out your rage…most likely. Maybe not. But it did mine.
Trigger warnings which I‘m sure you can find a full list of elsewhere. Very thought provoking book. It‘s a heartbreaker for sure but it gets you thinking about your own life.
Slow build up and I didn‘t care much for the main character but that shit at the end got me and redeemed the book in my opinion.
Good premise. Terrible main character. She felt not fully fleshed out as to who the author wanted her to be so it was a jumble of multiple personalities, none of which I felt any sympathy for.
I was absolutely drawn in and questioning what was going on for the majority of the book. I loved Piranesi. I thought shit was terrifying.
Never have I ever related to a character more than Nina Hill. I just loved this book and everything about it. Yes to all of it.
Trust me…when I tell you to skip it and go watch a YouTube documentary for 15 minutes about Casey Anthony. Spare yourself the forced fictional shit and unbelievable gaslighting and manipulation. It wasn‘t suspenseful. It wasn‘t engaging. It was exasperating and dreadful and just fuck off the both of you with your horseshit. Ugh. So glad I‘m done.
Meh. Probably an unpopular opinion but The Haunting movie and the tv shows on Netflix were better. Lackluster. I wasn‘t scared or even intrigued. And the ending sucked. No big build…just fell flat.
Definitely a creepy horror/haunted house (or is it?) story that will leave you probably with more questions than answers.
I just love everything Adriana Mather writes. They‘re just quick, interesting reads. I love the premise of an assassin academy and people aren‘t who you think they are - sometimes they‘re better and sometimes they‘re worse.
Meh. I thought at least the characters in erotica were supposed to enjoy it? It didn‘t feel like anyone in this book enjoyed anything. Also, probably should come with a whole lot of trigger warnings especially involving consent. Because I‘m fairly certain no one consented to anything here. And I get it‘s supposed to be a whole fantasy world but just MEH. Try again.
Love. Adore. Yes! Keep these geriatric pals alive forever. I want all of their comedy and heart and life lessons. I will never get enough of these guys.
I am fucking wrecked. Wardley! Bravo on you Colleen Oakes to fuck with my emotions so much.
Slow build in the beginning and I‘m not sure I like Rexi, but that ending turned everything on its head.
Despite everything, Swanson made me like the main character so I didn‘t like the ending. Which is bonkers and probably makes me slightly psychotic. But here we are. Swanson is quickly becoming an instant buy author for me. I did like Before She Knew Him better than this one but only because of the ending.
SO GOOD. It‘s number 10 of the series but I wanted a good murder book and the jacket summary sounded good. So many plot lines brought together. Made me an instant fan and now I have to go get the rest of the books by the author.
It‘s like a haunted tale meets Hollywood meets your favorite story. A total page turner with an ending that will leave you wanting more.
I absolutely loved and adored this book. It was magic and family and suspenseful. Just beautiful.
My God. Don‘t read it. Go watch the musical and enjoy it. Skip this hyper sexualized shit. No one will ever be able to convince me that Old Greg wasn‘t 100% fondling himself while writing this book. I‘ve decided I will never be a Maguire fan. He just isn‘t for me.
It was good. It was fine. Could‘ve replaced the word magic with drugs and you‘d have a story about opiates and meth cooking but sure…we‘ll call it ‘magic‘. I work in clinical tox so stories about drugs don‘t interest me unless it‘s scientific and nonfiction.
Soooo good! A villain we can all hate. Women we can all root for. Magic we would probably all like to have! Definitely worth picking up.
So good! The violence, the war, the magic, the supernatural, the political strategy, intrigue, and espionage. The twists and turns. All tied together so well! I‘ll definitely be picking up the next books!
I didn‘t like the present day characters Caroline and James but I was totally here for Nella and Eliza. I could‘ve done without the present day storyline entirely. 🤷🏻♀️
A little culty. A little witchy. A little Salem Witch Trials-eque. A whole lot of badass woman. And fuck the patriarchy!
Meh. It‘s just too much. It ended up feeling convoluted to me. Too much going on. Unlikable characters all around. Too many trigger warnings. It was just meh to me.
Pretty interesting. I didn‘t like Lena in this book so I‘m glad we didn‘t see a whole lot about her. We are definitely delve more into other characters and the plot is thickening.
Not half bad. A little Twilight-y at times but I do think there‘s more promise and flexibility to really do some great things with the plot. I‘ll for sure keep going because dragons. And vampires. But also, dragons.
Oh my. I loved this book but is so infuriated me. I never thought I‘d say the words but burn this library to the ground. The corruption and control. Overthrow it all, Jess!!!
SO GOOD. Soooo well written and so damn candid. I wasn‘t expecting either but I got both. Probably one of the best, if not the best, autobios I‘ve ever read. Totally 5 stars and going on my keep shelf.
Seriously, this series is so damn underrated. I LOVE everything. The witches, the secrets, the murder, the family drama, the romance, the magic. It‘s all so good and we continue to be taken on this twisty-turny ride. I‘m always on the edge of my seat wondering what is going to be revealed next. What is going to happen next?!
