#AliceInWonerlandRetellingChallenge would NOT be complete without adding a thriller/serial killer take on the subject! This is so diabolical twisted and it gets curiouser and curiouser the more pages you turn. To say I'm a fan is putting it mildly
#AliceInWonerlandRetellingChallenge would NOT be complete without adding a thriller/serial killer take on the subject! This is so diabolical twisted and it gets curiouser and curiouser the more pages you turn. To say I'm a fan is putting it mildly
I discovered the joy of free books and reading on kindle! @Jackal121 loving the variety. Still lots of treasures I'm finding. Happy reading everyone 📖❤ 📚
I love Alice in wonderland retellings/ spin offs!
Eeeeeeee, my #Jolabokaflodswap arrived from @MaleficentBookDragon and I love it! Thank you so so much. I will be starting my new book tonight as soon as I eat too much and roll to my reading chair. I read anything Alice in Wonderland related and this look fabulous. And omg, the peanut butter. And minty goodness. Nom nom nom. I hung the decoration and ribbon on my tree. 😁 Happy Jolabokaflod and thank you! I am so appreciative.
So my book came today... I am so excited to read it, but sad that the cover is crinkled and the pages are a bit stained. I bought it second hand but still...
#sad #New #AliceInWonderland #Insanity
So most of my kitten friends know of my extreme dislike for Amazon. I use it only when I have to. Well I had to. Dad needed a technical manual that I could only get on Amazon. So i got my self some books I can only get on Amazon. Part of me is disappointed in how small steampunk red riding hood book 2 is. But it looks fun. #bookhaul
Sometimes, when we're fixated on reaching the end, we miss the important things along the way.
- Cameron Jace
#AutumnReads #BingeReads @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
I flew through this series when I discovered it. If you're an Alice in Wonderland fan and you haven't read this trippy AF retelling by Cameron Jace then you must. It's dark, twisted, and totally binge worthy. 😉
If you are seeking a book that questions your sanity, well here you go! I have found the perfect book for that! Never have I ever read a book that makes me question if I am sane or not. This book blew my mind away, but is there a limit to how much a book should blow your mind, or maybe a line that should not be crossed?
The answer is yes, and I am pointing my finger at this book for crossing the line.
Another #blameitonlitsy purchase. These look crazy fun, and I got the first three in the series for just .99!
It‘s not the past. It‘s not the future. It‘s the moment right now that counts.
Forget about Ironman and the Hulk. You have a stronger hero inside all of you.
Nothing wrong with being in love with one‘s self.
Only adults are so messed up that they rationalize the need to have a reason for being happy
We do what we have to do, and the results will always stand short. It‘s not so much the results that make it up. It‘s that we tried. It‘s that we cared.
“Be true to yourself. Free your mind and trust in what matters the most.”
A reader‘s mind, when stimulated and provoked, rewards the author with such love so strong that their spirit may live forever
“Don‘t underestimate the power of words. Love is one hell of a single word. It changes the course of our lives.”
“In an insane world like the one outside the asylum, the police can do whatever they want, as long as they have a warrant.”
Every killer in this world argues they are right, that they‘d killed for a reason.
Margaret rolled her eyes, looked away, and resisted spitting back at the person she hated most in the world but ended up working for; which was a common feeling among employees, almost everywhere.
Very good. Enjoyed start to finish. It took me awhile to finish it as it was an omnibus of 3 books and so I read it as 3 separate books meaning I read other kindle books to give me the time to understand and digest what had happened as it wouldn't have flowed ( in my opinion) if I had read it all at once so its not a relection on the story just my choice of how I read it. Highly recommend especially to Alice in Wonderland fans.
It‘s a mystery how those who seek good in life always ask for forgiveness, while it hardly crosses the mind of the purely evil.
Crying was inevitable. Why not when the sky seemed to be weeping too?
#FeistyFeb #Day7 All the World's a Stage @RealLifeReading
All the world's a stage for this series' insanity! (Was the first this that came to mind when I saw today's prompt, lol. Picture only shows first three books, but there are more.) 😁
This book was awesome! I am not really a Alice in Wonderland fan but this book would make a great movie! It's like a modern version of Alice in a insane asylum who at first didn't realized she is the real Alice! It's a great twist on the original with history of Lewis Carroll which is pretty cool!
Couldn't find the #Litsy listing for Insanity Book 7: Family, but I can share my thoughts via book 1's. 😉 5 out of 5 stars. The best thing about discovering a series that has already been out for a bit is that there's no waiting between books. The worst thing, however, is steamrolling through them only to find yourself finished with the last book published and back w/the masses anxiously awaiting the next book to come out. This is me today. 😥😝
(Litsy didn't want to pull up this book, so I'm logging this under the first book's title. Sorry.) 4.5 of 5 stars Circus is by far the most exciting of Jace's Wonderland books yet. It's so interesting how he mixes Carroll's fabulous world with little bits of fact from the real world and his own dusting of fiction. Together it all forms a totally out there world of chilling insanity. What's real? What's pretend in the mind of a mad, mad girl? 🤔😛
Curiouser and curiouser .... What a crazy, mad book! Fans of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland will find this bizarre spin off a delightful mind frack. Enjoy! 4 of 5 stars
(Oh, yeah, and was it just me or did anyone else read Pillar's lines in his Disney cartoon character's voice? Hahaha)
Omg this book! It's so crazy! What a ride! I LOVE Wonderland themed books, collect them even, but I don't even remember buying this one! I found it on my Kindle while looking for good first lines. The first line hooked me so, I read it all in one go, and then downloaded the next 6 books in the series! (gotta ❤ kindle unlimited) It's just the kind of strange I love.
Only got about 20% through this book. The concept is interesting but the writing seems contrived to me. And Alice says 'shut up' far too often. Bailing to go read something else
The Fourth Installment of the series! Excited!!! He is already on 7! I'm behind!
The Fourth Installment of the series! Excited!!! He is already on 7! I'm behind!
This book is unexplainable definitely a good read though. Just don't try to figure it out lol 😂😂