This book is a #blastfromthepast
#ShelSilverstein #ALightInTheAttic
This book is a #blastfromthepast
#ShelSilverstein #ALightInTheAttic
Overall I enjoyed it. My two favorite stories were Last Stand At the Cinegore and Inertia.
I am currently using an old picture of my fiancé as a #bookmark while o read #WeAreOkay by #NinaLacour
This is my second book by this author and the first one I read, #EverythingLeadsToYou I read just recently and is one of my favorite reads of the year so far! #currentlyreading
I listened to this on audiobook because I love her voice and she narrates her book herself!
My interest in this book stemmed purely from the fact that I have been a huge Drew Barrymore fan my whole life. Riding In Cars With Boys. Charlie's Angels. The Wedding Singer. And so much more.
I cried when she talked about her dogs. Hit close to home.
#DrewBarrymore #Wdflower #nonfiction #memoir #autobiography #audiobook
Absolutely endearing and hilarious and romantic in its own unique way...just as I have come to expect from the lovely Rainbow Rowell.
The part about the nickname with the cup. HILARIOUS!
And my one spoiler related comment:
It was so funny that they slept through the whole movie! After all that build up! But the way it ended with them making a date to see another showing after getting some sleep was perfect.
#KindredSpirits #RainbowRowell
...love was a tiny firefly in the distance, blinking on right when I needed it to.
(From "Inertia" by Veronica Roth, the 7th story in this anthology)
Loved it...but this is one of few instances where the movie is better than the book.
Also...I really want the This Is Not A Pipe shirt.
Love Gus. Husband goals. Minus the cancer and dying.
#TFIOS #TheFaultInOurStars #JohnGreen #GusWaters #AugustusWaters #ThisIsNotAPipe
I absolutely love her way with words!
I actually got an autographed copy cuz I preordered it. And I love Saves Youtube channel. Several poems in this book are performed by her on that channel.
#SavannahBrown #GraffitiAndOtherPoems #MolesDontThinkAboutSpaceOrSmallTalk
Awful amateur and immature writing. And all the stories seemed to blend together and be about the same things. It felt very repetitive. I wanted to like it because I am a huge James Franco fan. This was a true disappointment.
#PaloAlto #JamesFranco
One of my favorite reads of the year so far!
The family drama and secrets is what drew me in. So much background on so many characters. So many mistakes and betrayals and flawed characters. Realistic. The ending was realistic as well.
#EverythingINeverToldYou #CelesteNg #favoritehistoricalfiction #1970shistoricalfiction
A very adorable and emotional love story. I loved the music element and the image of the lovebirds on the bus together.
I would have given the book a full star higher rating if it had ended the way I wanted it to. (The rating I gave it was 3.5 out of 5 stars)
#eleanorandpark #RainbowRowell
Cute and fun and adventurous, but problematic at times. It features one of my top 3 most hated tropes, girl on girl hate/violence.
But I overall enjoyed it and can't wait to read the two companion novels because I hear they each have things that make them better or just as good as this one. Even though I'm giving this a so so rating, I did still enjoy it. Entertainment value was high...content quality was not quite so high.
#fangirl #rainbowrowell
One of my favorite series of all time and this is a great start!
There are some problematic elements. Such as Stockholm syndrome. Among other things.
Also there are adult themes. X rated themes. If that would bother you, don't read this.
The second book in the series is my favorite. And one of the many reasons why is because it corrects a lot of the problems I had with this one.
#acotar #acomaf #acourtofthornsandroses #sarahjmaas #rhysand
I have read the first half of the stories. My favorites so far are The End of Love and The Last Stand At The Cinegore, the second and third stories respectively.
My least favorite so far is Sick Pleasure. I just found the story boring. Beautiful writing, though.
Reading Kindle version.
Poison Study came up on my Memories on Facebook the other day, which means it had been a year since I read it. Felt like a good time to finally pick up the second book. I still remember quite a bit about the first book so I opted out of a reread.
So far I've only read the first chapter.
#PoisonStudy #MagicStudy #MariaVSnyder
One of my all time favorite books!
The 80s themes of music and fashion, etc sucked me in! So did the phouka aspect!
And Eddi was an awesome strong female lead!
And the introduction to this book is my all time favorite introduction to any book.
4 stories down, 8 to go!
I DNF'd it. The main character was manipulative and was taking advantage of people and situations and technically took someone's car without permission which isn't okay and he talked repeatedly about getting a guy to have sex with him even though the guy very obviously and outwardly stated his not gay. A no go for me.
I was very underwhelmed. The plot was shallow and barely existent. I expected more from Bryan Lee OMalley.
I did however enjoy the art.
Very unique! AIDAN is one of my favorite characters I've ever read about!
#Illuminate #TheIlluminaeFiles #IlluminaeFiles #AmieKaufman #JayKristoff
One of my favorite reads of the year so far! The romance is cute and the plot is interesting. I crushed hardcore on Emi and aspire to be like her and chase my dreams.
Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter
#1: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
This book is so important and relevant. It was extremely well written and I thought every single part of this book was well rounded- the plot, setting, dialogue, characters, relationships, EVERYTHING! My favorite read of the year so far.
#favoritereadsof2017 #TheHateUGive #AngieThomas #THUGLIFE #THUG #BlackLivesMatter
Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter
#2: Everything Leads To You by Nina Lacour
I loved everything about this! The romance, the characters, the plot! It was so hard to put down everytime I picked it up!
#everythingleadstoyou #ninalacour #favoritereadsof2017
Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter
#3: Short Stories From Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardships, and Dangerous Hobbies
It's always exciting getting new background info on characters and a world that I love!
#harrypotter #jkrowling #pottermore #pottermorepresents #shortstoriesfromhogwarts
Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter
#4: A Court Of Wings And Ruin by Sarah J Maas
A great conclusion to this story arc...I cried a few times! My second favorite book in the series behind ACOMAF
#acourtofwingsandruin #acowar #sarahjmaas #favoritereadsof2017
Top 5 favorite reads of the quarter
#5: Simon vs The Homo Sapient Agenda by Becky Albertalli.
#simonvsthehomosapiensagenda #beckyalbertalli #favoritereadsof2017
This book was so cute and sweet and funny!