In a society of dragons the story unfolds. Really interesting story with dragons and how they would conduct a court procedure to determine inheritance… good read overall
In a society of dragons the story unfolds. Really interesting story with dragons and how they would conduct a court procedure to determine inheritance… good read overall
We visited the upper portion of Washington with two great friends and these are just some of the spots we hit… if there was a bookstore we stopped and explored loved this trip and can‘t wait to explore more of Washington … Jamestown S‘Klallam Tribal Center, Olympic National Forest, Lac Seyl First Nation, Port Angles, Forks, La Push, Cape flattery, Seattle, Poulsbo, Westport, and Long Beach, Washington
… visited all the bookstores I found 🤗📚
It‘s really quite bonkers! At first it read like a young adult novel, but as I progressed I began to enjoy it more. It did make me giggle at times. I‘m not sure whether I was supposed to find it funny but I did. Despite that, there is a good plot and a variety of characters to keep the reader engaged. All in all not a bad book but probably not my genre! I‘ve given myself a Brownie point for reading it! 🐲😄
I‘m reading this with my online reading group https://thereadingloft.groups.io/g/main. I‘m not sure it‘s my thing but am giving it a go!
I'm having trouble getting into this book. It's mislabeled in my opinion, I don't really see a Pride&Prejudice connection here. The dragon world is well thought out and the troubles of the characters very real. But I have trouble connecting to the world and the characters.
This is so perfect - a Trollope / Austen /Thackeray tale of manners among social climbing dragons, albeit with their unique bloody customs. Enjoyed tremendously over the weekend with a pot of Princess Anastasia Kusumi tea and biscuits!
A Victorian-style novel, except that everyone is a dragon. After a beloved patriarch dies, his children fight over their inheritance and worry about their own romantic futures. Also some light cannibalism. A charming and delightful book!
This take on Victorian novels is the most unique thing I've read in a while. I enjoyed all the satire of the novels of the time, though I've never read Trollope and presumably would appreciate this more if I had. Still, this was funny, interesting, and I kind of wish there was more of it.
This was really original and entertaining, with a Victorian Dragon society. This is a standalone but I wished it would be a series. I'll check out more books by this author.
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 130 #bookstoread #tbrpile #bookstagram
Dragons do a Jane Austen and become radicalized and I am here for it. I would read an essay from the author, if she ever wrote one, about markets, primogeniture, and cannibalism.
Like a Julian Fellowes period drama. But with dragons.
I am smitten.
A free mobi or ePub download, available until May 22nd, 11:59 PM ET.
https://ebookclub.tor.com/ #torbookclub
In case you missed it, tor.com‘s current eBook of the Month Club selection is the tagged book. The club is free, just requires your email to sign up, and every month (sometimes more frequently) there‘s a new book to download. If you like science fiction and/fantasy it‘s definitely worth taking a look!
The blurb in the back of the book says pride and prejudice of the dragon world... Unfortunately part of the plot involves a law suit over kids who didn't get to eat, yes eat enough of their dead father. Canibalism as major plotline is too much for me 🙄
Absolutely adored this story. Think Jane Austen style period drama meets high fantasy; dragons with a class system, ladies with scales that blush pink when they're betrothed, duels and treasure hoards and high society.
Also, if Sher Benandi ever decides he would rather be human than a 60 foot bronze gentrified dragon, I am single and available.
What a gorgeous little book. It tells the story of a family of dragons, told entirely from the point of view from dragons. They speak, have attorneys, wills, churches & most importantly they eat each other after death and sometimes before. It‘s the novel we would have got if Jane Austen would have written fantasy. It‘s basically a little Victorian novel about a family who had to bury, I mean eat, their father & now the daughters need to marry! 😍
Re-reading during the move. This is one of the best and strangest books I have ever read. It's about conflict over inheritance in a Victorian-ish society. Except everyone is a dragon, and they have to eat each other to become larger and stronger, and their father's body is the inheritance. It folds in perfectly with all of the social climbing and machinations. I haven't found another book like this, but I'd like to read 10 more.
"The Pride and Prejudice of the dragon world" is the most accurate blurb for a book I have ever read. It was a little slow going at first, but once I got a little bit into it, I just flew through it.
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterW #24in48
About half way through this book, and it is going a bit slower than I had hoped. But I have just refilled my snacks and am ready to give it another go 👍
#24in48 #shelfie
Jane Yolen's blurb pretty much sums it up. It's an Austen comedy of manners with dragons. Really satisfying romance but also, they eat each other and mistreat their servants.
I love me some dragons. 🐉🐉But I don't have enough of them on my shelves. So here are a few of the dragon books on my #TBR 📚
Franklin's Flying bookshop comes out next year and sounds like an amazing picture book
Tooth and Claw has been described as an Austen novel with dragons
The Hobbit is self-explanatory
The Rain Wild Chronicles are a must for Hobb fans
Seraphina just sounds awesome
#photoadaynov16 #herebedragons
The blurb on this cover is exactly correct. I was a little skeptical when I started but ended up loving this book. #herebedragons and #victoriansensibilities #photoadaynov16
Recommended by NPR librarian, Nancy Pearl.
Update: a dragon just threatened to eat his dragon mom at his dragon wedding. Dragon.
This book is, in fact, all about dragons and there might be a dragon lawsuit. I'm well pleased.
The thing about having 5+ years of an unchecked tbr on a kindle is sometimes you grab a book with a stylized dragon on the cover and you just have to hope that real dragons are in there.