#7covers7days #coverlove Day 1
Day 2 #7days7covers. I haven‘t read this one yet but probably bought it because of the cover!
#7days7covers #covercrush Day 7
Posting covers I love for 7 days, no explanation needed. Tagging someone new to play each day.
@Megnogged would you like to play?
#AyUpAugust #SwingTheMood I have not read this but there is a great swing to her step on the cover ♥️👍🏻💃🏾I love her red shoe ♥️
Thanks Cindy & Helen for a great month of prompts & chats 😘
Returned from Spain and read another book set in Spain while attending a conference with a Spanish themed party 🇪🇸💃
I enjoyed this kindle first book about a veterinarian from England who travels through France and Spain to try to find out the fate of her brother who went missing during WWII. She has close ties to gypsies, and befriends a flamenco dancer at a festival, traveling with her to Granada. This is some good historical fiction!
#LittenLoveBingo for #PrettyCover (I think it‘s gorgeous!)
Read this one recently and loved it. Set in Spain not long after the Civil War in the world of gypsies and flamenco, Lola is definitely a #dancingqueen. 💃
This is a beautifully told story about gypsies in post-civil war Spain and a Jewish woman‘s attempt to find family in this war-torn country. The characters are so well-described, being so fresh from discord that split towns that no one knows whom to trust. This feels so real, what it must have been like so immediately after the tragic event.
Reading slump update... Work has been hellish, and now I‘m on the road to do trainings but fielding countless calls from clients. Fortunately I love my clients, but I‘m bone-tired. And I still have insomnia so on the bright side, at least I have this time to start reading again. I‘m getting over my slump and partly because this book is so very good. About gypsies in post Spanish Civil War. Gorgeous storytelling.
My current insomnia-read (it‘s 2:20 am), also a January Amazon Prime Free pick. Very good so far. But do wish I could sleep.
These were my Amazon First Reads picks for the month. They both look so good!
This was in my inbox this morning. Kindle First has changed its name to First Reads, and this month they‘re offering two books out of the six choices! If you‘re a First Reads subscriber they‘re $1.99 each. If you‘re a Prime member they‘re free!
I honestly don‘t remember how I became a First Reads subscriber, I think Amazon sent me an email offer, but I‘m pretty sure it‘s free.
Don‘t know if this is US only.
For January Amazon is giving Prime members 2 free books for First Reads. 😀👍 These are the two I picked.