I haven‘t read this book, nor are these tips from it, but I want to. 😹
I haven‘t read this book, nor are these tips from it, but I want to. 😹
@JoScho asked if we are introverts or extroverts. I'm an ENFP. I am on the introverted side of it, but I'm still definitely an extrovert. @cobwebmoth is a strong INFJ. We work well together, but the above picture shows how it can be sometimes.😀 #introvertorextrovert
XNFP problems
As if nobody has wrote a review on this book yet. This book changed my life. I feel a new level of understanding of myself. I will be re reading this book frequently.
If you are an ENFP this is a must read. Slash if you super care about an ENFP it could be entertaining too perhaps 😊
Oh I WILL talk to you on the plane. And on the train. And in line 😂 My favorite thing in life is hearing others talk and tell their own stories ❤️#booknerdproblems #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading