Great book, enjoyed it. Wasn‘t sure how it was going to go. Very good. Love Colleen‘s books 📚
Great book, enjoyed it. Wasn‘t sure how it was going to go. Very good. Love Colleen‘s books 📚
Do yourself a favour.... Never Never read this book. It's awful.
I hate that two of my favourite authors wrote a book that gave me NO resolution at the end! Why? What was the purpose of this book? To torment readers? What happened at Charlie‘s old house? With the fortune teller and the Shrimp? Why exactly did they keep losing their memories? Arghhhhh…
Charlie and Silas have been best friends since they could walk. They've been in love since the age of fourteen. But as of this morning... they are complete strangers. Their first kiss, their first fight, the moment they fell in love... every memory has vanished.
Charlie and Silas must work together to uncover the truth about what happened to them and why.
#repeataword #boundtogetherjune
Very interesting and the ending...cliffhanger.
Need to read book 2
4/5 ⭐️
I‘ve avoided reading this series, mainly because for the longest time I was annoyed by the price of each of the “mini-books”. I felt these could‘ve been combined to one book but they drug it out. But....in the hopes that I will meet Colleen and Taryn next month at #bookbonanza19, I gave it a try...and I‘m really liking it. It‘s hard to rate each book individually though because IT SHOULD ALL BE ONE BOOK!! #romantsy
Even though the cliffhanger pissed me off it was a good read. I wish it was one book instead of three little ones... it was still a very good unique story with lots of mystery and twists and turns! I loved it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This almost doesn‘t seem fair to rate as it‘s part one of a three part series. The first part intrigued me enough to want to know what happens next though, so I guess that counts as a pick in some respect. As a fan of Hoover‘s work, this doesn‘t seem like her typical stuff at all. It‘s much more mystery mixed with romance. Perhaps that‘s because it was co-written. Either way, ok to the next installment!
I rated this one 3⭐️ but I really had no clue what to rate it, for 3/4 of the book I couldn‘t put it down I didn‘t love the characters but was hooked on the story and was really hoping for a big reveal of why everything was happening but the ending felt like a bit of a cop out I really didn‘t like the ending at all and if my rating was based on just how annoyed I was at the end it would be a 1⭐️🤬
How odd to be made of flesh, balanced on bone, and filled with the soul you‘ve never met.
I didn't like this series, at all!!!
The first book is just a looong introduction, nothing happens till the cliffhanger..
Part Two tries to have a plot, but it has no sense..
Part Three is just dumb! The reason behind the loss of memory is the worst!!! 😒
Easy quick read. I was done in 1.5 hours. I‘m hooked...so onto part two now...
I enjoyed these. Quick reads! They definitely kept me wanting to know what happened next. 3 books down 37 to go! I kept my goal small this year, I didnt track my books very well last year and I honestly have no idea how many I read, and nothing to base it off of. Oops. Here's to a book-filled 2018!
Couldn't sleep last night, so I read this one off my phone. Now to get part two and three.
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. In the beginning It was a little confusing but I soon picked up what was happening. It kept me engaged from start to finish, and I can‘t wait to see what happens next.
All the parts should really just be combined into one book but the first entry is intriguing and enough to get me interested in part two. The ending of this one is compelling and adds a good layer to the mystery.
It was as awesome book although a bit confusing at first I wasn't able to put it down. I read this book in less than 30 minutes. It definitely lives up to the expectations of a suspense genre with a hint of romance. And once you're finished the first one I can guarantee you'll be in tears wanting to read the next one 💯❤️ #romance #suspense #nevernever #colleenhoover #love #toread
I read all three books, very quick reads, very short books. Probably better to have put them all in one, but that's ok. I love Colleen Hoover, she's one of my favorite authors, but didn't really care for these books. Unless your a big fan of hers....I'd skip them.
It took a little bit for me to get into this book but once I did I flew through it. It ends leaving you with more questions than answers but dying to know what's next.
A love story that is told in 3 parts. Silas & Charlie memories are erased every 2 days at 11:00 and they have to work together to figure out how their lives are intertwined together and how much they love each other. Very cute story but I feel the authors could have done a better job with book 3.
Should I or shouldn't I??? 🤔🤔 I went to B&N today to take a look at the new Nook, I was a little bit sad when they told me that the new Nook is very similar to the Samsung Nook Tab. My hope was that the new Nook was similar to the Nook HD! And it is not!! 😕 and now I'm not sure what to do. Thoughts???
I was only able to complete 4 shorts, 1 audio novel and a half a novel for the #bookisholympics😭 I had a great time trying though. I have enjoyed all the challenges since downloading this app. Maybe one day I will actually complete one. Tks so much @Litsy @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
Book four for the #Bookisholympics and also I'm reading in my happy spot which is my eno😊 #Augustphotochallenge @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
Finished part II in exactly 1 hour 😳 just downloaded the part III book to my Kindle!
If you need a good quick read I can't recommend this more. I adore Colleen & Tarryn and have enjoyed all their books. This joint venture of theirs combines the best of both of them and doesn't disappoint. Off to download and read Part II now!
I'm a HUGE fan of both Colleen & Tarryn and I can't believe I'm just now finally starting to read their joint venture, Never Never 🙈
Since only part 1 is listed, I will review all three as one book. It started out strong, but the ending was so blah. Sad to say since I love CoHo and Fisher, but I expected something more profound for an ending.
I got part 1 for free on iBooks and read it in a few hours. I finished parts 2 & 3 this week and while I loved the characters and thought the storyline was interesting, the ending fell flat for me!
"“How odd to be made of flesh, balanced on bone, and filled with a soul you‘ve never met." Wonderful book; I finished all three novellas in one sitting. Beautiful ending about how important love really is. 10/10.
Check out this series by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
Part One - http://amzn.to/21DGn33
Part Two - http://amzn.to/1QLSgbO
Part Three - http://amzn.to/21DGI5L