I got to see Vivek Shraya last Friday!!!
As personal as this was, Shraya is not telling me something that I, like many women already are aware. I respect the author for writing this, I do, but there are certain moments that I had issues with.
I feel like there is a lot missing context at different points that could have helped explain and add reflection to different moments of the book l because there's moments where it feels that Shraya is misogynistic herself towards all genders.
I'd be surprised if the first words that come to mind have not been used many times before to descirbe this work: Powerful, heartbreaking, infuriating, a nuanced and needed perspective, a must read.
It is enervating that the battle for transgender people to be seen, respected, understood, fully embraced, needs to continue in the face of much prejudice and hate, but I'm glad to experience such a vital voice as Vivek's pushing the conversation 1/?
I don‘t think there was a single passage that didn‘t go right to the gut: Shraya, a Western Canadian, writes directly and beautifully about her young experience of being forced into masculinity, and the impact a masculine-dominated culture continues to have on her as a woman. She questions binary structures and stereotypes, and shifts from second-person “you” to “me” writing part way through.
#Nonfiction2023 #LikeAVirgin
#Booked2023 #Transgender
When I was learning to be a man, I wish that instead of the coaching I received to take up space, I had been taught to be respectful of space, to be ever conscious of and ever grateful to those whose sacred land I inhabit, to be mindful of the space and bodies of others, especially feminine bodies, to never presume that I‘m permitted to touch the body of another, no matter how queer the space, to give up space when I‘m afforded more than others.
Consumption is a key to masculinity. I observe what foods men chuck into their carts and fill mine with the same, hoping to eat my way to a body like theirs. I lift weights despite recurring injuries. What would my body look like if I didn‘t want affection from gay men and protection from straight men? What would my body look like if I didn‘t have to mould it into both a shield and an ornament? How do I love a body that was never fully my own?
A very short audio essay I saw on a #transauthor list. I found it very relatable. Explores many forms of misogyny the author has experienced, and how that can make a person want to hide from the world.
#Imafraidofmen. #vivekshraya this was a short audiobook. The writing was well done. The subject deep and thought provoking. The author‘s voice is great. This writer touches on all of their identities and tells their story well.
A thoughtful and personal examination of masculinity and gender expression. A good short read.
#nonfiction2021 - Something by a trans author
Short but very well written non fiction of being a trans woman of colour in Canada. If you have an interest in trans issues or learning about trans lives I‘d recommend.
My new audio book to start tonight. I never thought I would enjoy audio as much as I do but it allows me to keep my hands busy.
Read this one for my queer book club for tomorrow. Can‘t say I enjoyed it. Kind of not even looking forward to the meeting tomorrow. Well and I have to go to the dentist tomorrow which I‘m dreading.
#imafraidofmen #vivekshraya #memoir #nonfiction #Queer #bookclub #library #librarybookclub #trans #catsoflitsy #cat
“And so, I‘m also afraid of women. I‘m afraid of women who‘ve either emboldened or defended the men who have harmed me, or have watched in silence.”
I didn't want this book to end. I wanted the author to open up more, to dive deeper, and to show me what it truly is to walk in her shoes as a trans woman. Don't get me wrong; I liked this book a lot... it packed a punch. I just wanted more of Vivek Shraya's soul on the pages.
I read this Mar 2 and gave it 4 ⭐️. It‘s a powerful read that managed to capture in less than 90 pages the issues with seeing gender as something that is binary and how masculinity, privilege and the binary are harmful. This is a must read for everyone.
I‘ve been very keen to listen to this #audiobook since hearing the author speak so powerfully at #VWF2018
I have a lot of library books out right now, so I‘m trying to blow through a few of the shorter ones today. This slim volume is a longish essay about the author‘s experiences as a bisexual teen and then later as a trans woman. There aren‘t any insights here that anyone up on contemporary feminism would find surprising, but the deeply personal aspect of the essays makes it a compelling read nonetheless. 3.5⭐️
Moving, accessible, important: that's what this book is! I loved it. "What if you were to challenge yourself every time you feel afraid of me, and all of us who are pushing against gendered expectations and restrictions? What if you cherished us as archetypes of realized potential? What if you were to surrender to sublime possibility, yours and mine? Might you then free me at last of my fear and of your own?" #Audiobook #TransBooks #QueerBooks
I was so excited to see this #audiobook available through my library! It's so fabulous her work is reaching a wider audience. This is up next in my audiobook queue. #QueerBooks #TransBooks #AwesomeAudiobooka
I‘ve known Vivek since the 90s, when we worked at the same library branch (she was in high school then, working as a student page).
Saw Vivek at Litfest in Edmonton earlier this evening. Always a treat. She was interviewed by Alexis Hillyard (of Stump Kitchen on YouTube). At one point, I noticed that Alexis had taken off her boots, so I watched to see how she would put them back on and tie them one-handed. (Answer: Easily. Like a magic trick.) Yesterday, Alexis and Vivek filmed a Stump Kitchen video together, making onion rings. I look forward to that episode.
This is a long essay written about masculinity from the perspective of a trans-woman. It's written in a very accessible way and would be an excellent entry point for people who would like to expand their understandings of gender and masculinity. I think Vivek continues to make important contributions to these discourses. #transbooks #queerbooks
Excellent extended essay about the harm that is done to an individual‘s psyche because of societal expectations in regards to gender. Shraya provides a blueprint for a new way of looking at masculinity and femininity.
A stunning personal essay about navigating the world and society as a trans woman.
Read September 20-21
Book 39/50
5 stars! A must read. Beautifully written. I found myself rereading pages over and over.
I now understand that my sensitivity and emotions are not deplorable. As an artist, feeling deeply is not only my job, it‘s a blessing. Feelings are the fresh water I pull from when I create.
How cruel it is to have endured two decades of being punished for being too girly only to be told that I am now not girly enough.
Sexist comments, intimidation, groping, violating boundaries, and aggression are seen as merely “typical” for men. But “typical” is dangerously interchangeable with “acceptable.” “Boys will be boys,” after all.
If we want masculinity to be different, we must confront and tackle the baseline instead of longing for exceptions.
For the first time I‘ve allowed myself to imagine a future in which I don‘t eventually kill myself.
I pay attention to the app to see which direction the Uber will arrive from and I face the other way, so the driver won‘t be able to see me from afar and drive away, as some have done.
(Internet photo)
Sometimes you open your next nonfiction read just to take a peek and what you find is so personal and thoughtful and generous and true that you read the whole thing in one sitting and to hell with all your other obligations.
You should read this. Please.
ususally have to wait to read new releases but managed to place a hold on this one a while back & got at the top of the hold list. its short- just 42 pages- but loved her collection Even This Page is White & plan on reading it today
also my new magazine arrived yesterday & I'm excited to dive into it