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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
28 posts | 84 read | 30 to read
Tamora Pierce begins a new Tortall trilogy introducing Beka Cooper, an amazing young woman who lived 200 years before Pierce's popular Alanna character. For the first time, Pierce employs first-person narration in a novel, bringing readers even closer to a character that they will love for her unusual talents and tough personality. Beka Cooper is a rookie with the law-enforcing Provost's Guard, and she's been assigned to the Lower City. It's a tough beat that's about to get tougher, as Beka's limited ability to communicate with the dead clues her in to an underworld conspiracy. Someone close to Beka is using dark magic to profit from the Lower City's criminal enterprises--and the result is a crime wave the likes of which the Provost's Guard has never seen before.
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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CoffeeK8 I love this book! 7mo
TheSpineView @CoffeeK8 ❤️📖 7mo
Klou Excellent!! 7mo
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I Have You to Thank by Gavin DeGraw

Books/Authors/Readers you‘re thankful for.

Pierce, Cabot, and Dessen are the Authors that showed me reading could be fun.

#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2020 #btbnovember20

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I feel like I‘m biased about this one, because I‘ve loved Tamora Pierce‘s books since middle school. But listen—this is really good, okay?

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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1. Tagged!
2. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
3. Currently, none. But I‘m planning on checking out Crooked Kingdom soon!

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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This is one of my favorite series. I listen to the audio books and I love it each time. Bekka is one of my favorite characters. She‘s smart, tough, while she knows the world is bad, she still tries to be good and do good. No one I‘ve read can write strong, kick ass women like Tamora Pierce. And her animal side kicks are awesome too.

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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One of the great things about finishing a box of books to send to my sister is that I now get to read books she would never touch. I am so glad I finally started this trilogy. Watching shy but fierce Beka find her footing as Puppy (essentially a law enforcement trainee) as she works to solve cases that are affecting the kingdom‘s lower classes was so much fun. I am glad I have the next two books in the series ready to start this weekend.

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce

I finished it! Actually, I finished it midweek last week, but I‘ve been busy. Another solid read in the tortall universe, I think Beka has a lot of room to grow and some interesting relationships to explore going forward. I have the other 2 books in my possession, so they will be read in the near future.

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Unfortunately, my reading time has taken a considerable downturn because I started taking online courses for front-end web development. Some of the time I would normally spend reading, I‘m now dedicating to these courses. This should have been a quick read, finished in a couple days over the weekend. Instead, I‘m only about halfway through. Searching for a better balance.

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Tamora Pierce was so sweet and funny!! I‘m so glad she came down to #ithacon !!

Terrier | Tamora Pierce

Nice to see the other side of Tortall society by following Beka on her journey to become a full Dog. The slang feels authentic, even if the artifice of the journal doesn't quite. Will be continuing the series.

PopSugar Reading Challenge 2018: a book with an animal in the title

Terrier | Tamora Pierce

I am a huge fan of Tamora Pierce and this book did not disappoint! :) No idea why I waited this long to start this series... Beka Cooper is a heroine I love to cheer for. Can't wait to see more of Rosto, too!

the.bookish.valkyrie This series is one of my favorites from Tamora Pierce! 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon
aliannedonnelly Valkyrie, I am loving this series! :) 6y
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aliannedonnelly Raimey, thank you so much! I admit I'm a bit lost here LOL 6y
Eggs Welcome 🌸👋🏻 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Here are direct links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. 6y
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I‘m a bit behind on #24in48 since I had to work today but I‘ve managed to get to nearly 4.5 hours so far. For Hour 12: Fantastic First Lines, here is the start to Terrier by Tamora Pierce. I think I would probably say the same thing if I had to raise the rambunctious, mischievous child George undoubtedly was.

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I was not prepared to like this as much as I did. I had not heard of the author before. Apparently she has a series that takes place in this same realm but many years later that is quite popular. The narrator definitely did a fantastic job. It is only the third audio book I have managed to listen to all the way through. I happen to have the next in the series as well so I will be continuing. It certainly makes getting in my car much more fun!

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I am not having a good #bookmail day. First I tracked two packages today and both say they were delivered earlier this week but are nowhere to be found. Then I open the package I did receive from Thriftbooks and the pages are falling out of the binding and I ordered a copy in good condition. Plus it is an exlibrary copy and I am careful to avoid those. It feels like I have had issues with every order lately and am thinking I am done with them.

Jas16 Sorry I needed to vent. 7y
Texreader That is really a bad book week. May it improve very quickly 7y
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LeahBergen Gah!!!! I fly into a rage if I‘m sent an ex-library. 😡 7y
GlassAsDiamonds Oohhh I feel your pain!!! I‘m missing one shipment this week and got an ex-Library copy of a book I‘ve been wanting for years as well. SO annoying!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯😡😡 7y
TricksyTails Yup. Same here. I don't think I'll be ordering from ThriftBooks any longer. "Very good condition" meant ripped cover, bent pages, a mystery stain, and smashed silverfish in the front cover. ? 7y
DivineDiana @TricksyTails Crossed ThriftBooks off my list! 7y
tiarabooks OMG! Seeing this make me so sad ☹️☹️☹️ 7y
JenlovesJT47 Bummer! 🙁 7y
JenlovesJT47 Have you tried ordering used from Amazon? I've had a 95% success rate with that. 7y
TricksyTails @DivineDiana The only good thing about them is their prices. If you keep having to return or buy a different edition because of the crap they send, it's not worth the savings! 😡 7y
jfalkens 😲😡😢😭 7y
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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My next audio book attempt. Found at a local book sale. All the discs are there and look good.

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I don't listen to many books but I nabbed these at a recent sale for a nice price. I'm thinking of putting them on my iPod for when I run.

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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This morning I started off day 2 of #24in48 by listening to some of Terrier since my eyes weren't quite ready to work yet!

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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It's sleepy time over here. Reading myself to sleep after clocking about 12.5 hours today so I can wake up refreshed and do it all over again. 😂 #24in48


DefLeppard I just love Tamora Pierce. One of my all time faves. 😊 7y
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Tamora Pierce was one of my favorite authors growing up. I never knew she did more books in the Tortall world until recently because these were published much later. So I'm indulging in some escapism today. 🐺

gossamerchild These books are AMAZING! ❤️❤️ 7y
Crystallinegirl LOVE this trilogy! 7y
BethM Loved it and loved her when I was younger too! 7y
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Smangela I loved her when I was younger as well! I keep meaning to do a reread... maybe a buddy read would be appropriate? 7y
BookishFeminist @Smangela For sure! I'm reading this trilogy as a buddy read. Really fun books to read along with people. 7y
Beachesnbooks She was my absolute favorite when I was little! Loved all of her amazing heroines--her characters were so fantastic. 7y
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Okay, you can't see the title. But Terrier is a FANTABULOUS book. I cannot say enough good things about this series, about a badass woman who just wants to fight crime. Love it.

#onewordtitle #riotgrams

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Posting a pic of my #Tortall books for Instagram as one of my favorite series, so I figured I would show them off here! I even keep my small lucky cay collection right by my Kel books! (Terrier, is out on loan!)

#tamorapierce #provostsdog #terrier #bloodhound #mastiff #immortals #wildmagic #wolfspeaker #emperormage #realmofthegods #protectorofthesmall #firsttest #page #squire #ladyknight #tricksterschoice #trickstersqueen #tortallandotherlands

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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I first read this several years ago and really enjoyed the series. This time I listened to this book on my commute to and from work. There were times I wished the commute was longer. I still enjoyed hearing of Beka's adventures as a "Dog" - well, technically she's a "puppy". #readingwomen #audiobooks

Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Audio book library haul for the work commute. Terrier is a re-read. My daughter introduced me to Tamora Pierce years ago and this series is one I really enjoyed. This is the first time I've listened to it. This should be fun.

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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Reading an old favorite again! Adore this book and so does my sister!

kdwinchester One of my favorite Pierce books!! 8y
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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Terrier | Tamora Pierce
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This seems to be a Tamora pierce year for me. I read one or two new books then come back to my YA shelf for one or two of hers before going out and finding something new. Not that I'm complaining :)

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