Definitely a dip when family was visiting but otherwise a fabulous month!
Definitely a dip when family was visiting but otherwise a fabulous month!
May in Review.
Pretty solid reading month, which is a surprise as May is usually a low month for me. The best of the month was The Silence of Monsters and Rainbow Black.
Had a pretty good reading month! Now I‘m ready for alllllll the holiday reads!
Had a pretty decent reading month. A lower Average rating than normal, but a lot were just solid three star books. #MonthinReview
Had a pretty good reading month, I enjoyed several of these books. The best by far was The Heart Principle. Least favorite was a toss up between Heart & Seoul and The Brothers.
No DNF's this month!! Had a pretty good reading month. The Project was my favorite.
Hey @TrishB look what I just found neatly tucked away in the drawer!! 😆 I haven‘t even read them! They‘re old (esp as they‘re pre-covids!) but books don‘t really go out of date so I‘ll read em and pass em on. 😉 (which reminds me, I haven‘t bought a newspaper now for monthsssss! 😲)
Hello Litsy friends. Just sharing our podcast episode in which we discuss reviews themselves. After recording the podcast I asked #MomoToles why he was being so noisy and this is the look he gave me 😔. Let us know what you want and don‘t want to see in reviews. https://anchor.fm/bookish-impulses/episodes/An-Honest-Discussion-About-Book-Revi... #BookishImpulsesPodcast #podcast #BIP #dogsoflitsy
When given donations at the library I always look up reviews before I decide if I want to add it to our collection or not. I stumbled upon this review last night when I was researching a book (not the one tagged) and I couldn't stop laughing. This is my kind of review 😂😂
So I‘ve been looking for a site like Litsy that‘s for movies. I think I may have found it in SmashBomb (though I doubt the community is as tops as this one). You can review everything on this site! App is a little glitchy but the browser version works fine. Add me if you join (same name as here. TheBookDream. #underemployedadventures
This is so cool!!!
Check out her thread to see more:
I‘ve been so busy in the last couple of weeks that I‘ve not been able to polish off and post all my reviews...and so many amazing books! I must get them up on blog and Goodreads! I finished two of these today (one was mostly a reread but still), I hate being behind. Reading any?
New stickers are available for LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.
I sometimes get annoyed when authors, or authors friends comment on reviews. I only ever have it happen for children's books. I was just sent a message that I must not read a lot of children's books or i would know that most children's books sound like they were written by children, and that so and so's son loves the book. I'm happy for that, but as a librarian I write reviews for other librarians. Not kids. 🙁👇🏻
Ok, so #cockygate is getting worse. An author had her works removed from Amazon and didn‘t have a chance to respond to anything, it looks like her series predates that of Hopkins. A retired lawyer, turned author, has submitted something official to the trademark office. Also - and I‘m waiting for confirmation - reviews with the word cocky in them have been removed from Amazon and Goodreads.
I cannot start another book until I review the last four!!!!!!! #seriouslybehind
To all the NetGalley reviewers. How do you handle books, where the publishers asked you to not review until the book was published, but you already read it and want to talk about it?
I just read a DIY galley and have to wait until May to review it. 🙈