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Killing November
Killing November | Adriana Mather
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Hang a Witch comes a thriller set at a secretive boarding school where students are trained to carry on family legacies that have built--and toppled--empires. November is trapped. At the mysterious Academy Absconditi, a school that's completely off the grid, there's no electricity, no internet, and a brutal eye-for-an-eye punishment system. Classes include everything from knife-throwing and poisons to the art of deception. And the other students? All children of the world's most elite strategists, in training to become assassins, spies, and master manipulators. November Adley doesn't know why she's been sent to this place, or the secrets that make up its legacy, but she'll quickly discover that allies are few in a school where competition is everything. When another student is murdered, all eyes turn to November, who must figure out exactly how she fits in before she is found guilty of the crime...or becomes the killer's next victim. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Adriana Mather comes a captivating thriller that will leave you breathless.
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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I just love everything Adriana Mather writes. They‘re just quick, interesting reads. I love the premise of an assassin academy and people aren‘t who you think they are - sometimes they‘re better and sometimes they‘re worse.

Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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I haven‘t completed October‘s #BookSpin selection yet (it‘s good but dense!) but I have my list ready for November. And glad to include one of my recent gains from a book swap with @TheAromaofBooks too. Let‘s do it!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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My November #BookSpin list is in the picture below. I have a lot of Netgalley books I need to read, so that's my list for November 🤷 No idea how I ended up with so many🤷 Maybe I will be able to clear a lot of them off.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather

My November #Bookspin list:
1. Everything happens for a Reason
2. Farewell to Gabo and Mercedes
3. Banana
4. Me and White Supremacy
5. Five Little Indians
6. Let‘s Talk about Race
7. Dear Senthuran
8. Wordslut
9. Salt Houses
10. Bush Runner
11. Redhead by the Side of the Road
12. Open Heart
13. The Innocents
14. The Mountains Sing
15. The New Jim Crow
16. Sister Outsider
17. Banana
18. H is for Hawk
19. Missed Connections
20. Here I Am

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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So do you think if I just don't post a reminder for November, time will stop?? I CANNOT BELIEVE we are only two months from Christmas!! What is happening?! October has absolutely flown by & we are only a week away from drawing November's #BookSpin numbers on the 2nd!!! My life is still a little crazy at the orchard, but things are starting to calm down, although we still have about 1000 bushels of apples to pick!! ⬇

TheAromaofBooks If you would like to play along with #BookSpin and/or #BookSpinBingo for November, it's time to start thinking about your lists!! Below is just an outline of the basic challenge/reminder of the “rules“ (hint: they're SUPER FLEXIBLE), etc. As always, please just ask me if you have any questions. Please remember that I create a NEW TAG LIST EVERY MONTH so if you want to join for November, even if you aren't making a new list, please either ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) comment below or tag me when you post your list so you will get tagged on the 2nd!! I'm tagging everyone who made an October list or asked to be tagged for November. A few of you have already posted your November lists, so sorry that you're still getting tagged today!! 😂

Below: Basics/Housekeeping/Rambling ⬇
TheAromaofBooks 1. The rules for #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo can be found at my masterpost that I created here - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1989556 - but the basics are that if you want to play, make a list of 20 books you've been meaning to read & tag me when you post it!!
2. You do NOT have to participate in the Bingo part of the challenge if that isn't your thing!! You can read just the BookSpin or just the DoubleSpin or both, or however many books work ⬇
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) for you. Basically, choose the reading level that fits your life!! And feel free to change it from month to month!!

3. A NOTE ABOUT HOW I TAG PEOPLE: I have a rotating tag list, not a permanent one. So I'm tagging all of Oct's participants today, but today I am starting a NEW tag list. This means that if you would like to be tagged for Nov, either post your list (PLEASE tag me as I sadly do not have time to go through the hashtag!!) ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) OR let me know on this post that you still want tagged. I know some people don't make a new list every month, so please just let me know that you'd still like to be tagged. I know it's a little confusing, but it's my way of making sure I'm not tagging people who no longer wish to participate. Basically, you have to renew your #BookSpin subscription every month! 😂 ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 4. If you want to take a month off but be tagged with the December reminder post, that's fine, too - just let me know & I'll make it happen!!

