I love getting books in the post! So excited to have finally found a book of Goran Simić's poetry! Looking forward to diving into Giraffe too.
I love getting books in the post! So excited to have finally found a book of Goran Simić's poetry! Looking forward to diving into Giraffe too.
I love Sean Borodale. He's difficult and I often have to reread lines, but every now and again there's a straightforward phrase that hits you right between the eyes.
Starting this ♡FIRST EDITION♡ Atwood this morning. I'm two weeks ahead of my reading schedule for the year! How about that?!
Ballard's writing is just awesome. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to reading him.
I've started a story highlights section on Instagram especially for documenting what I'm reading!
Feeling like having a cooking adventure today. Flicking through this beautiful book for inspiration.
Two of the beautiful books I got for Christmas. I finished Turtles in two days and loved it! More Christmas book posts to come 😊
I saw Jonathan Tulloch read from and talk about Larkinland this evening. I love the idea so much and his reading was funny, charming, and wonderful. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!
"...my life has been a recurrent tale of my failure to truly understand my peril until it is too late to turn back."
Isabella is just the most lovable heroine!
A whole book of poems about bats, making for great #halloween reading ♡ This is from Angela Leighton's 'Sonar'.
Have I mentioned that my bookmark is awesome? I never really used bookmarks before because I just remember where I am but I go out of my way to use this one. Also the dangly fangs glow in the dark!!!
#bookdragon #dragon #bookmark
Visited my favourite bookshop today, The Book Hive in Norwich, and bought these two lovelies ♡
New books! I went on holiday last week and bought three books from three different shops in Cumbria, and put an order in for a couple of things I'd been meaning to buy which had arrived by the time I came home 😄
Diving into these over the next couple of days before I go on holiday (and take more Marie Brennan with me)!
What beautiful books these are 💛🐉
#fantasy #dragons #illustration
I've got under 24 hours to finish this for book group and I'm only 128 pages in. Better get a move on! Liking it so far.
I finished this amazing book this morning. The way he uses rhyme just takes my breath away.
Up to now I was keeping up with my book-a-week plan, but this is taking forever and a day to finish! Springsteen's writing is lush and I'm really enjoying it, but it's somehow dense and it's put me way behind schedule!
I made another bookish #playlist! This time a mellow one for all my #hufflepuff people out there who need a quiet moment. https://8tracks.com/glimmerkin/hufflepuff-study
When you're supposed to be dusting but you end up admiring your books instead...
This is absolutely the geekiest book I own and I love it. Using it now to provide a glossary for a pretty geeky poem.
#bibliography #type #apoemthatneedsaglossary?
Never a truer word spoken
#harrypotter #ronweasley #prisonerofazkaban #motivation
Visiting old friends ♡ a little Christmas treat for myself
Further to my previous playlist post, if you're a fan of Joyce Carol Oates' Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang (I am!), I made a playlist for that too! http://8tracks.com/glimmerkin/foxfire
When I really, really like a book (and I loved this one), I make a playlist for it. If you'd like, you can listen to the one I made for Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore here: http://8tracks.com/glimmerkin/mr-penumbra-s-24-hour-bookstore-1
THAT WAS SO GOOD. I'd have finished it in 24 hours had it not been such a busy time right now. I was totally gripped, and loved the writing style and the interweaving of the themes of books and new technologies, and the sense of adventure! This is one of the most "me" books I have ever read. This book and I understand each other. Thank you, Robin Sloan!
Great little haul from the fantastic #borderlinebooks open day in Team Valley today. A whole book of poems about #bats!
I'm only 20 pages in, but this is fantastic already. A proper book-lover's book! For the first time in a while, I'm going to have to stop myself reading too late into the night!
I have less than 200 pages to go but Myrren's Gift is taking some effort to finish! at 600+ pages each I don't think I'll be reading the following two books of The Quickening, but I've come too far to give up on this one now.
I watched Immortal Beloved last night for the first time and it inspired my next book choice! I bought this after listening to Rita Dove's Poetry Society Annual Lecture just over a year ago. Looking forward to starting it today or tomorrow.
Though you are singing somewhere still
I can no longer hear you
Leonard Cohen
I've been excited to read this one for a long time. Here goes!
As the first book in a long time that I've pulled off a shelf having never heard of it before or been told to read it, I'm enjoying this one so far. The writing is not brilliant but I'm really drawn by the characters.
'We too have been there; we can hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.'
Rereading Peter Pan in preparation to write a series of poems. I love it even more than I remember!