Excited to start a new book! My last book lost my attention. 2 books behind on my read list so this is still my May book. 🦌
Excited to start a new book! My last book lost my attention. 2 books behind on my read list so this is still my May book. 🦌
oh yay another book about rich white boys getting away with literal murder. honestly kinda boring, you‘re told it‘s suspenseful but the plot doesn‘t reflect that, and the main character is honestly annoying and dumb. i hear this might be a movie ? interesting choice.
Stags by m.a. bennett its one deadly weekend #books #booklover #bookaddict #stagsbooks
I really enjoyed this book. It is written really well and the plot develops nicely. There are not big parts that are unnecessary. It flows. It has a great twist at the end so although you may think it is probably predictable, it isn‘t. It highlights social status differences and has old traditions and also some modern elements. It is an easy going read that I read in one sitting. I just did not want to put it down! 5* read.
Last post for #YAWednesday (I think) is STAGS. If you like We We're Liars or One of Us is Lying you might enjoy this. It's a slow burn but still a mystery. It is currently a stand alone but could have a sequel. More girly but some guys may like, but maybe not many. Boarding school mystery.
Appropriate 8th and up. Maybe 6th, it's relatively clean but strict parents may take exception.
@JoScho #Manicmonday
📙My grandad and my mum were both huge readers so they supplied me with books, but I guess it was my dad who made me a book lover... he was dyslexic so I used to read to him and watch the awe on his face as he learnt why my mum and I liked books so much 😊 ❤💙💜
📘Any time I'm not working is my favourite time to read 😁
📗There are far too many to list!!!
3.5⭐️ This was an interesting world to explore. I found much of the book to be predictable but I still found it enjoyable to read. The book leaves itself open for a sequel, and to say why would give to much away. It doesn‘t need a sequel, as the ending is part of a device plot the reader can see coming a mile away, but one could be made, and I think readers would follow.
Full review GR
A private academy holds dark secrets. What if the game the mean kids were hunting was you?
See my review here:
I don't know if this is a fav or not as I've not started it yet. But we shall see. #favoritethriller #marchmadness
Well I loved this book! One of my favorite kind of YA books are boarding school books. It‘s a terrific way to get those pesky parents out of the way! This book was a terrific boarding school mystery with a side of psychological thriller. I only hope there will be a second book. Am enjoying a little chick fil a for dinner tonight before the rush of holiday food this weekend!
So after four long years my mother in law finally moved out so I am curled up in a chair in my dining room which she was using for a room. So happy to have my house back!
Quick lunch break read! Today‘s my last day of work for four days! 🎄
Could have made a really interesting premise but I found the whole thing very flat. The characters really lacked depth and won't stay with me. You find out at the beginning how the story ends and although it didn't exactly end with it, the additional 'twists' felt rushed and predictable. Definitely left room for a follow up book but I wouldn't pick it up. Also, what's with all the movie references?
Greer is struggling to settle into the Great boarding school, known as S.T.A.G.S. Until she receives a mysterious invitation with three words embossed on it: huntin' shootin' fishin'. The invitation to spend the weekend at the country manor of Henry de Warlencourt.
But Henry's parents are not at home. The students are at the mercy of the host. as the sports continue, she realizes that those being hunted are the misfits Henry brought from school.
That cover isn't that original. I've seen it before, but the book sounds interesting. Feb 18. #coverlove #YAedition
My August reads. I had several relief teaching days last month, and sometimes it's impossible to read in front of a class, even though they are working diligently. This was the last month of #RSO reading for the year (October titles), so I should be reading a wider range, or something different, or maybe nothing at all for a while. #whoknows #notme #stats #readingmonth #bestofaugust #anditsaugust
M. A. Bennett's debut YA novel is a predictable thriller that can't escape the flaws in its premise and is further hampered by bland characterisation (notably of the antagonist who never rises above the page) and Bennett's reliance on referring to films as a shorthand for description.
Buddy reading this with @Hearthstone and Beccy after picking up at YALC. M.A Bennett was lovely and has a cute autograph!