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She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth | Helen Castor
Helen Castor has an exhilarating narrative gift. . . . Readers will love this book, finding it wholly absorbing and rewarding. Hilary Mantel, Booker Prize-winning author of Wolf Hall In the tradition of Antonia Fraser, David Starkey, and Alison Weir, prize-winning historian Helen Castor delivers a compelling, eye-opening examination of women and power in England, witnessed through the lives of six women who exercised power against all oddsand one who never got the chance. Exploring the narratives of the Empress Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France, Margaret of Anjou, and other she-wolves, as well as that of the Nine Days' Queen, Lady Jane Grey, Castor invokes a magisterial discussion of how muchand how littlehas changed through the centuries.
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Very well written history of 4 women who ruled England before Elizabeth. The section on Matilda is excellent. Very informative. The section on Eleanor of Aquitaine was absolutely fascinating. The latter two are not of the same level of interest but are still good.

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This is an interesting and well researched book.

The way it was written just didn't work for me. It was a mix of fictional prose and historical facts which weren't cited, that really bugs me

#bookchain @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 12mo
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Phenomenal read that takes us through the history of female political power and capability from the 1100's to the 1500's. The moving tales of many royal women who exercised what authority they could in what was of course a very female-oppressive society in the medieval ages, leading up to the admirable unmarried reign of the incredible Elizabeth - a must read for absolutely anyone.

TrishB Loved this one 👍🏻 2y
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This book is awesome! I actually watched the series on tv many years ago and was delighted to discover that the programme was based on this book, which I then duly bought. It was great learn more about some of the fantastic queens of the past and the world they lived in, and it increased my love for two of my heroes Matilda and Eleanor d'Aquitaine. A must read if you are into medieval history.

TrishB It‘s a great read 👍🏻 3y
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TrishB I enjoyed this one 👍🏻 4y
umbrellagirl @TrishB Glad to hear it. I think I will too. 🤞🏻 4y
LeslieO Stacking! This sounds like my kind of book! 4y
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This was a really interesting read. I've read a bit about Eleanor of Aquitaine and Margaret of Anjou, but I didn't know much about Isabella of France. The book also covered some of the life of Matilda, mother of Henry II. It was very informative,as well as being entertaining.

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My favorite thing about this book was how it was divided into distinct parts to cover 5 different women in chronological order: Empress Matilda, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France, Margaret of Anjou, and Mary Tudor. It is well written and interesting. My only complaint is that it is not annotated. While the author provides a bibliography, the book doesn‘t provide the specific annotations I prefer with scholarly nonfiction work.

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So focused! So patient! ? Le Petit Monsieur really super wants this last wee bite of Gruyère. He wants it more than anything a little bulldog has wanted in this whole world! ( . . . except for maybe that shrimp from the gumbo earlier . . . Who can remember?) ??? #HankTheBulldog

GingerAntics lol I have this book in my queue for some time in 2020 I think. lol 5y
Ericalambbrown @GingerAntics It‘s good! It‘s in four stand alone bits, so you can read one, put it down, and come back. I started it ages ago - I read Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine- and I just picked it back up and am reading Isabella of France now. 5y
umbrellagirl Stacking this and he is precious. I hope he enjoyed his cheese! 5y
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Ericalambbrown @umbrellagirl He hoarked it down and promptly crashed! 😂 5y
GingerAntics Oh, good to know. It can get cycled in and out of rotation. I like that. Life is clearly very hard for little bull dogs that love a nice shrimp gumbo and fancy cheese. lol 5y
Ericalambbrown @GingerAntics Clearly. 😂 Sir Snaggletooth leads a hard life to rival that of any Dickensian young‘un! 5y
Sleepswithbooks That head 🐶 🥰 Oh how I want to smooch it!!! 5y
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My daughter turns 21 tomorrow. Hank the Book Sniffer is helping me stay up reading until we can wish her a happy birthday at midnight via FaceTime while she is out in St Louis with her friends. So grateful 😍 #HankTheBulldog #Emptynester

brit91 Beautiful dog!!😍 5y
Catsandbooks Hank is so cute!! 💕 5y
Ericalambbrown @Catsandbooks @brit91 Thanks! I‘m so glad we got to adopt him 😊 5y
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x-mas presents !! (pt. 2) 🎄💥

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I am currently reading this book about four strong merieval English queens who did not get to rule in their own right: Matilda / Maud in the 12th century, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Isabella of France and Margaret of Anjou.

