Today‘s library funny.
Today‘s library funny.
A friend of mine told me today that she‘d heard of Chuck Tingle, that he‘s basically an Internet meme. She thought he only photoshopped covers for made up books. I had to explain #dinoporn, and how it all started with #tentacleporn. I knew she‘d understand about #tentacleporn because if you‘ve been online long enough and/or followed any anime you‘ve been exposed to it. #FreakyFriendsForever
This was a #blamelitsy or more accurately blame @jpmcwisemorgan lol
Ridiculously weird yet oddly intriguing. It is not for everyone that is for sure. Tingle gets a little graphic at times with his human Dino love. For a cheap (Kindle Unlimited free) ebook the writing and editing is what you would expect. Once your read a little you might as well read it all. #dinoporn
Ok, so despite the potential for squickiness (Is that the right word?) this trilogy of novellas is funny and a little banana pants. If you don‘t think too hard about the logistics of human/dino relations you‘ll be ok. Also, who doesn‘t want to read about a “luscious sex cocktail”? Hmm...
Final lesson: Evil doesn‘t win the day. Go love!
There‘s an extra novella, so onward I go. #dinoporn #spaceraptorsex
Our intrepid lovers have made it to Earth 2, home of the dinosaurs where everything is run on love. This doesn‘t bode well.
Lesson 4: You can have hot human/dino sex in a full courtroom and sway everyone to your side. Note: I don‘t recommend this course of action on our version of Earth.
Lesson 5: Bad men may be arrested and go to jail but they may also escape. Well, I guess there‘s some comfort in knowing some things never change.
#dinoporn #takeonefortheteam
Lesson 1: Space is serious and for smart people. No weird “stuff” in space - like human/dino relations.
Lesson 2: Don‘t drill into the core of Earth because it will make the planet die faster.
Lesson 3: Unicorns exist and are being tortured by evil people for their tears. This is wrong.
Ok, in the comments of this blurb I‘m going to put quotes under a spoiler alert. This will be content for over 18 year olds. Read at your own risk. I‘m serious. #dinoporn That tag should tell you everything you need to know.
On to Space Raptor Butt Redemption. I‘m a page or two in already and there‘s an issue - the character‘s names are flipped. Someone didn‘t edit. But there is now an official “interspecies relationship between dinosaur and human” - something that I never thought I‘d read. #dinoporn #spaceraptorporn #spaceraptorsex #takeonefortheteam
I really want to share the sexy bits but I don‘t want to spoil it for anyone. The first story went by quickly. The D part of BDSM makes itself known. The story is actually pretty funny. On my way home from work I‘ll start Space Raptor Butt Redemption. #dinoporn #spaceraptorporn #spaceraptorsex #takeonefortheteam #takingonefortheteam
I‘m reading this on lunch. At work. Writing is good, sexy bits are coming up. They‘ve briefly discussed the logistics of how this might work out. #dinoporn #spaceraptorporn#spaceraptorsex #takeonefortheteam #takingonefortheteam
Welp, this is happening. It‘s free through Kindle Unlimited. You know, in case someone wants to join in. #spaceraptorporn #spaceraptorsex Is it better than #dinoporn #tentacleporn? Inquiring minds want to know. @ReadingsByTheC you know you want in on this! 😉
I‘m blaming @TricksyTails @DGRachel and @GondorGirl for my now knowing that there is #dinoporn #spaceraptorporn. Apparently some part of this was nominated for a Hugo Award? Or it won? Or something? It‘s real, regardless.
Note: I don‘t know yet if it‘s better than #tentacleporn.
Note 2: This is available through Kindle Unlimited so maybe I‘ll #takeonefortheteam
Yes, this is happening. Partner & I debating which is the better beach read: Amish Romance or Dinosaur Erotica?