I could NOT put it down. The banter! My God the banter was glorious! I long for that sort of banter in a relationship. To just get someone and be able to lovingly spar with one another in that way that it‘s damn near foreplay.
I loved Gus. I loved January. I laughed with them and I cried with them. They weren‘t perfect people but they were so great for one another. This book just made my heart happy and I needed that.
Meh. It was one of those rare YA books that I felt I was too old for. Lots of rolling my eyes and being like uhhhh…his behavior isn‘t okay, fuck him. 🤷🏻♀️
YES to this book! If you‘re a psychological thriller fan, then YES! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time just wondering where Swanson was taking us. YES!
I‘ve watched pretty much every paranormal show Amy has been on and I think she and Adam make an incredible team. Their show Kindred Spirits is why I subscribe to Discovery+.
I liked Amy‘s backstory and learning how she even came to be interested in the paranormal and how it was actually pretty normal for her growing up. I can certainly appreciate her perspective and wanting to help someone in need - even if that is from beyond the grave.
I loved Mrs. Greene. I‘m glad Patty is a badass. I am jotting down the books the ladies read even though I‘ve heard of most of them. And I loved that this group of women was able to bond together over trials, tribulations, everyday life, and books. But most important of all, Carter is a fucking dick. I said what I said. And I meant it.
This book is more than a story about a cult leader and his followers. It‘s more than a Manson retelling with factionalized names. It‘s a ghost story. It‘s a murder story. It‘s a horror story. And the ending is terrifying to think of the possibility of that shit actually happening out here in the real world. I went into this story kind of expecting one thing and that was absolutely flipped on its head. Bravo!
I love Chip. I think he is absolutely fabulous. I‘m a healthy skeptic but I do believe he makes some good points in this book. As someone without kids, I think this could be a valuable resource if you suspect your child may have psychic abilities.
For me, there was a bit of a slow build here. I get November has no idea what‘s going on so neither do we, but I feel like it took us a while to get to the good stuff of Strategia.
The political intrigue and caste system of this seemingly whole other world was fascinating. I totally dug the history lessons and learning more about each Family. I‘ll for sure keep reading the series because these psycho children are fascinating!
Ed, dude, you‘re fucking creepy. This book was just kind of horrifying all the way around and I wasn‘t even creeped out about the murdered girl. Sean kind of messed me up and I‘m not going to lie, I‘m not mad at his fate. This was just one of those books where all of the characters were giving me bad vibes. I didn‘t really like any of them. I did however like the twists and turns. This is just one of those dark books where everything is fucked.
Jack, I loved. I liked him from the very beginning. Syd, though, I was not a fan of. She immediately comes out the gate super aggressive. And I do understand why she is the way she is but it really set the tone for her through the whole book and I just wasn‘t a fan. I did enjoy the premise though, how Lelic brought all of the pieces together, and the conclusion was satisfactory. Syd still just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.
Just what I needed to prevent a reading slump.
I really enjoyed August‘s drive for independence regardless of what the times might have dictated. She was smart and fierce and also fiercely protective of her siblings. I love that the things society may have shunned her for are the things Evan loved about her. Her parents were honestly kind of awful and I didn‘t see that coming seeing as how her dad had been so supportive of her work.
I just...I LOVE. I can‘t stop thinking about this world and these characters. I want to cherish this first time reading these even though I know I‘m going to re-read this series. And I do not re-read books, friends. I also don‘t keep my books but pass them along to others instead. Not these. I will cherish the 4 of this series and fight you over them. Fucking read them.
I effin LOVED this book. It‘s funny. It‘s RIDICULOUSLY quirky. It is AMAZING. I laughed. I giggled. I snorted. I was so engaged and engrossed in the world of Echo. I just really had a good time through all 544 pages!
I really can appreciate that I had no idea who was behind the theft until the very end. I love how snarky Matt is and I liked his relationship with Devona. I liked the whole concept of Nekropolis‘ existence. This is definitely a series I‘ll continue. My only complaint is the proofreader didn‘t do their job. It‘s all clearly things that are from the author typing quickly and getting the story onto the page but the proofreader caught none of them.
It‘s gothic, spooky, romantic, suspenseful. ALL THE THINGS! I loved trying to guess if it was a curse, bad luck, a deal with the devil, magic or just a damn bad guy murdering the sisters. The madness and playing on what‘s real or not. The utter heartbreak of losing loved ones. The hope of maybe it‘s over. The hope of love and a future. The mythology of their religions. It was just perfection. This book was legitimately all the things I love.
I enjoyed the scavenger hunt that Miranda goes on, not to mention the many books mentioned throughout. I did guess the twist well before Miranda figured it out and Jay is such a frat guy who is totally wrong for her. He had no contribution so between him and figuring out the surprise, it didn‘t make it quite to a 5 star read for me. That said, it was still good and pulls at your heartstrings so it was worthy of a solid 4 stars.