Embryos have personhood and abortion has been outlawed. Terrifying concept, but the execution is uneven. A+ on that abstract vag book cover, though. 😉 #LitsyAtoZ #LetterZ
Embryos have personhood and abortion has been outlawed. Terrifying concept, but the execution is uneven. A+ on that abstract vag book cover, though. 😉 #LitsyAtoZ #LetterZ
Last third of the book, and there's a chapter all about love that runs to gamut from star-crossed lovers to being a "war wife" to a commanding officer. #BooksInTranslation #ReadHarder2017 #love
I splurged and ordered these from the UK. They're part of the Vintage Classic Russians Series that commemorates the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution. So far, I just see the Anna Karenina one available in the US. (I'll buy the other three next paycheck. 😍)
Thoughts: http://wp.me/pMKoA-4FC
#ReadHarder #ReadHarder2017 South American author/setting #LitsyAtoZ #LetterE #horror #shortstories
This book is so horrifying. 😯 #currentlylistening
This book has an interesting premise, and parts of it are great. Unfortunately, it loses steam for big chunks at a time. (hehe, see what I did there?) #LitsyAtoZ #LetterV
#LyricalApril #UnderTheBridge
I was an avid reader as a child, but I never read this in school. My sister did read it when she was in elementary, and she kept begging me to read it. Being the evil older sister, I ignored her.
Fast forward a couple of decades: I read it as an adult and ugly cried over how good/devastating it was. When I tried to talk to my sister about the book and make amends for my foolishness, she was SO not amused. lol
My favorite read of 2016, and definitely one of my favorite #Pulitzer winners. It's SO. GOOD.
#LyricalApril Day 13 #WhenDovesCry
Exit West is a short book that wasn't quite the straightforward refugee/immigration story I thought it would be. It ended up taking an unexpected speculative fiction-ish turn, but it worked.
I am ridiculously excited that this came in from the publisher today. Dr. Parker is one of my heroes. Added bonus: this could fulfill the spiritual journey task for #ReadHarder2017. #feminism
I like books where nothing much happens, but for those to work, the book needs to have some kind of undercurrent of tension or SOMETHING to carry it. This? Was a flatline. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterH #audiobook
A little travel pre-reading #LitsyAtoZ #LetterN
"We admire the strength of women, people of color, queers in enduring all of this, in managing, somehow, to make rent month after month...But here is another thing that takes strength: to say "No more." To walk away, to choose something else, to protect yourself. To say "I don't deserve this." The strength to unchain yourself from the altar of martyrdom. There's no shame in taking your hand off something poison."
#ReadHarder #ReadHarder2017
Sometimes the writing isn't the strongest, but Guerrero offers an important perspective that's often missing from the immigration debate. #LitsyAtoZ (author) #ReadHarder2017 #audiobook
This whole essay is depressingly accurate. #LitsyAtoZ
I never read this when I was younger! It's a little heavy on the moralism, but that's to be expected for a coming of age book written in 1908. Rachel McAdams, lovely as always! #LitsyAtoZ (author) #ReadHarder2017 #audiobook
This was a really fascinating book. Waldman takes microdoses of LSD for a month, about 10% of a regular dose, to see if it will help with her mood disorder. It's part memoir and part investigation into the war on drugs. You also get an unexpectedly candid glimpse into the dynamic of her marriage (to Michael Chabon). #LitsyAtoZ (author) #audiobook
First #audiobook of the year! I wanted to get this one done before I saw the movie. Shetterly did a great job of providing historical context for these women's contributions. I have a feeling that the movie is going to be a very watered down, Disney-fied version, but I'm glad the story is getting out to big audiences and I can't wait to see it. #LitsyAtoZ (author) #womenshistory #blackhistory #STEM
All I want for #Christmas is to spend quality time finishing up this awesome book! #translatedbooks #ReadHarder2016
This is my book under 100 pages for #ReadHarder2016. It's an essay that mostly focuses on Palestine, but it's weird in an almost New-Agey way (which is what I've found in her later works).
There's so much sadness and grief in this book. #oralhistory #translatedbooks
Came home and found this in the mail. *squee*
I've had this on my shelf since it was published and always meant to read it sometime around the holidays. I decided to commit this year via audiobook!
I got a good ways into the audiobook, but I can't anymore. It's just not working for me, and I can't tell if it's the writing or the narration (or both).
I was saving this audiobook for later, but I've been so bogged down with work that I needed a fun break.