5. When you post your list, please let me know if you also want to be tagged in the #BookSpinBingo post specifically.

6. Just a reminder that the rules here are pretty loose. If you have a huge/challenging book, feel free to let it take up more than one square (I gave Moby-Dick five slots last year!) ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Some people struggle with having a super specific list & prefer to go with categories (i.e. library book, NetGalley, mystery, etc), which is also fine!! I have a participant who wants to makes sure she reads one physical book & one audiobook, so she makes a list of each & reads the #BookSpin number from the first list & #DoubleSpin from the second. Make this challenge work for you!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 7. There is still plenty of time to get some books checked off your October lists, too!! And remember, if you didn‘t finish your “official” BS/DS books this month, you are welcome to finish them at a later date & still get credits for the giveaway – when you review the book, just let me know that it‘s from an earlier month. ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 8. If you read your book(s) but just haven‘t gotten around to the reviews, you can still get credit – just comment on this post & let me know. I know the reviewing aspect is where some people get hung up, but I care more about the fact that you actually read it, not that you reviewed it!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks 9 (& final, geezy). Thank you all SO MUCH for your enthusiasm & for reading my rambly posts & for taking this challenge & making it your own. I LOVE seeing all the different ways people are making this challenge work for them!! Whether you use it to check off one book a month or 25, it's always fun to see at least a tiny dent in the never-ending TBR!! You all are THE BEST & I can't wait to see your lists for November!!! 3y
Bookwormjillk I‘m also in denial but am in for Bookspin Bingo for November. Good luck with the apples! 3y
MittenGirlPeach I‘m in, of COURSE! Absolutely love doing this every month. And I‘ve even started Christmas shopping! 3y
BkClubCare Apples 🍎 🍏 !!! Thanks for being a fabulous host. 3y
rsteve388 Looking forward to making my list of Nonfiction Reads this weekend. Really loved participating in Octobers bingo. 3y
wanderinglynn I just saw someone on IG post that we are 9 weeks from Christmas! Where has this year gone?!? Nov is also NaNoWriMo month. But count me in for #bookspin too! Write & read all month! 3y
RaeLovesToRead How is it nearly November?!?!?!! 3y
rmaclean4 I am in! I am having a blast with this challenge and reading more than ever!! 3y
BarkingMadRead I‘ll make mine later Today! So crazy how fast time flew! (edited) 3y
Read4life I‘m in. My mouth is watering just thinking about all those apples. 3y
DrexEdit I'm in! I'm thinking about my list, but will probably be late with it, as usual! 😂 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks Sarah, and I thought I had a lot more apples to pick!!! We only have 8 trees and they produced like crazy this year. I can't imagine you!! How do you do it?? Thank you for taggme, I have to get my list ready 3y
megnews I‘m in! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - Thankfully I use “we“ in the royal sense here 😂 I do not personally pick them, but I do help with the grading, sorting, pressing them into cider, jugging the cider, etc. And my main job is to drive the little box truck around our wholesale route delivering apples & ciders all around the area!!! We are having a banner year for apples - probably going to be all-time record for the orchard!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Read4life - I could be prejudiced, but the late-season varieties are my favorites, too!! We're picking Winesap, Gold Rush, Pink Lady, and Granny Smith - SO GOOD!!! 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks my neighbor has given us 4 gallons of cider already, it 3y
Megabooks You know I‘m in! And pink lady - yum! 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks even for little gardeners it's been amazing. I had so many grapes on our vines, like never before!! 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks we have Baldwin and northern spy. I also have an old tree don't know what it is even. And an old transparent tree. The best applesauce from it 3y
TheSpineView I'm in! I have even started my list! Imagine that... 3y
Charityann Apples how fun and perfect for fall! I love Granny Smith and Honeycrisp. I‘m planning on making my Nov. list soon. Thanks for hosting Bookspin! It‘s also a lot of fun! 😄 3y
Charityann *always* lol😆 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Megabooks - Pink Ladies are definitely underrated!!! We make a small batch of special blend cider of Gold Rush and Pink Lady and it's A M A Z I N G 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi - Some of those older varieties are sooo good!! I haven't tried Northern Spy!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Charityann - The Honeycrisp definitely have their devotees even though they're more expensive than the rest haha They really are harder to grow than the others, so we have a love/hate relationship with them at the orchard LOL Granny Smith were always my favorite growing up. Now I'm addicted to Gold Rush, which you usually can't find at the store because they're “ugly“ apples. Soooo good though!!! 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks yes they are, 3 of the trees have been here many many years, one is even hollow but still produces!! We have it propped up so it doesn't fall over. We will be sad when it finally goes 3y
Crazeedi @TheAromaofBooks I love ugly apples!! 3y
jimfields3 This is funny timing: I just organized my November list last night! I still hope to finish my October selection this week. It is good but dense. 3y
bookandbedandtea I'm taking notes about your apple recommendations! And I have my November list ready so, while I am in no way ready for it to BE November, I am ready for November reading. 🍏😊 3y
Lcsmcat I‘m in! I‘ll post my list later. 3y
sharread Count me in, I have 16 ebooks on my tablet I need to finish in November. 🎃👻💀☠ 3y
ShananigansReads November is next week?!?!😧😧😧 3y
