Das Einmaleins der Geldwäsche
If you like the stock market and over the top living, this is definitely the book for you. The book is written by a man named Jordan Belfort in which he narrates his crazy life where are you can see Him change from a normal man to a crazy over the top drug addict. The Motive in the book is about how fame, drugs and money can completely change someone for the better or for the worse and in his case he ended up in prison.
Started off my Canada Day by finishing my book! I enjoyed this read, although I think I'll have to read his second memoir, "Catching the Wolf of Wall Street", to get more of the plot line that I remember from the few movie clips I've seen.
Next read is one recommended by my profs in my latest class. #tbr #whatiread #booksevenof2020
#SoaringScores Jordan Belfort aka The Wolf of Wall Street was quite the #PartyMan 🥳Loved the movie🍿 TotallyBonkers
#Aprella One of my favorite memoirs and movies 🙌🏻Jordan Belfort was definitely #HighForThis
Jordan Belfort was living and feeling like #KingoftheWorld until greed and the law caught up with him! I really thought the book & movie was entertaining, although morally depraved. WOW, just realized this book also works for #wolves and #yellowcovers and #bookintomovie 🎉🎉🎉
Way better than the movie. If you are ever interested in "true crime" and perhaps a comedy combo, then this is the book to read. Extremely engaging. If you are a fan of the movie, this book has all the things that drew you to the movie and more.
Another book in my #currentlyreading pile that also goes towards #nonfictionnovember