Henry II intended for his daughter Maud to inherit the throne, but it was seized by her cousin Stephen instead leading to civil war known as the Anarchy.
(Incidentally, when Ellis Peters' Cadfael novels are set.)

zsuzsanna_reads They were called She-Wolves in the same spirit as Knox's "Monstrous Regiment (rule) of Women". 6y
rockpools This sounds really interesting! On a scale of horribly dry to incredibly readable, how heavy-going is it? 6y
TrishB @RachelO it‘s a great read and not dry at all. Helen Castor is one of my favourite historians and writes in a very accessible way. 6y
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zsuzsanna_reads @RachelO @TrishB I am finding it really enjoyable and agree that it is on the readable end of the spectrum. But i 6y
zsuzsanna_reads But it's just my usual problem of remembering all the names of not so important players. Thankfully she does keep their number down. 6y
TrishB And they all have very similar names!! The best fictional account of this period is ‘ When Christ and his Saints Slept‘ by Sharon Penman - an awesome read. 6y
zsuzsanna_reads @trishb @rachelo I've read her Sunne in Splendor which was good but a bit too long (I thought). 6y
KerriNTurner I watched the docuseries based on this book and it was excellent! 6y
zsuzsanna_reads @KerriNTurner thanks, I didn't know there was one. 😃 6y
zsuzsanna_reads @KerriNTurner duh, the cover says as seen on tv. 🤦😂 6y
Billypar What an interesting historical focus! It always fascinates me when authors focus on the 'what-ifs' behind key events in history. 6y
Librarybelle I really liked this book! 6y
KerriNTurner @zsuzsanna_reads haha all good, I was about three episodes in before I made the connection to the book! 😆 6y
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All they needed for their raid then was a tank and a healer.

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Man I hate it when I trip over loose livestock and die

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I‘ve had an annoying cough all week, so tea and good book it is!

Emilymdxn I‘ve heard this one is really really good! Sounds like exactly what you need right now 6y
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How appropriate for #InternationalWomensDay ...a book that chronicles the early women rulers of England. #ItsALongWayToTheTop for these women, as they battle family and enemies to get the crown. I read this years ago and quite enjoyed it. #MarchIntoOz

Cinfhen Awesomeness🙌🏻 6y
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It is 22 degrees where I am so I don‘t plan to go outside if I can help it! I‘m working on my first book of 2018, my January pick for the #nonfiction2018 challenge. I am fascinated by these women! #firstbook #2018

Reviewsbylola I am freezing! It is so cold here too! 7y
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A selection of #IndependentWomen from my shelves. #AugustGrrrl @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Like your choices ❣️ 7y
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#evilwoman #rockinmay
I'm sure many at the time thought they were evil!
Great book, really like Castor's stuff.

Cinfhen Is it a chunkster???? 7y
batsy Oooh that looks fascinating 7y
Librarybelle This is a good one! 7y
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TrishB @Cinfhen 😀 what's the start of chunkster? About 500 pages this is. I think 500-750 average and over 750 a good read! 😋 7y
TrishB @batsy @Librarybelle it is a good one 👍 7y
Cinfhen Hmmm, chunksters begin after 550 pages 😜 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen you could dip in and out of this one as it's non fiction and each section is a different woman 😀 7y
Cinfhen That's actually a good way to sell me on this read! I could handle that💛 7y
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My first Litsy post and it's an amazing book so far. I'm a huge nerd for British history. 👸🏻

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I have a whole #Royals section in my bookcase. 😳


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#catesbookstagramchallenge Day Nine: Book Title that describes your current mood. #whatkindofdayhasitbeen

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Watching the DVD series based on Helen Castor's book, and the cover painting of Mary Tudor is creeping the hell out of me. I'd put this DVD in the freezer if it weren't from the library 😱

AThousandLives87 She looks fierce as all hell! 7y
rabbitprincess @AThousandLives87 She was very determined! 7y
Laura317 She was something, that's for sure!! 7y
rabbitprincess @Laura317 I've added Helen Castor's book to my to-read list to read more about her! 7y
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She-Wolves is the first book that came to mind for the #kickassheroines prompt. This history of four women who nearly became queen in England hundreds of years before Queen Elizabeth I is fascinating. There's a BBC history series of the same name, and that's how I became aware of the book. I bet Brienne of Tarth would pledge to serve those queens if she had the chance!

#seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading

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