katiekat311 I‘m in for #bookspin, #doublespin and #bookspinbingo! I‘ll post my board once they‘re finished! ☺️😬 (edited) 3y
SpookyMazeOfBooks I'm back in , posted my new updated list yesterday 3y
Librarybelle Woohoo!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - The best apple just depends on what you like!!! I prefer varieties that are tart and firm, but some people like apples that are sweet (like my sister - she's a huge Fuji fan haha). For applesauce, I love using Jonagolds - I don't even add any sugar, just cook them down and can them. Melrose are awesome for baking. So many apples, so little time! 😂 3y
BarbaraJean Definitely in for all three! I‘ve been working on a November list for weeks but still can‘t believe it‘s around the corner. Will finish my final tweaks to that list and get it posted soon! 3y
BookwormAHN I'm in, I'll post my list soon 😺 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures Please do what you can to slow down time 😂. Posting my list as soon as I know if I can get through the last couple of books I am reading this week! 3y
Deblovestoread We are apple twins! I prefer tart and firm over other varieties, too. I am in but won‘t post my list until after swap opening day. I am saving spots for some of those books. 3y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures I‘m in! My October board is looking really sad, but I‘m looking forward to redemption in November lol 3y
CaitZ How can it almost be November already? I'll start figuring out my list and post it soon. 3y
BookDadGirlDad Well...that snuck up on us didn't it? I'm in. I've had a bingo for the last 2 months. See if I can keep up the streak. 3y
JackOBotts Yes! 3y
staci.reads I'm in for November! I'll just keep plugging away at the old list with additions 🙂 3y
robinb I‘m in again for #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin. 😊 3y
IndoorDame I‘m in again for all 3! I‘ll get to work on making my list since November snuck up on me too. And I also prefer tart firm apples 3y
EadieB I‘m in for November. Hope to finish 3 or 4 more October books and then will make November‘s list! 3y
jessinikkip I am still in for the spin and bingo! November is also NaNoWriMo so I'll spend a lit of time writing but I'll see what reading I can do too 3y
peanutnine I'm in for November! Love this monthly challenge ❤️ 3y
Andrew65 Thanks for the tag, agree the year is marching away. Hoping to be in. 3y
night_shift ✍these apple recommends. I'm in for November! I may also try NaNoWriMo for the first time in years too, we shall see. 3y
RainyDayReading I‘ll try for November! Though that‘s also NanoWrimo and I‘m starting a new job 😅 I‘m sure I can squeeze some reading time in there too somehow... 3y
claudiuo I'm in for November too, for both spin and bingo. Amazing how time flies by, at least BookSpin and BookSpinBingo make it a bit more bearable. (edited) 3y
Nessavamusic I‘m in! This has been the absolute best and checking off my tbr. 3y
Allylu I‘m almost done with my list. I will work on it tonight and tomorrow. 💕📚 3y
Cinfhen Wowza!! How can it be??? 3y
Cinfhen Will post later this week xx thanks for the reminder 3y
Hooked_on_books I‘m going to sit out November to wrap up my October books. But I‘ll be back in December! 3y
Argon 🙀 so soon! I‘ll have to skip November because I‘m a bit too busy with research and finding my feet in a new city, but please tag me again for December 🎄⛄️👀 3y
DivineDiana I am still wrapping up a few books. Will post wrap up later. I am knocking books off the TBR shelves, so count me in again for November! 3y
marleed I‘m in! 3y
hissingpotatoes I'm in! 3y
rockpools Ohhhhh - I‘m not ready for November! Please tag me for everything, and I‘ll try and do something! 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh my goodness, it is getting close to November, isn‘t it?! I‘m in, of course! 3y
rabbitprincess I saw Christmas candy at the drugstore today 😱 Too soon! Count me in for November BookSpin! 3y
Daisey I‘m in for November and December! Hoping I can make time to put together my list this weekend. 3y
Elizabeth2 I‘m in for November! ❤️📚 3y
BookNAround I‘m in, always. 😁 3y
Tera66 I'm in for November! I'm hoping Goodreads will post their choice awards nominees before I make my TBR, I want to read 2021 picks so I can keep voting. 3y
Clwojick You know i'm here for it! :) 3y
Ash.on.the.line I‘m in for November! Weather I read them or not is a different story! 😅🤣 3y
Bookgoil I just started a TBR but only made it two books so far gahhhh but I‘m in! (edited) 3y
Eggs I‘m in as always! It‘s like - I blink my eyes and poof - the month is over😵‍💫🙄 3y
CarolynM I'm in! 3y
vonnie862 Wait...October is almost ovet?! But, but, but! I'm in for November. 3y
SusanLee Oh wow I haven‘t even finished my one and only book but do count me in!!! (edited) 3y
Zoes_Human I'm definitely in for all the #bookspin and #bookspinbingo fun! 3y
Caryl I‘m in! Thanks so much! 3y
IamIamIam I haven't gotten to October's book yet but I'm totally in for November! Lol 3y
Bklover I‘m in! Thank you! (And now I want apple cider. Do you make cider donuts?) 3y
BayouGirl85 I'm in for November and have my list made. 😀 3y
Reviewsbylola Shit is getting real—I was just thinking today that it‘s almost 2022. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Bklover - We don't make cider doughnuts at the orchard, although the owner does make cider jelly that is sooooo delicious!!!! 3y
Pigpen_Reads Hi, I would like to participate in the Bookspin and Bingo. I will make my list and post asap! 🙂 3y
Monica5 I will make my list for November and post this afternoon 🙂 3y
reading_rainbow 🙌 im in!! 3y
llwheeler I think I'll skip this month, I have so much to catch up on. Thanks for all you do! 3y
Weisubei I'm in ☺️☺️ 3y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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Admittedly this sequel to Killing November wasn't as good as the first. I found the pace to be so slow at the begging, but luckily it does pick up around halfway through. I liked that November is now adventuring around Europe instead of the academy, and I liked the political aspects with the different families and the friendships formed. The romance was a big aspect compared to book 1. I liked the mystery and the ending, plot twists were crazy!

Hunting November | Adriana Mather

"No one tells you it's the last time. The air doesn't feel different, your heart doesn't pound, and there are no warning signs. Everything just changes in a single moment."

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Haven't done any diamond painting in a long time, but I'm back into it! Plus it's the perfect activity for audiobooks.

WorldsOkayestStepMom I love listening to audiobooks while I diamond paint too! 3y
mariaku21 I love diamond painting! I can't wait to see the finished piece! 3y
amber_ldsmom Agreed! It is the perfect activity for audiobooks! 3y
RedxoHearts I absolutely love diamond painting! I'm doing a custom one of my dog. It's the perfect activity while listening to audiobooks 3y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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I didn't find the second book as captivating or convincing as the first book, but I still really enjoyed it because I was attached to the characters and wanted to find out how it ended.

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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1 st Book completed for #AnyWayYouReadathon Probably the only one because I've been so distracted this weekend.

This book is full of intrigue and craftiness. It is a great puzzle to be savored and solved. I enjoyed every clever and twisted minute. It reminded me of a classic movie.

@kimmypete1 @MidnightBookGirl

Dasquirt8 I loved this series! I hope she writes more 3y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Really enjoyed this dark boarding school thriller. #AnyWayYouReadathon em

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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For me, there was a bit of a slow build here. I get November has no idea what‘s going on so neither do we, but I feel like it took us a while to get to the good stuff of Strategia.
The political intrigue and caste system of this seemingly whole other world was fascinating. I totally dug the history lessons and learning more about each Family. I‘ll for sure keep reading the series because these psycho children are fascinating!

Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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This story was on fire! Not quite as good as the first, but pretty close! High stakes, high tension & high action will leave you breathless! In this one, November leaves the Academy & takes us on an adrenaline filled ride across oceans, beneath cities & inside the darkest corners of a Secret Society in an attempt to save her father.

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Secret organizations, ancient families, and a school that teaches its students deadly skills? Yes, please. This was a fast paced, enthralling YA book that was so much fun that I had to start the sequel ASAP, even though book one has a nice conclusion if you don‘t want to read on. Plenty of fun and useful info too!

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Most prolific reading month ever: 21 books!

A new addition to my all-time favorites: A Prayer for Owen Meany. Still think about it daily. Can‘t wait to read more Irving. Mad at myself for just now getting to him.

Other 5 ⭐️ reads were New Kid and Class Act. Lots of 3-4 stars. I‘m pleased!

#novemberreads #novemberwrapup

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
slategreyskies I didn‘t know about this Tori Amos book. I‘m going to look for it. ❤️ 4y
britt_brooke @slategreyskies I really enjoyed it! So good on audio. 4y
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britt_brooke @Megabooks Thanks, Meg! 4y
aa_guer2021 There‘s an Alex Trebeck memoir! I am not big on them normally, but he was a wonderful soul! I might need to try that. 💓❤️ Also, that is phenomenal! I haven‘t been reading as much and it hurts. Got to pick it up a bit! Thank you for the motivation! (edited) 4y
Chab256 I'm always glad to see Owen Meany become a favorite for people as it did for me years ago. Haunting! 😊❤️ 4y
britt_brooke @ruskigurl16 💚 The Trebek memoir is is a great read! If you like audio, Ken Jennings narrates most of it. Trebek does the intro and a couple of other bits. (edited) 4y
britt_brooke @Chab256 I can‘t stop thinking about it! 4y
Chelsea.Poole I need to get to Owen Meany!! 4y
britt_brooke @Chelsea.Poole It is just brilliant. Gives me chills just thinking about it. 4y
aa_guer2021 Thank you @britt_brooke. If I get to it, I will tag you in my review. ❤️ 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I‘m posting so late but I was swaps shopping😃
I read 9 and 3/4 books during November. The last 10 pages of This is going to Hurt, were finished in the early hours of the morning. I was sleepy, still almost in November😉so I counted it in my November stast. I did bingo!!! I can‘t believe it!!
#BookSpinBingo #TheAromaOfBooks.

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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So the last half of November ended up being a major time suck for me. I‘ve been trying to figure out logistics of getting employed again and I was barely on Litsy. Sadly I missed out on all the fun holiday signups because of this.

Most of my books I *finished* for November‘s #BookSpinBingo were picture books. But I did make progress on several others so my December card might look very similar to this one 😅

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you have to take some time to readjust to new life parameters!!! Hopefully December feels more balanced!! 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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My results for November‘s #bookspinbingo

I wasn‘t very successful this month, but actually got closer than I thought I would what with forgetting about my bingo card for most the month 😅

MatchlessMarie Same 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!! 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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So here‘s my #BookSpinBingo for November:
✅🟡#BookSpin (paper)
✅🟡#DoubleSpin (paper)
✅ 2 more TBR novels (paper + audio)
✅ 5 free picks (all audio)
(+ a few more audios not on the board)
👓 2 currently reading
= ALMOST my first full bingo... almost even two... almost...

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! So close!! Great month!! 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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And that‘s a wrap!!!


Killing November | Adriana Mather
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#NovelNovember readathon wrap up! I managed to read the three books I wanted to, which means that I both accomplished my goals and am officially all caught up on my book crate books! This is also good news because my next two should be arriving soon 😂 thanks again for hosting @Andrew65 !

Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏🙌🙌🍾🥂🍾🥂😍📚📚 Thanks for playing along. 😊 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Here‘s the #BookSpinBingo board for November. Coincidentally I already started on my #DoubleSpin THE SENDER a couple of days ago, so I have a head start! #BookSpin is Jasper Fforde, which is always a treat ❤️ Thanks for taking the time to keep up with us each month, @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous - good luck!!! 4y
Kathrin I just started '1000 Serpentinen Angst' last night. I will look for your review... I find the writing style quite jarring. 4y
Heideschrampf @Kathrin i have rather high hopes for this one since everyone i know who read it loved it 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I have a lot of choices for November, those on deck & planned, but if this month is as screwed up & crazy as I‘m afraid it might be I have lots of alternatives picked in times & galaxies far away to distract me.

I‘m going to play it by ear this month & mood, and if my normally #NonfictionNovember needs to become a fiction escapism month, I plan to be kind to myself and just let it be...including if I ditch 90% and just wing it.


Gezemice Really nice! My Own Words is on my list, too. Nonfiction can be escapist to me, if it does not relate to current events or something bad - for example, medieval history or space or a memoir or just an interesting subject like language or psychology. I mean, interesting to me... 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I continue trying every month with high motivation that I'm going to read most of the books in this stack. At the end, usually are 8 with no bingos🤣I have here Oct #BookSpin, May Asian Readathon, Aug #BookSpin, Literarily Dead Book Club from different months (YouTube) and sequels which is one of my 2020 goals. There are books from swaps, another 2020 goal. Let's continue the #BookSpinBingo journey🤗I'm still in the spooky mood @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
BookDragonNotWorm I'm reading this one now! 4y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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It‘s rare for me to enjoy a sequel as much as the first in a series, but this one did it for me! This is everything that I wanted from Catherine House, but didn‘t get. 🖤 #TeamSlaughter!

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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This one surprised me! It was so much better than I expected, and I immediately downloaded the second in the series. I am loving month of mood reading 😊 I‘m flying through books, since I‘m finally reading all my most anticipated. 16 points for #TeamSlaughter

#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft #ReadYourWay @TheSpineView #CocosTurning50 @CocoReads #Scarathlon2020 #FraterfestRAT #ReadLikeHellathon #Thrilloween #TrickorTreatathon #Sbooktober 🎃👻

alisiakae Just stacked, this one sounds good! 4y
TheSpineView Sounds good!💜📚 4y
abookdragonsretreat Loved this one! ❤ 4y
Charityann I really enjoyed this one too, but haven‘t read the second one yet. Going to have get my hands on a copy.😁 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Ahhhh nothing like laying on our brand new couch with my stacked #tbr, a cozy blanket, and some Halloween fairy lights on to get you in the reading mood💕📖 #octobertbr #currentreads #weekendreading #forevertacklingmounttbr

Jeannineth Great choices! 4y
Cailey_Mac @Jeannineth Thanks! I‘ve been meaning to get to them for a while, but online college this semester has kept me busier than I planned 😅 4y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Great way to end the week! TGIF! Dog snuggles and a thrilling book that is keeping me reading. #dogsoflitsy

Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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This book is a solid sequel to Killing November. More heists, coverups, daring rescues, murder and intrigue about an elite school where concocting poison is an entry level class. For this book November and her friends head out to save her dad who is thought to have been kidnapped by a rival group. I liked it; Mather is able to branch out with new storylines in every book she writes.

InBooksILive I just bought the ebook of the 1st book today since it was on sale for only $1.99. Sounds like a really good series 4y
Book_yogi @InBooksILive That's a great price! 4y
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Hunting November | Adriana Mather
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Another book pre ordered for May! Other than an exam at college, May is looking to be a good month... 🥰🤩📚📖
#YA #PreOrder #PrettyCover #Action #Romance #BoardingSchool #Dark #Cool #Spy

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I loved this book, it was a fast paced, action packed slow burn romance with a kick ass female lead. The only critique is that there is a lot of info dump, but it works well, even if it is confusing at times. The characters are well developed and the storyline was so well thought out, eapically with all the twists! Totally reccomend!!
#YA #Action #Spy

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Starting Killing November, so excited to read this book!
#YA #Action #Spy

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I keep seeing this book pop up everywhere, so I've gone and bought it 😂 ❤📚📖 Hoping it's as good as it sounds!
#YA #Spy #Dark #BookCover #Pretty #Romance #Mystery #Action #NewBook #WednesdayWonders

Vee_Bookish Such a cool cover! 5y
abookdragonsretreat Isn't it just gorgeous! 😍 5y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Finally going to start a fresh new e-book! Excited to read about a good old fashioned boarding school for assassins!

