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The Comprehensive Enfp Survival Guide
The Comprehensive Enfp Survival Guide | Heidi Priebe
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Life as an ENFP is no walk in the park. Despite the happy-go-lucky attitude they exude, only those who share the specific preference for extroversion, intuition, feeling and perceiving on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can truly understand the unique form of chaos that governs this type's restless mind. Embodying a profoundly strange stack of cognitive functions, ENFPs approach the world with both the enthusiasm of a child and the wisdom of an old soul. In this detailed, type-based survival guide, seasoned MBTI author and shameless ENFP Heidi Priebe explains how to manage the ups, downs and inside-outs of everyday life as one of the most passionate yet self-contradictory types.
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I haven‘t read this book, nor are these tips from it, but I want to. 😹

sammisho As a ENFP...yes! 7y
Purrsistently ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
LauraBeth I‘m an ENFP and I can honestly say that‘s how the INTJ husband snared me 😀 although he faked the whole reading thing and told me on our honeymoon... (edited) 7y
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Purrsistently @LauraBeth 😹😹😹😹😹 mine is an ENFj and this is basically how it goes for us. In return I just have to indulge the melodrama. It works well because I find it cute. :P 7y
VintageQueen @Purrsistently that is so crazy! I‘m also an ENFP married to a ENFJ! 7y
Purrsistently @VintageQueen they ARE rather adorable and brilliant, aren‘t they? :P 7y
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@JoScho asked if we are introverts or extroverts. I'm an ENFP. I am on the introverted side of it, but I'm still definitely an extrovert. @cobwebmoth is a strong INFJ. We work well together, but the above picture shows how it can be sometimes.😀 #introvertorextrovert

BookMaven407 😂 7y
FlowerFairy 😂🤣😂 7y
Suelizbeth As an INFJ who works with an extreme extrovert, this is so relatable! 😂😂 7y
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MatchlessMarie INFJ here! I attract a lot of 🌈ENFP🦄friendships! And they are great. Reminds me of the dynamics between Sadness and Joy from Inside out 😅 7y
LazyOwl This made me laugh, I am INFJ so I relate 😅 7y
SandyW Years ago I read the tagged book below because it sounded interesting. Found out that my husband and I had different ideas on how to express our affection for oneanother. (Who knew?) Learning how to understand how we and others interpret things goes a long way to improving relationships. 7y
Eggs 😂😂😂 but true 7y
Andrew65 😂😂😂😂😂 7y
Suet624 😂😂😂 7y
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XNFP problems

saresmoore Hahaha! Chameleon. I bought this and was kinda underwhelmed by it. 7y
maximoffs @saresmoore I'm reading the infp one and feel like I might cry since I relate so much? So I'm starting to wonder if I've just been mistyped my whole life 🙈 7y
saresmoore @steverogers Well, the ENFPs are the most introverted of the extroverts. And I have like six very close INFP friends who act like extroverts with their enthusiasm for people. So... (That wasn't helpful, was it?) Haha! Can you tell I'm an INFJ? I married an ENFP, but he's pretty strong on the E. So good to read both, even if it's mostly a skim! 7y
maximoffs @saresmoore I did know that! And I've honestly called myself a sociable introvert for a long time. I'm thinking I'm probably XNFP because they both typically resonate so strongly with me. Yes! Absolutely! 7y
blissfulreveries Are those the only two out there?? Bc I'm an ESFP and I'd love to read one about that! 7y
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As if nobody has wrote a review on this book yet. This book changed my life. I feel a new level of understanding of myself. I will be re reading this book frequently.

If you are an ENFP this is a must read. Slash if you super care about an ENFP it could be entertaining too perhaps 😊

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Oh I WILL talk to you on the plane. And on the train. And in line 😂 My favorite thing in life is hearing others talk and tell their own stories ❤️#booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading

Leelee08 I'm right there with you! 8y
saresmoore Most of my favorite people are ENFPs! 8y
mrsh62010 Y'all can talk to me! :) 8y
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LauraBeth @saresmoore apparently some of my favorite people are INFJs because I married one 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Leelee08 I ❤️ chatterboxes 😀 8y
LauraBeth @mrsh62010 I need no invitation 😂 8y
LectricSheep Oh man, ENFP + INFJ = fastest plane ride ever. Why don't air travel companies seat us according to our MBTI?! 8y
EvieBee Haha! I do that too although I'm an INFJ. 8y
LauraBeth @LectricSheep I'd pay extra for that service 😀 8y
Librariana I'm an ISFJ... can I still come to the party? 8y
I-read-and-eat I am am INFP but talk about books and I won't ever shut up 😊 8y
Loretta I'm an ENFP too!!! 8y
Kimzey Love a book talker! 💗. I'm a great audience. (INFP) 😊 8y
LauraBeth @librariana ISFJs are welcome in any situation 😀 8y
LauraBeth @I-read-and-eat you had me at won't ever shut up 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Loretta 😀😀 8y
LauraBeth @Kimzey as long as we don't scare you away 😀 8y
Kimzey @LauraBeth No way! ❤️ 📚 Would just need some downtime later to read and recharge. 😜 8y
Kimzey Are there survival guides for other types? 8y
saresmoore @LauraBeth My husband and I are an INFJ/ENFP pair, too! Apparently it works! 8y
LauraBeth @Kimzey not sure - but you may like Quiet by Susan Cain 8y
LauraBeth @saresmoore it's a good balance - after I finally realized that his quietness didn't equate to him being mad at me 😀and after he realized he'll never solve me 😀 8y
Carpool_Librarian This ISTJ appreciates you...from a far, of course. 😃👍 8y
LauraBeth @Carpool_Librarian I'll break you down 😀 8y
Kimzey @laurabeth I did read/listen to Quiet when it first came out. Right up my alley! 😊 8y
LauraBeth @Kimzey you may also like Levels of Life by Julian Barnes. While it's not a personality book, I think that as an INFP it will really resonate with you 8y
ultrabookgeek I'm a border e/infp - would this book be relatable? 8y
LauraBeth @ultrabookgeek I think so! 8y
Kimzey @laurabeth Thanks for the recommendation. Barnes has been on my radar for a good long while, but have never read anything by him. Added to my Litsy stack! This might be a good Litsy topic- book recommendations based on MBTI. 😀 8y
LauraBeth What a fun Litsy topic this would be! @Kimzey 8y
LauraBrook This INFJ loves you! We could talk for hours about whatever (just give me a half hour of quiet a once or twice). 😘 8y
LauraBeth @LauraBrook there is something magical about a ENFP/INFJ combination 😘 8y
Desha Yes I would listen then talk your ear off right back as a borderline e/infp lol 😜😍 8y
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