I read this series as a kid (along with a fair amount of other Piers Anthony books). It obviously hasn‘t aged well (especially how he writes his female characters), but there is some fun to be had with the concept.
I read this series as a kid (along with a fair amount of other Piers Anthony books). It obviously hasn‘t aged well (especially how he writes his female characters), but there is some fun to be had with the concept.
I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 3.
Well, look who finally joined the party
Gotta say - it‘s good, but it definitely landed better on my 15 year old sensibility. As an adult it feels a bit thinly developed, and slightly childish.
And yeah ... Piers loves him some titty 🙄
It‘s my first time reading Anthony, and overall I enjoyed this story. Yes, it‘s dated, & yep definitely some unnecessary female sexualization, but overall I liked the story and it was a fun read juxtaposed with my current political read. I liked the play of good verses evil and all the grey areas, the exploration of original sin, and what if bad things are done for good reasons. It was a bit too simple in some places, but overall interesting read.
#incarnationschapteraday @Ubookquitous
I liked the plot but the prose and world building were lacking. Then there was the sexism. It was disgusting and some others words I will spare you. There were so many things that the author could have explored and it would have been a great book. The issue of doing your job versus doing what is right is a big one in the story.
Well. I finished it. Pros: great premise, fascinating ideas, some interesting exploration of those ideas, and a decent plot. Cons: Holy bell hooks—the sexism! The female objectification! Also some fairly muddled worldbuilding and mediocre writing overall. I was interested to read Piers Anthony, and the series premise is interesting, but for me, the pros just don‘t outweigh the cons. I give it two skulls out of five.💀💀
Final thoughts? I think Zane grew and that the nature of the manipulation to put him in the position became clear... and hints about the elaborate plot the incarnations are engaged in against Satan is hinted at. The sexism is annoying but I rolled my eyes and moved on... and the philosophical ideas around the nature of evil and religion were interesting. #incarnationsChapterADay
Overall, I enjoyed it. Easy read, some interesting concepts and a nice blend of science fiction and fantasy. Yet, as a story went, I never really got past my initial dislike of Zane and felt he had very little agency in the tale. Even the resolution felt a little pat. Anthony's world view and sexism also seemed to distract me. It says something when your favorite character was a horse/car. #incarnationschapteraday
I finished this one this afternoon. I can't say I enjoyed this one all that much. I really liked some ideas but found the execution to be lacking. There is a ton of sexism, which one could argue are the characters themselves but it just brought down the story. Add that to the fact that many of the characters were one-note & it basically felt like a slog for me. I dont know if I will bother with the rest of the series.
I am back on track with #IncarnationsChapterADay at last! Enjoying a late lunch break at home with cold brew and my current reads.
Trying to catch up on this one, but dear gods the sexism. 😑 It has some really interesting ideas and portrayals but all the women are subject go evaluation based on attractiveness.
I also just read an article about Anthony that makes me sick to my stomach. I am curious to see of this will get better & if the others in the series are better, but I also don't have a ton of desire to move past this one when I finish it.
Day 6, Chapter 6. Zane is growing into the job, but it is clear that others have conspired to place him in the position. We also are seeing Zane grow a bit, reconsider some of the less than admirable uses of magic
This book has a strange mix of ahead of its time technology and antiquated social interactions that I often feel unbalanced reading it. Like how can he envision advances that in technology (even though its magical) yet fail to see societal progression. Here the sharing of sins to prove their worthiness was an interesting twist but still full of male ego fantasy.
Took me a while to get through this chapter due to work. #incarnationschapteraday
I found this *amazing* cover for On a Pale Horse—Death just cruising around in his flying powder-blue 1980s “steed”...with pop-up headlights. 😂
Today‘s chapter has me intrigued by Zane‘s philosophical & moral dilemmas over being Death. I‘m interested to explore those themes further! But I‘m also pretty bothered by the rampant sexism and objectification—particularly in the “pigskin” game. 😕 Please tell me it‘s ironic...
#readingresolutions @jess7
Prompt: Labor Day Reads
This is where I am and what I am reading. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! 🚤🚣♀️📘❤
We meet another of the Incarnations and learn how not only the technical aspects of Zane's new job works, but also the moral or philosophical aspects from Zane's perspective. We also meet Mortis - the coolest Pale Horse ever!
#incarnationschapteraday @Ubookquitous
Day 2, Chapter 2. Not too late to join us for this read along. 😊
Repost for @Ubookquitous :
Join us as we journey with the Incarnations of Death, Time, Fate, War, Nature, Satan, God, and Night as they shape the fate of humanity. If the Incarnations of Immortality series is a favorite, or you want a Brady new adventure, we start on Saturday 01 September
#IncarnationsChapterADay #readalong
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OAPH contains one of the best inciting incidents of a novel ending with the last line of the first chapter. The image is from the Innovations Comics version of book one.
