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The Enchantress of Florence
The Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
A tall, yellow-haired young European traveller calling himself Mogor dellAmore, the Mughal of Love, arrives at the court of the real Grand Mughal, the Emperor Akbar, with a tale to tell that begins to obsess the whole imperial capital. The stranger claims to be the child of a lost Mughal princess, the youngest sister of Akbars grandfather Babar: Qara Kz, Lady Black Eyes, a great beauty believed to possess powers of enchantment and sorcery, who is taken captive first by an Uzbeg warlord, then by the Shah of Persia, and finally becomes the lover of a certain Argalia, a Florentine soldier of fortune, commander of the armies of the Ottoman Sultan. When Argalia returns home with his Mughal mistress the city is mesmerised by her presence, and much trouble ensues. The Enchantress of Florence is a love story and a mystery the story of a woman attempting to command her own destiny in a mans world. It brings together two cities that barely know each other the hedonistic Mughal capital, in which the brilliant emperor wrestles daily with questions of belief, desire and the treachery of sons, and the equally sensual Florentine world of powerful courtesans, humanist philosophy and inhuman torture, where Argalias boyhood friend il Machia Niccol Machiavelli is learning, the hard way, about the true brutality of power. These two worlds, so far apart, turn out to be uncannily alike, and the enchantments of women hold sway over them both. But is Mogors story true? And if so, then what happened to the lost princess? And if hes a liar, must he die? From the Hardcover edition.
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Haven't done one of these in a couple of months. Too hard to plan! But I'm gonna be honest: I've been looking forward to Salman Rushdie as #AAM all year and expect to read mostly him this month. So many of his works I've put off reading, including the tagged. I've started it a few times but didn't feel like I could give it the attention it required at the time. Wish me luck! 🤞🤞
#Bookspin #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville

AkashaVampie love the picture... one of my favorite colors is purple. 11mo
Read-y_Picker @AkashaVampie Me too! This photo is #mood for the next 4 months until we get some good snow cover! 11mo
Soubhiville Nice! I hope you‘ll enjoy reading him. 11mo
Read-y_Picker @Soubhiville I've read Midnight's Children (fave) and, of course, The Satanic Verses. I find his writing style completely enchanting but really have to give myself the chance to get sucked in.
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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“Witchcraft requires no potions, familiar spirits, or magic wands. Language upon a silvered tongue affords enchantment enough.” #potion #QuotsyOct20

julesG Oh. That's a good quote. 4y
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RealLifeReading Oh that‘s a good reminder that I‘ve yet to read Educated! Thanks for playing ❤️ 5y
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The Enchantress of Florence is the story of a mysterious woman, a great beauty believed to possess the powers of enchantment and sorcery, attempting to command her own destiny in a man's world. It is the story of two cities at the height of their power and although there is a LOT going on in this convoluted tale, Rushdie handles it all with a light and playful touch. Magically written

khiltz He's one of my favorite authors! 7y
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Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
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This is probably one of my most treasured #signedbooks. I actually can't remember my thoughts on the book itself, but seeing Salman Rushdie in person is still so vivid. At Borders, no less! My reading companion is #nomsthecat 😻 #orangeyouglad @Liberty

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Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
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My #rainbowbookstack is made up of some fantastic titles. And I still cannot believe the Salman Rushdie is signed 😍😍. #riotgrams

Reviewsbylola 🌈🌈🌈 7y
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Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
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This was my first Rushdie novel and even though it isn't really representative of his normal style, I will always appreciate that it introduced me to one of my favorite authors. In this book, set between Renaissance Italy and Mughal India, Rushdie combines history and myth to show how we can use stories to sculpt the world around us.


I read this book more than a year ago but it was a memorable read.

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Loving my latest haul of Asian literature!! I'm super excited about The Enchantress of Florence! Rushdie is an amazing author with phenomenal stories to tell. 😊
#asianlit #diversereads #diversebooks #japanesebooks #chinesebooks #indianbooks #southasianlit #eastasianlit #magicalrealism #fantasy #historicalfiction #asianfiction

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Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
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Me. Salman Rushdie. #signedsunday

Shemac77 Yes!!! Love him. 8y
Eugeniavb Wow! I read this earlier this year btw and loved it. 8y
LeahBergen Nice!! 👍🏼👍🏼 8y
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"When the sword of the tongue is drawn, it inflicts deeper cuts than the strongest blade" ??

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"By then, however, the knowledge was of no use to him, except to remind him of what he should never have forgotten, that witchcraft requires no potions, familiar spirits or magic wands. Language upon a silvered tongue affords enchantment enough." ☄?

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The perfect read at the beach: passionate, mysterious and very playful 🌞🌊

MrBook Nice pic 😎😊 8y
Lilitherat @MrBook thank you! 8y
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Enchantress of Florence | Salman Rushdie
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It had been the emperor's whim to name his favorite elephant after a "hiran", a deer, and maybe that was why after years of noble service the poor beast lost his mind and had to be restrained, because name were things of power, and when they did not fit the thing named they acquired a malign force.

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"... witchcraft requires no potions, familiar spirits or magic wands. Language on a silvered tongue affords enchantment enough."

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