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I love this book. The characters are frustrating, provoking,so alive.
The females are kick ass awesome.
Adriana Mather is awesome. She really knows how to write interesting stories.
I highly recommend this book

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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A Secret Society
Savvy Teens
Lions, Wolves, & Bears. Oh My!
Mysterious Setting
Murder Afoot
Awkward Romance
I want to say that I liked this, but that wouldn't be entirely true, there are just too many elements at play that I'm not sure how I feel about them. I'll attempt to explain...see it here: https://leahsbookishobsession2.blogspot.com/2019/09/killing-november-by-adriana-...

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Okay! Alright! Why do I so desperately want to go to a secluded boarding school that inevitably has a murder in it? 🤷🤷🤷🤷

Now I could have done without the romance. It was an unnecessary distraction for me. It's a damn school for assassins people! Keep your damn pants on! People are bring murdered!

I will definitely be reading the sequel.

BekahB Glad to know that you enjoyed this book! I loved How to Hang a Witch and it‘s sequel, but I wasn‘t sure about this one. I‘ll definitely give it a try. 5y
Bookzombie Lol @ “Keep your damn pants on!” 5y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Finally getting a chance to pick this up. I didn't love How to Hang A Witch by this author but a secret boarding school training assassins is kinda my wheelhouse

JanuarieTimewalker13 Oooh, I read both of her other books, but not this one. I would definitely try it! 5y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Not much reading done this weekend, but I did take an hour to grab a bath and finish this. It's definitely different. Monotonous at times but pretty good! I have other books by this author I haven't read but I will now!
Also, you might remember a while back my bf thought it would be hilarious to buy me bath bombs with Lego men inside? Turns out, they smell pretty damn good so I'm slowly starting an army of #BathBombLegoMen in my bathroom 😂😂

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Book 35: I have a feeling Adriana Mather is always going to just be a “meh” author for me. This one had interesting parts but the book as a whole was fairly boring and filled with too many info dumps.

BethM I adore her other series but this one doesn‘t even spark my interest. 5y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Took the Girls to see the Easter Bunny today! We had a blast doing lots of family time ❤️ Also, some #BookMail 🙌 My #BOTM came in with the top two, I got the lower left recommended by @Laalaleighh , and the lower right is a used copy I found online for $5. I will never be able to finish my TBR.

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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Finished the other day. Thanks to Adriana Mather for getting me through the flu! While not all of my questions were answered satisfactorily, and I would‘ve hoped for more world-building, this book kept me swiping the pages for more. And I loved November‘s personality! Very much like an Ally Carter novel. Well done 👏🏼

jenreads7 Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚 I hope you‘re feeling better! 5y
CKBrooke @jenniferajanes Thank you so much!! Thankfully I am 100% again & back in action! ❤️👍🏼 5y
jenreads7 @CKBrooke Awesome! Happy reading! 🥰 5y
See All 6 Comments
authorjed Is this a thriller novel? 5y
CKBrooke @authorjed Yes! It‘s a YA thriller about a secret elite boarding school that trains young assassins & powerful European political families. It‘s like an Ally Carter book but edgier, lol 5y
authorjed I need to read! 5y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I enjoyed this book soooo much! I have a #giveaway going for a signed copy on my Instagram:


Killing November | Adriana Mather
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A hot cup of Green Apple Kombucha tea and Killing November. I am about 2/3 through this book and it is wonderful! Release date is March 26! Highly recommend!

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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I started the audiobook last night and first thing I did this morning was press play! It‘s a secret school for teens and they can‘t know where they are or who the other students are and are like being trained as spies! 🔪📚🔪

BethM I‘m interested to see how you like it! I loooooove her other books but I wasn‘t too sure if I‘d want to read this one. 6y
Matilda @BethM I haven‘t read her other books for comparison but I found this one fun and enjoyed the audiobook. 6y
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Killing November | Adriana Mather
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Another night of sickness means another cup of tea and a new book.

Killing November | Adriana Mather
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This arrived in the mail this afternoon! Another to add to my ever growing TBR! 📚❤