Caught this fun milestone before it turn! I know it‘s low compared to some other Littens‘ litfluence, but it‘s hard to believe I‘m up this high!
Caught this fun milestone before it turn! I know it‘s low compared to some other Littens‘ litfluence, but it‘s hard to believe I‘m up this high!
#ocean #coolbooks @Linsy
This is a #tbr that I‘ve had for a while. Sounds good just haven‘t picked it up yet. Has anyone else read this one?
This is by a river, but anyway. The story was good--I was pulled in from the beginning, the night of a tsunami. The magical, eerie developments that followed were fascinating too. By the end, I felt that things were happening too fast, but maybe I just wanted the story to go on!
I see so many people posting "found bookmarks" for #funfriday ... Here's mine currently: a wedding invitation ? I often use grocery store receipts and postcards too...
Summer afternoon thunderstorm & kids sleeping after day in the water.
Perfect afternoon to finally finish this one. 👌🏾
Nearly through this one. Such a change of pace and even style? by the second half.
Question: how can you tag books in posts?
This book is inexplicably making me think somewhat of All The Birds in the Sky (can't put my finger on why because they are fairly different.)
This book and its characters may have many things going for them, but "events (happening) like a pitching machine stuck on fastball" is certainly not one of them despite whatever the main character thinks.
This book is just interesting enough for me to want to keep pushing forward and just dragging along enough that I'm struggling to do so...
I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I checked this book out due solely to the blurb at the top. We will see if it lives up to it!
I wanna keep reading coz this book is so good but 💤💤💤 - Jack the Kitty
#FunFridayPhoto hosted by Liberty
They were librarians, for God's sake. Finding out information was what they did."