It was cute… guessed who did it pretty early on though. Wouldn‘t be opposed to reading the second book in the series since I did like the characters.
It was cute… guessed who did it pretty early on though. Wouldn‘t be opposed to reading the second book in the series since I did like the characters.
In Canada but still getting a little reading in!
Fairly solid 3. Didn‘t see the killer right away. The whole coupon club thing was a bit weird for me though, and I didn‘t really connect to any of the characters. I wouldn‘t be opposed to reading the second one.
One chapter at lunch is better than none. I loved this sentence bc this is how I am!
Cute cozy- some of it seemed like the author wrote it in the 80‘s but with technology. Overall I enjoyed it and the unique take with coupons. @BookwormAHN it should be in mail by Thursday. #cbbc
I DEVOURED the first in this series. I honestly love loved the relationship between Sam and Maggie abs I didn‘t even care that the killer was extremely obvious in this story haha. I already when ahead and checked out two more of the books to read and dicing into them this weekend. NO ONE BOTHER ME IM READING 🤣😂
My little oasis ❤️🏝📚
To say my reading rutt continues is an understatement but I‘m working hard on MAKING MYSELF carve out time to sit down and read.
Super late to post my results this #JoyousJanuary Readathon @Andrew65 but.. I accomplished all three goals!
- [x] Finish 50% Off Murder
- [x] Finish Midnight Sun
- [x] Finish Veronika Wants to Die
Yay!!! Thanks again for hosting!
I love loved this! It‘s super cute. Great friendships. It was just super cute :) I‘m glad I was able to read it so I can send it on :)
This book was a recommendation from a new book buddy on this site. And I'm so glad i gave it shot!! Can't wait to read the next one!
Recommend for a beach read, or rainy/snowy day read!
I read this book for my cozy mystery book club on Facebook, and I loved it! This was one of my favorite cozies I‘ve read in a while. I loved the characters and the story. I can‘t wait to read the rest of the books in the series. This one was book one!
Picked up some new cozy mysteries today. 😍 #ilovecozies