Annie and Jefferson were a shooting star...burning intensely, gorgeous, heartbreakingly pretty.
June Book 11/25 #LitsyLove #bookspinbingo
Annie and Jefferson were a shooting star...burning intensely, gorgeous, heartbreakingly pretty.
June Book 11/25 #LitsyLove #bookspinbingo
Intriguing one; I‘m 1/4 way through. 2 talented teenagers, 1 born of country music royalty and the other is, himself; both with demons in their past (don‘t know what, yet); both wary of the traps of the industry but needing to perform on stage
This was a reread, but it holds up! Clay and Annie are so well-crafted, and this book is such a love letter to music, even for a country music amateur like me. Don't sleep on it! #yalit
This is my review for another book I finished listening to for #bookoplathon. This completes the prompt Young Adult. I like when books have music and romance in them. I rated this book 5 stars on Goodreads.
As I‘ve said before, I‘m a sucker for stories about bands/tours/musicians. This was a super cute and fast read. I enjoyed it. I don‘t have much else to say about it except the editing could be better: Annie‘s eyes are described as brown in one page and blue in another and there is a word missing in yet another. These things were arguably not a big deal but a bit distracting, unfortunately 🤷🏻♀️
Cute. I‘m loving stories about bands and musicians.
Enjoyed the the double discount for Barnes and Noble Members! Really been enjoying the contemporaries I‘ve been picking up so I decided to get my hands on a few more 🥰
#contemporary #barnesandnoble #bookhaul #mpls #twincities
Basically the YA version of the new movie A Star Is Born. Great reading!
2 broken people learn how to heal themselves and each other. This isn‘t just a story about music, but also a story of grief, depression, self worth, self loathing, forgiveness, and love. My heart broke for the pair of them but I also celebrated their successes. I highly recommend this if you‘re looking for a heart warming story that kind of plays with your emotions, makes you cry, makes you laugh, and reminds you of your favorite country song.
I picked up you‘d be mine for an add on for #BOTM because I had seen it all over. As I was reading it, I really didn‘t think of it as a teen book but rather adult. It‘s cool though that clay aka Jefferson is from my hike state! I really loved this book. It was between Daisy and the Six and a star is born.
Does talk about suicide, sex and drug use.
I was reading this earlier and looked up to see my cat staring at me. No, it wasn‘t because she loves me, it was dinner time and she was patiently waiting for me to move, haha.
Book related, this is not my typical thing but I‘m really enjoying it. A nice easy read (though there are some heavy topics) is exactly what I need this last quarter, all my senior students have senioritis BAD. 🙀
Repost for @dreadamara :
I'm hosting a #youdbemine #booktography contest with author Erin Hahn on my site www.pagedropper.com
Upload your best YBM photos to the event comments for Erin to judge.
#YA #youngadult #bookcontest #giveaway #litsyhappenings #bookselfie #booktography #bookshelfie
I'm hosting a #youdbemine #booktography contest with author Erin Hahn on my site www.pagedropper.com
Upload your best YBM photos to the event comments for Erin to judge.
#YA #youngadult #bookcontest #giveaway #litsyhappenings #bookselfie #booktography #bookshelfie
I loved this book. Annie's parents were both county music stars who faced a tragic end. Annie loves to sing but doesn't want to end up like her parents. Clay is a bad boy of country music getting into a lot of trouble. His record label says the only way they will keep him is if he can get Annie to agree to go out of tour with him this summer. The more Annie and Clay get to know each other the more the sparks fly between them! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Reading my new book and eating my new favorite snack. Relaxing after a pretty good day!!! I think the sun being out and it being not super cold made the day so much better!
I have been wanting to read these book for months and they are finally here! Why must I be an adult for the next few days? Can't I just stay home and read?
My latest blog post and review from #Netgalley over at #trishtalkstext https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2019/04/01/review-youd-be-mine-by-erin-hah... I liked this book a lot.
Ok teen romance that takes place while the two main characters are on tour for the summer - she the talented young opening act, he the bad boy of country frat boy rock. This is a case where the second half is far better than the first... and hoping many typos and such are corrected before the final copy!
You‘d Be Mine is one heck of a debut novel, if You‘d Be Mine is any indication, Erin Hahn is going to take the YA market by storm!
Annie Mathers is America‘s sweetheart, the heir to a country music legacy, which includes all the things her Gran had warned her about. Clay Coolidge is a superstar and definitely one of those things Annie‘s Gran had warned her about.
*Cue my mom‘s exhausted voice during my report on Carlsbad Caverns* Stalagmites MIGHT make it to the top and stalactites hold TIGHT to the ceiling. #thanksmom
AH! This book! Listen, if you loved "A Star is Born," if you love books about musicians, if you love those sweet romances I need you to read this book when it comes out this April!!! ♥️?
Waiting for the Hubs. Picked up a few rolling carts to use at library carts.
Waiting for the Hubs. Picked up a few rolling carts to use at library carts.
The Hubs and I are roadtripping to Ikea, so I'm making progress on this eArc. Love the country music world setting (although I don't listen to much country, and I used to hate it). It has the feel of one long, great country song.
Forgot to post this on here! I was lucky to get an ARC of You'd Be Mine from NetGalley. It was okay, but as someone not really into country music, it wasn't for me.
Well-written, well-paced escapist contemporary about two rising country music stars both with heavy baggage. The secondary characters were great. The angst wasn‘t overdone. It did read a bit like less sexually explicit New Adult but still had the sex, alcohol, and drugs found in the genre. It worked for me but didn‘t hold to the Sarah Dessen, Emery Lord comparisons. Still, I think this one‘s going to find a lot of love!
eARC from #Netgalley