The #incarnationschapteraday starts today!! Anyone is welcome to join in on the fun! Make sure to follow @Ubookquitous for updates.
This is my first time trying Piers Anthony and I am excited to dig in. Here's hoping it's a fun one!
@Ubookquitous I am off and running this morning. Just trying to get a head start on the day. I am afraid if I don't read the first chapter now life will get in the way.😋 Not sure if I like this alternate book cover that is on the ebook. Maybe I'll drop by the used bookstore and see if they have a copy.🤔
Join us tomorrow as we meet Zane in the first book On a Pale Horse 🐴 #IncarnationsChapterADay
#Chloe and I are ready for the #IncarnationsChapterADay read-along with @Ubookquitous starting Saturday!! #catsoflitsy #tuxedokittiesoflitsy @MinDea
@Litsy @LitsyHappenings @LitsyBuddyRead can you post?
here's the schedule for book one of #IncarnationsChapterADay #readalong
@LitsyBuddyRead @LitsyHappenings @Litsy can you repost?
Join us as we journey with the Incarnations of Death, Time, Fate, War, Nature, Satan, God, and Night as they shape the fate of humanity. If the Incarnations of Immortality series is a favorite, or you want a Brady new adventure, we start on Saturday 01 September
#IncarnationsChapterADay #readalong
#incarnationsChapterADay starting Sept 1st with @Ubookquitous please feel free to check out her page and join in!
Join @InLibrisVeritas @jmofo @JoeStalksBeck @CSeydel @2BR02B @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraJean @RJHowe @mcipher @TheSpineView and anyone else interested in (re)reading this classic series.
#incarnationsChapterADay #readalong
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Here is the schedule for book one. I believe the first book is available on Kindle for $2.99 if you don't have it or you can't get a library copy. Two weeks until the start date 😀📚📖📚
Join @JoeStalksBeck @CSeydel @2BR02B @InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraJean @RJHowe @mcipher @TheSpineView and your host @Ubookquitous a chapter-a-day read-along of Piers Anthony‘s classic series Incarnations of Immortality. The First book is On a Pale Horse. #incarnationsChapterADay #readalong share!
Pass it along and tag friends. Everyone is welcome whether you have read it before or are new to the series. Hope to see people reading and enjoying #incarnationschapteraday
Another #blameitonlitsy buddy read to distract me from my TBR!😂 I‘ve never read Piers Anthony, so I‘m excited to dive into these. Join in if you‘re so inclined! Litsy buddy reads are the best, and the chapter a day format is SO doable, even in the midst of other reading.
Now I need to track down the first book, as it seems my county library system has the whole series with the exception of—you guessed it—the first one.🙄
This should be fun!! #incarnationschapteraday Check out @Ubookquitous for the schedule and details coming soon if you are interested!!
Im getting excited for this read along! I loved this series when I was 15 or so and I‘m looking forward to revisiting it.
Follow @Ubookquitous for the schedule. There are 7 books in the series, and each follows one of the “incarnations of immortality” - death, time, fate, nature, war, and finally good and evil. Not as hokey as the Xanth series, but definitely YA as I recall.
Join us!
I‘m looking forward to this one, it will be my first time reading this series! Please feel free to join us and follow @Ubookquitous for more information and schedules.
The #IncarnationsChapteraDay group begins its journey though Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series on Sept. 1st!
Make sure to follow @Ubookquitous for more info! The schedules should be up sometime next week.
I can't wait to try out this series and this author for the first time! #readalong
@JoeStalksBeck @CSeydel @2BR02B @InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraJean @RJHowe @mcipher
I'll post a schedule for the first three books next week. In the meantime, share liberally, tag friends, get them to share. For those rereading - remember, no spoilers. I'm interested in your thoughts on how each hold up, things you might have not noticed when you read previously, etc. For newbies - can wait to hear your impressions
Sixth book for #freakyfriday and it was a cracker. I really enjoyed my ride along with Death as he fought Satan for the life of his beloved. The use of language was quite dated, and I could picture this as a cheesy 80s movie, complete with scantily clad women with heaving chests, and a glam metal soundtrack. But I thought it was a great bit of escapism. A solid 4 🌟.
Trying to squeeze a last minute #freakyfriday read in before the end of April. The other three books I haven't managed to read will slot in during the year, I'm sure.
@CSeydel @Clwojick @monalyisha
More #bookmail for #freakyfriday. Not impressed with the half-pulled-off sticker on the front but hey ho. Amassing a little pile in time for April. 📚📚📚
@CSeydel @monalyisha @Clwojick
#belovedseries #riotgrams. I should reread - been a long time and I wonder if they will stay as entertaining?
With 8 books in all this is by far my favorite fantasy series! #fantasyfriday
What I was reading in high school almost 30 years ago! have read this Piers Anthony series so many times! It's absolutely outstanding! And Memnoch the Devil is by far my favorite Anne Rice. #highschoolers #backtoreadng